Should I pay $20 for Rome II Total War or $5 for Empire Total War?
I’m in a really historical mood and can’t decide which one’s better. Do I need a good gaymen PC to run R2?
Also Jow Forums gaems thread
Should I pay $20 for Rome II Total War or $5 for Empire Total War?
I’m in a really historical mood and can’t decide which one’s better. Do I need a good gaymen PC to run R2?
Also Jow Forums gaems thread
If you don't already own it, get the Valve Bundle
Rome total war is dogshit, I enjoyed Empire but everyone else seems to hate it. Try Napoleon.
the only true Jow Forums autist game
Get neither, Napoleon and Shogun 2 are the best modern ones and Rome 1 and Medieval 2 are the best classic
If you already have all of those Attila > Rome 2 > Empire
i recomand attila it's really challenging
Victoria 2 is the definitive Jow Forums game
This, but I would say Rome 2 > Attila
Attila over Rome unless you are absolutely in love with the setting, you can always hope that the ancient empires mod gets released eventually and they you would be golden. If you want gunpowder go with fall of the samurai if you don’t mind playing in Japan.