How do we fix this problem?

How do we fix this problem?

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Other urls found in this thread:–Israeli_War,_showing_Land_in_Jewish_Possession_as_at_31.12.44.jpg

Only democracy in the middle east


Impossible they told me that was anti-Polish slander and Poland would never ever deliberately cooperate with Nazis in order to further the removal of Jewish people, whats going on?

The plot of red alert 1 but help Germany win.

Jew killing virus

It was you who put them in the death camps

Hey US, what's going on big guy?
Don't you have another billions to send to Bibi?

The Polish invaded Israel?

>Hey US, what's going on big guy?

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Poland's situation is honestly why you should never trust any Jew.
>most of the Righteous Among the Nations even though it was the only place where Nazis punished protecting Jews by death to whole family
>the only (or at least one of the VERY few) countries in medieval Europe that didn't kick out Jews when they were seeking place to live and even gave them special treatment
>people like Pilecki and many of the people from Underground Government asked to save Jews that were killed in concentration camps by Nazis while West and US didn't give a single fuck
Now humiliated and shamed by Israel and American Jews and take the bigger blame than Germany and Austria.
Honestly i am ashamed of my ancestors that they ever trusted them.

You can't fix it, but you can ignore it.

We should stop funding them and take no action at all. Since Arabs are actually incompetent at waging war, I doubt Israel would disappear though.


Current generation Israeli are full soyboys and disgusting thots that will fuck anyone. Without US help they will die by natural death.

yeah too bad its filled with middle easterners

Israel won their own war for independence without American help.

You can either help Jewish people or turn a blind eye to genocide of Jewish people and yes Arabs have been trying to genocide Jewish people from levant there is no other word for it. Israel wasn't the one who rejected the 2 state solution.

Well i guess they wouldn't try to genocide them if they didn't kill their fucking children while claiming that this is their land now.

two words

jewish hands wrote this post

It is Jewish land. Can Arabs live there too? Of course, Israel is also 1/5 Arab and all Arabs occupying Israeli land were given citizenship if they wanted it.

Arabs tried to genocide Jewish people day 1, which is why they rejected a 2 state solution.

Time, arabs outbreed jews. Theyll outnumber them.

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You are calling Palestine weak huh?

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Wow immigration exists neat and people will return to their homeland after being genocided elsewhere cool wow.

Then Arabs (who themselves are foreign to the region even if they did have a temporary majority there much like whites in the USA) demanded that Jewish people be banned from their own homeland. They demanded Jewish people be forced out via violence. They are genociders plain and simple.

>Then Arabs (who themselves are foreign to the region even if they did have a temporary majority there much like whites in the USA) demanded that Jewish people be banned from their own homeland. They demanded Jewish people be forced out via violence. They are genociders plain and simple.

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So when the territories that we annexed from Mexico become majority Mexican we should just give them back?

1946--at this point the land is all British, it is the Jewish native homeland. Saying "Jewish land" there is bullshit
UN Plan--Was rejected by Palestinians who wanted to destroy Jews from the face of the Earth. Was accepted by Jewish people who soon found themselves facing yet another genocide. They fought the Arabs and won, forming the actual borders and an independent country. Arabs continue to try to kill Jews, Jews continue to fight back.

Nice meme map though.

Are you angry because your gov't backed down from that holocaust law?

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>So when the territories that we annexed from Mexico become majority Mexican we should just give them back?
Israel fought and won their independence from genocidal Arabs. Arabs didn't "just give Israel back" and in fact they continue to try to genocide Jews from the only tiny sliver of land they have.

I could give less of a fuck if the SW states become independent. Do not care in the least. Mexicans get shit on all the time but not even 1/10000000 of what Jewish people faced, I don't live in the SW, and I don't care in the slightest.

Yeah like dwarves on lotr

Its totally ok to expell people or kill them because your heroic fantasy book told you this land was yours 3500 years ago

>Israel fought and won their independence from genocidal Arabs

What independence, jews and arabs always coexisted until ashkenazim came and built kibbutzim

Are you denying that the Levant is the Jewish homeland? What teh fuck are you talking about "fantasy book"? The Torah says that Jews were originally from Egypt, but historical and archeological and genetic and geographical and cultural and EVERY evidence shows Jews are Middle Eastern, Israel to be precise. This is what is attested to by every single historical record. Are you a fucking retard? I knew you fucks denied the holocaust but now I guess all history is up for grabs.

Israel is the friendly neighbour right?

>What independence,–Israeli_War

History is written by winners
And palestine is as much jewish homeland as arab's homeland, arabs lived more time in palestine than jews

>european jews, that arent even 100% middle eastern invades palestine and proclaims a jewish state

As legit as ISIS

No Arabs have not, only since the Arab conquests and unless you are the same retard as in you know Jewish people lived there far longer.

Don't use past genocide to justify preesnt genocide. ALSO 1/5 of Israel is Arab anyway. There's no need for "Palestine" to exist except as a way of trying to destroy Jewish people.

>aren't even 100% middle eastenr
What the fuck is this nonsense. Are you 100% French? Are you saying that because Europeans raped and genocided Jewish people, causing some white admixture, that Jewish people have no right to exist anywhere? Get the fuck out and go back to Jow Forums.

>invades Palestine
At most they moved there since it is their ethnic homeland, and moved there peacefully until Arabs tried to genocide them to preserve Arab domination of the land. European Jews are a minority of Israelis.

> that Jewish people have no right to exist anywhere?

They can exist in europe, its germans that did holocaust, not arabs

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>They can exist in europe, its germans that did holocaust, not arabs

Repeated genocides have been attempted by all European peoples. And Arabs. Holocaust was just one of the many many genocides committed against Jewish people.
Israel is Jewish people's home. You want to force Jewish people to leave their home and go to what for 2/3 of them is a totally foreign continent and to the other 1/3 is nothing but a source of trauma in their ancestors past. And you think white people have ever been kind to Jews? Even once?
France in particular has extreme rising anti-semitism, a holocaust survivor was murdered there just a few months ago.

Anti-semitism is Europe's longest and grandest and most beloved tradition. It temporarily went down but it WILL go up again thanks to you Nazi genocidal holocaust-denying, Israel-denying history-denying idiots.

>At most they moved there since it is their ethnic homeland

Their ethnic homeland is europe since they arent 100% jewish, its like if some french people settles in aachen because they had ancient frank ancestors, forgetting everything else from their origins.

>and moved there peacefully until Arabs tried to genocide them to preserve Arab domination of the land

Yeah kibbutzim were 100% pacific, and arab just wanted to defend their lands and home, they are more rightfully at home than israelis, israel is not an indepenence war but an invasion war

Ironically, the Arabs were the ones to invade. By that time, some Israeli towns, which you due to some reason refer to as "kibbutzim", have stood for like 70 years.

we need to go back to poland. we have no right to be here

invinting all the middle east to usa like the jews seem want

Thats not arab's problems, just get an elite that will not sell you for short term profit

Most of israelis moves to USA after their military duty, and american love jews, they can go there for instance.

fuck off were full br*Wnoid

>Most of israelis moves to USA after their military duty

a lie

Arabs welcomed you because they thought you were just doing business, but you backstabbed them, now the world see your true face

Did they welcome us when they massacred the Jewish community in Hebron (1929) ?

They "massacred" you (67 dead in a riot) because ashkenazim already invaded palestine and started to arm themselves to chase arabs

>he doesn't know the history of the conflict yet he chooses to discuss it

They chimped out because Jews had a a rally next to the Western Wall like one day earlier. And yes, 67 dead is a massacre, especially when the community wasn't that big.

They started this rally because they knew they were armed and wanted to call on arms every jewish with this symbole to chase arabs

Nope, they weren't armed.

>In mid-August 1929, hundreds of Jewish nationalists marched to the Western Wall in Jerusalem shouting slogans such as The Wall is Ours and raising the Jewish national flag.[19] Rumours spread that Jewish youths had also attacked Arabs and had cursed Muhammad.[25][26] Following an inflammatory sermon the next day, hundreds of Muslims converged on the Western Wall, burning prayer books and injuring the beadle. The rioting soon spread to the Jewish commercial area of town[27][28] and the next day, August 17, a young Jew was stabbed to death.[29] The authorities failed to quell the violence. On Friday, August 23, inflamed by rumors that Jews were planning to attack al-Aqsa Mosque, Arabs started to attack Jews in the Old City of Jerusalem.The first murders of the day took place when two or three Arabs passing by the Jewish Quarter of Mea Shearim were killed.[30] Rumours that Jews had massacred Arabs in Jerusalem then reached Hebron by that evening.[17] Hillel Cohen frames his recent narrative of the incident in terms of the murder of the Jaffa Awan family by a Jewish police constable called Simcha Hinkis.[31]

>Their ethnic homeland is europe since they arent 100% jewish
They are far far more Jewish than they are "European" and what European admixture does exist (in a minority of Israelis mind) is there thanks to rape. Plenty of Jews are 100% Jewish too, not all Jews are mixed.

>arab just wanted to defend their lands and home
It is neither their lands nor their home. They invaded that land.
Jewish people wanted to live in peace. They denied this and tried to genocide the Jewish people.

Apparently everyone owns Jewish land BUT the Jews (because some Jews were raped and have some % of European genes now, and Arabs are justified in slaughtering Jews to conquer Jewish lands but Jews can never defend themselves.

Why do I bother even talking to Jow Forumstards in 2018

Expand it's borders over the Sinai.

>The manufacture of small weapons and explosives for the forerunners of the IDF had begun in secret arms factories during the 1930s. Jewish units fought the Israeli Independence War of 1947-1949 with Sten guns, grenades, light mortars, antitank guns, flamethrowers, and light ammunition, much of it produced in Israel with surplus United States machinery acquired as scrap after World War II.

Irrelevant, your argument was that the Jews who had a rally in the Western Wall in August 1929 were armed ... not that armed Jewish militia existed.

By helping israel bring democracy and peace to middle east.

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That would mean high rate of consanguinity and low demography, but jews reoresented millions in poland, germany and Russia

So jews never invaded Palestine, what are philistinian wars ?
And arabs never conquered jews, they conquered the roman province of Palestine and even then there was arab tribes thats how they entered in jerusalem so fast, the rest of palestinian jews either converted to islam or christianism

>not all jews are mixed
Go learn history, only pure jews are mizrachi, the rest of tge jews that were diasporaed in Europe were done so in 70CE when romans conquered every single Jew, the rabis first resisted but then for self preservation made doctrine to submit to occupiers, and made jewish lineage matrilneal.

Yet 80 years ago Poland was a Jewish country. Today this honour belongs to the USA.

> There are people defending Isreal
> In 2018


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Only jews outsids of europe can be pure, the Jerusalem Israel Jews all got conquered.

t. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

I hope Hez puts a rocket through your porch

Zionists always armed themselves to defend kibboutzim, then used kibboutzim to structure their armies

>So jews never invaded Palestine, what are philistinian wars ?
Largely mythology. Interesting how at first anti-semites accuse Jews of just following the Torah (see ) then turn around and try ot claim that Jews are actually....what?

At any rate, the Philistines, if they were real, were not Arabs.

>arabs never conquered jews,
They did.
>, they conquered the roman province of Palestine
Jews were living there, though you are right, that many had already faced genocide by Romans. Don't use past genocide to justify further genocide.
> the rest of palestinian jews either converted to islam or christianism
Or stayed Jewish. More using past genocide to justify your further genocide. I hope there is only one French poster being this retarded if not France is more racist than I thought (and anti-semitism in France is at a post-WWII high and climbing)

Do you think your buzzwords matter?

And what's wrong in that?

Not you again. JIDF/Boomer go back to Jow Forums.

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All i want to say is that Jews got triggered when Gigi Hadid said free Palestine

Jews aren't ever allowed to defend themselves especially against literal nazi-sympathizing genocidal arabs.

Gigi claims to be descendant of Zahir al-Umar, an Arab sheikh who invited Jews back to Tiberias.

>Nazi telling me to go to Jow Forums

Hmmmmmm nope, Jow Forums is anti-nazi territory now.

Philistinians existed you retard they were proto greeks

And jews were probably part of a babylonian kingdom (as arabs or phenicians) or some of the people of the sea, they didnt got created with Palestine.

that backfired

They invaded the Land, and used kibboutzim as military bases

No I think you're more welcome in Jow Forums. Only a nazi would believe that someone deserves an ethnostate for arbitrary reasons like who they were born from.

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>Honestly i am ashamed of my ancestors that they ever trusted them

We never trusted Jews and they were always like this towards us. Read old books about Jews in Poland. Relations were Jews were always like this that ws give and they take.


Purchasing land and settling in it =/= invading. It's called migrating. Arabs migrated to here as well, even at that period.

Israel is 20% Arab.

Meanwhile the actual Nazis collaborated with Arabs to block Jewish migration to Israel and genocide Jewish people, as you want to do today. Only a nazi would want to wipe Jewish people out of their native lands and out of existence. Fuck you fuck off fuck off.

They didnt purchased half the Land, only the kibboutzim part during ottoman and british rule then invaded the rest

They refused the 1948 partition because it implied the deportation of 700 000 arabs

>Meanwhile the actual Nazis collaborated with Arabs to block Jewish migration to Israel and genocide Jewish people

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This is what I am talking about. Purchasing large swaths of land upon which villages and towns were built.
Where is the invasion part?

did they?

Jow Forums is Jow Forums lite

Did they what?

>allying with the guy that fights people trying to chase from your Land

Yeah great

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>its a literal phone poster
Get out, Jow Forumstard

The Mufti was Nazi per-excellence, he helped recruit Muslim in Bosnia for the SS.

Same goes to Fawzi al-Qawuqji who led the ALA.


The final solution

>Purchasing large swaths of land

No, they were the mostly the size of a farm

>Fawzi al-Qawuqji (Arabic: فوزي القاوقجي; 19 January 1890 – 5 June 1977) was a leading Arab nationalist military figure in the interwar period,[1] based in Germany, and allied to Nazi Germany during World War II, who served as the Arab Liberation Army (ALA) field commander during the 1948 Palestine War.

>insult israel
>american flags come to its defence
>b-but the holocaust!
>implying Jow Forums isnt israels greatest ally

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>allying with the guy that fights people trying to chase from your Land

I dont see how bosnian SS did worse than israel/tsahal

A bit larger than a farm.,_showing_Land_in_Jewish_Possession_as_at_31.12.44.jpg

See I dont see how nazis are worse than israel today, according to people not knowing about the final solution until the end of the war