1. Trump calls the media “the enemy” and the “greatest threat to the country.”
2. 48 hours ago Milo says a vigilante should begin shooting & killing journalists.
3. Today that very thing happened.
1. Trump calls the media “the enemy” and the “greatest threat to the country.”
2. 48 hours ago Milo says a vigilante should begin shooting & killing journalists.
3. Today that very thing happened.
Other urls found in this thread:
Inciting Terrorism
America isn't backwards at all. I believe that America is by far the most advanced society on Earth.
That's why so many peculiar events happen there. And I feel that we can only watch and learn how not to repeat the same mistakes as it slowly crumbles.
his alt right fanboys claim to be tough but are lenient with him, if it was some left wing dumbass saying the shit he does they'd have crucified him by now
this paedophile defending disgusting faggot should have been strung up by the neck long ago at any rate though
It's just an average day over here, no need to freak out over business as usual.
>can't handle a little bit of mass shooting
typical yuro
The coercive state and media are both actively or "passively" encouraging terrorism against nationalists and nations themselves. The absolute outrage when they receive a blow despite their numerous offences is comedic.
"Numerous" was the wrong word here, I should've said 'constant' or 'unceasing', to be fair.
t. Terrorist scum
>I hope vigilante will fucking kill you, murder all of you fucking journalist pigs
i-it was just a prank guys ahah just a troll
why do americanoids lack any sort of shame
yeah but Milo said he was "obviously trolling"
go on home finnish posters go on home
Hope this fag goes to prison so he can start taking Jamal and Jose’s dick.
>lack any sort of shame
they just never admit to being wrong
makes them look/feel weak
My cousin is in america, i talk to him on facebook everyday
he used to keep saying climate change was hoax. I kept sending him data from scientist all over the world
refused to admit he was wrong. Instead, he said "I just didn't understand the subject."
I'm proud trump is my president. Sorry if that offends you
Try to find a quote which is anywhere near as bad as what Milo said.
>why do americanoids lack any sort of shame
He's actually a Greco-Irish Jew with British nationality.
>I'm proud Grompf is my president.
>I'm proud
Congrats moron
Amerilard here, can confirm they have no shame. In fact, they seem to take pride in their otherwise reprehensible actions.
it's funny because he's a fucking journalist
Media is shit though, like I don't support Trump and I don't think they deserve to get shot but uhhhhhhhh they are shit and responsible probably for most of the mass shootings themselves (as its been proven media attention drives new shootings).
It was a local paper, you single digit-IQ neanderthal.
Never said it was. Local papers are some of the shittiest "oooh look at these 7th graders local play!!!"
>intel working with feminist frequency
>battlefield 1 german soldier
>I'm proud trump is my president. Sorry if that offends you
>tfw the biggest American terrorist is a gay conservative
What the FUCK is going on over there???
That's all just gay virtue signalling done in the vain hope of boosting sales. It's a far cry from saying you hope vigilante death squads start hunting down journalists.
>you goyim should decide whether you think I'm "disgraced, irrelevant and over" or "so dangerous I inspire mass shootings
Is this retard serious? He IS irrelevant. He just has a very loyal cult base that would do as he says.
Well that's what Milo is at the end of the day, a troll that has nothing insightful to say. All of these alt-right/alt-rightish Youtubers rarely have anything profound to say.
Hell, a good chunk of the time it's picking apart some leftist "e-celeb" who is most likely already disliked people, or just fucking not relevant to begin with. It's easy to look like a genius when you pick your enemies the way Milo, PJW or Lauren do.
That's a bit of a loaded query given what the faggot said is perfectly fine but
from today USA
not gonna keep searching but you get the picture (these are all from today, yesterday or within the past few days), the red liberal taint in journalism is blatant to any fool with all his chromosomes where they should be, not even going to the typical fag rag media like huffpo, salon etc. you'll notice the lib lilt the vast majority of these institutions have by simply looking at their homepage often, and they should all be in shallow graves or bogs
Think pretty many americans and other nationalities have said something similiar at some point.
>>Jow Forums
This but unironically
That reminds me how Jow Forumsyps and breitbart kept chanting how someone should go into Komet Pizza and investigate the pedo ring until like three people went down there with their freedom gun holstered.
...so they deserve to get shot? Have you escaped from a mental hospital or something? Should I alert your caretakers?
How was he "inciting terrorism"?
If that's "inciting terrorism" 95% of Jow Forums users would be in prison by those standards
Just like my japanese animes.
I LITERALLY said they don't deserve to get shot, dipshit. But good job on the reading comprehension moron. Should I alert your kindergarten teacher? Assuming you've ever seen the inside of a school??
>"I don't think they deserve to get shot "
Wow its right there just learn to read next time.
talk shit, get hit
>i was only PRETENDING to be retarded
The term alternative facts is not logical. It's only called like that because after the news started calling alternative media "fake news" it back fired.
What shit did they talk, faggot?
difference is
>legion of followers, even after his fall from grace
>large social platform
>cult like status
Jow Forums or /b/ user
>barely has 6 friends
>can't speak in public
>can't make eye contact for more than 8 seconds
It unironically is inciting terrorism by definition but the Internet has been very lenient for decades with hate speech and such. Plus the anonymity and multinational background of many Jow Forums posters make investigations hard.
I think it's also a matter of how many people will be influenced by the felony.
So no one ITT has ever made a post on Jow Forums encouraging or condoning violence towards another human being?
when did they stop?
Sorry your offended
>writing threats online without 1000 proxies
So what? How can you hold someone accountable for the actions of their followers on the basis of an off-hand remark?
Keeping in mind that as of now there's no actual evidence the shooter was even a follower of Milo (or why they even shot up the office).
>In the Supreme Court case Brandenburg v. Ohio, the court found that general statements encouraging violence or illegal acts is allowed by the Constitution “except where such advocacy is directed to inciting or producing imminent lawless action and is likely to incite or produce such action.”
Most of them are fake news though as they only exist to broadcast propaganda. Most of them have also existed for years before nutjobs like Alex Jones and Rush Limbough went from being fringe alt-conservative radio show hosts to becoming alt-right stars.
Didn't you see his meme? You got #r3kt
the only sane gay boi alive
rush limbough and alex jones aren't popular in the alt right
the people who seem to be popular are usually people like lauren, spencer, pjw, styx, (though he pretends to be liberterian),, varg, etc
>So what? How can you hold someone accountable for the actions of their followers on the basis of an off-hand remark?
Are you telling me that inciting an act of terrorism should be legal? If so I'd say that half ISIS should go off scot free.
what happened did someone kill some cnn reporter?
Yes Alex Jones is such a deary to the epic alt-right which is why he is called a zionist shill a hundred times a day.
local paper got shot up, 5 killed, some memesters online are saying Milo Yannopolis put him up to it (doubtful but anythings possible)
Are you saying that the most popular people in the alt-right scene are a jewish mudshark camwhore, controlled opposition, a faggy swedoid and a smelly, faggy neet LARP'er and finally a bum living innawoodz?
I think alt right now exists to refer to any person who isn't left wing or neoliberal. 4 meme groups right now:
Alt right
Bernie Bros (sometimes also called alt left for more meme points).
You have to pick one.
Why would you go after a relatively moderate and non-sensationalist local newspaper?
Dr*mpfies are retarded
No it's pretty much a "white racism" definition.
By your standards the Koran, Bible, and most religious tracts in general would be banned for encouraging violence
i barely speak english and I know better grammar than you
>off-hand remark
"""off-hand""" remark
MSM couldn't be more sensational if they tried.
I know trumptards and other assorted alt-lite vermin loved Jones until he came out saying that it's just a persona. Him being a jewish shill did nothing to his popularity before that. See Trump and Milo who are also jewish shills although Milo fell from grace about 18 months ago.
Wow, I can totally see how a reasonable person would decide to hunt down and kill journalists after seeing that comment
Read a book nigger. Those aren't my standards but basic laws found in almost every western country.
Hope they will in my lifetime.
>1. Trump calls the media “the enemy” and the “greatest threat to the country.”
He calls the "Fake News" a threat.
>stating the obvious is a crime these days
big fucking deal
>Those aren't my standards but basic laws found in almost every western country.
You mean countries where people get thrown in prison over offensive tweets?
trump supports arent alt right
You mean that thing that was severely taken out of context where, in court, he had to explain that if he dresses up as the joker that he actually isn't crazy but acting? You know that courtcase taht he won to get his kids back that you probably believe he lost because the MSM says it and he is now obviously illegaly in contact with his kids?
But don't let evidence fool you because you have the most reliable source in the world, and they care about you.
It's obviously not the same statement you fucking retard as Milo himself stated on faceberg that they were after him because he said something about "vigilante death squads as a private response" to journalism he doesn't like. You fags really are the exact same dumb snowflakes as the SJW's.
>alt right
They don't even like Trump
>unironically watching alex jones
I once watched that murdoch thing and it was the least funny, completely unwitty and stupid thing I've seen. I mean alt right people are dumb but holy shit do they actually think that stuffs interesting
I see you ran out of arguments. It was nice talking to you.
Nvm you're just another user. I hate leaves.
Very good. I am a great proponent for the mass slaughter of journalists.
Ummmm dr*mpfie okay sweaty xx
I don't fucking know or care how it ended, Jones had to explain that his whole character is an act and nothing more. I mean of course a court would like to know if someone who nearly pisses himself while foaming from the mouth and talking about how invisible cults within the US are "spirit cooking" and how a politician is actually Beelzebub is for real. Jow Forums dropped him a few months after.
>Jow Forums isn't alt-right
Apparently nobody is, not even Jow Forums.
>You fags really are the exact same dumb snowflakes as the SJW's.
Oh fuck off, I wouldn't demand the arrest of someone that made a similar comment about Milo followers as what Milo said about journalists.
Again, find me the post where Milo explicitly orders his followers to hunt down and kill journalists in exchange for fucking his backside once his black boyfriend is done
First of all that doesn't indicate that most Trump supporters are like this and second of all what sticker exactly was it? Was it possibly the "it's OK to be white" sticker? This is remarquably lacking in context.
Shut up zlumpftard
Dissagreeing with the media does not equal slaughter, snowflaky..
It's just a boogeyman made popular by the media. Still relatively little people are alt-right even Jow Forums is severely non-alt-right.
He quoted himself here .
>Oh fuck off, I wouldn't demand the arrest of someone that made a similar comment about Milo followers as what Milo said about journalists.
No alt-right brexiters and trump supporters just try to kill doctors in broad daylight.
It was her fucking turn drumpftard
klimpflopnipliztsf owned.
>Apparently nobody is, not even Jow Forums.
There are alt right but if you think the the jew lovers on 4/pol/ are alt right youre mistaken