Americans in the early days of our republic identified by their state and not as "Americans" in the general sense

>Americans in the early days of our republic identified by their state and not as "Americans" in the general sense
>you used to be a Tennessean, Georgian, Pennsylvanian, or Massachusite simply within a larger union known as the USA
do only Texans do this nowadays? Texas seems to be the only place when where they travel overseas they say they're from Texas or that they're Texan and not simply American

Attached: no crown.jpg (510x566, 40K)

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No, Texans are not the only ones who do that

who else does

You belong to your state, your state is in a union with other states, that's it.

USA is simply Union of States.

Most everyone

Attached: 1529984090410.png (560x560, 341K)

everyone not in nyc is just a rural retard

literally when the fuck has anyone been overseas and said "i am Ohioan", unless pressed to know what state they are from?

It's not a union if the state cannot move out.

yes, but the Civil War changed the general consciousness of the US, we became more federalized and monolithic not just in governance but in mentality outside select areas

I meant most everyone identifies as their state before being "American"

Overseas nobody gives a shit if you're not from Texas, California, or New York so it never comes out since you know from the get go they don't actually care

Attached: 1530207807263.jpg (1199x683, 63K)

almost every other American overseas seems to see themselves as American. I moved from Colorado to Texas (not of my own volition) and everyone in Colorado sees themselves as "American" first, while Texas in concordance with the meme basically acts like another country

I once chatted with a guy from some eastern country that thought that Texas was actually some other republic as a client state to the the US rather than actually a state by the way he chatted with Texans


California referendum in 2020 would bring some news for Americans

Attached: texas meme ball with glasses.png (1200x1000, 372K)


There's more chance of Moscow seceding from Russia than there is California from the States.

The final outcome may be the same as of first american civil war, but to have a second one would be nice anyway.

>One-third of state residents support peacefully seceding from the United States, up from 20% since Californians were last asked the same question in 2014, according to a new Reuters/Ipsos opinion poll.

Attached: pelageya_14.11.2014.jpg (360x360, 16K)

That was an artifact of industrialization resulting in fewer regional differences.

would it be fair to say that Civil War killed state consciousness but that the three major cultural regions (New England, Middle America, and Dixie) are still known as different?

California? Alaska? Utah? Chicago?

It looks like the current European Union

Agreed, would be a nice chance to send some undesirables back from whence they came.

Texas, California, New England, Dixie, Rustbelt, Alaska, and to a lesser extent, Pacific NW are all pretty state (or region) conscious.

>undesirables back from whence they came
That would be problematic. Visit Chicago once in a while, ask some bunch of black teens on the streets what they think about your Ohio whites.

Blacks are a stagnant and dying out minority, their population halved in 200 years and continues to do so. Not the problem

>their population halved in 200 years and continues to do so
You don't have another 200 years. Not even 20. And that was just an example.

Indeed. Black birthrates are below replacement levels, they have the highest abortion rate of any ethnicity, the highest homicide and incarceration rates, highest rates of heart disease and diabetes, and also the lowest life expectancy of any ethnicity (69 for men and 76 for women).

all fall under the "Middle America" macrocultural region, though Utah is a little different because it has the unique Mormon society

Spoken like a true brainlet

California is the same as middle america is the weirdest thing you could believe.

I'm not talking geography, I'm talking cultural regions

By way of accents, churchs, and what Americans from back east settled there, they didn't take on the Southern/Dixie or New England cultures, they took on Middle American culture

You're still talking?

Not for too long, I'm drunk right now