
go here and post results edition

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Uy, me resultó Canaya, qué asco

Anaya por 95

olvidaste mencionar que tu thread es patrocinado por el PAN


me salio anaya
pero las preguntas estaban biasadas

got AMLO 100%

by the way I am actually voting for AMLO with my parents, is there anything cool to do in Sueco?

uy que raro me salio anaya

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mátate compa


no quieres aceptar la realidad
Anaya es la elección del hombre sapiente

good boys

10 pesos han sido depositados a tu cuenta de Ingreso Básico Universal

cara no voy a votar por anaya.

bronco all the way

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Guess I'm voting for Chicken Little then

Honestly I don't give a shit if it's him or Donkey or the King of Belgium who wins, I just don't want fucking AMLO. He's leading in the polls but considering his fanbase I don't know how many will actually wake up early to vote.

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>quiero mis NEETbux al mes solo por ser Mexicano
Ponte a trabajar, huevon.

i wasnt going to
but starbucks convinced me

thank them

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no hay nada de malo en ser neet

trabajar por trabajar es para pendejos

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not before I go vote for AMLO

A mi me han dado 100 dolares en esta semana solo por escribir fanfiction de fetiches extremos mientras que los wagies se ganan 3000 al mes trabajando de Lunes a Viernes

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Para ser honesto el ingreso basico universal es inevitable, eventualmente llegara la automatizacion masiva al pais y la mano de obra humana dejara de ser obligatoria.

>solo por escribir fanfiction de fetiches extremos
me puedes compartir tu sitio de trabajo porfavor?

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Si te vendo porno de tus furros... Te callarías?

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concuerdo pero en 50 años

Quién es este político?

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el bronco


un lolbertarian

Quiero que gane AMLO me gusta lo que hizo en CDMX pues tiene mi voto

same but unironically

>Esa imagen
No soy él pero es verdad que los degenerados de internet te pagan buena lana por comisiones de sus fetishes. Ve a DeviantArt o FurAffinity y fórrate de lana

El Mocha-Manos

me diste una idea

voy a ver en el reddit si me pagan por relatos cuck

you're the first I've seen getting El Bronco lmao

No soy Cara
ni me acordaba de ese wey xd

Ok, digamos que le dan a 100 millones de Mexicanos mayores de 17 años esos 1500 pesos al mes.
150,000,000,000 (cientocincuenta mil millones) de pesos al mes.
En serio crees que se fuede financiar tal ridiculez?

El precio del dolar va a bajar sólo por el hecho de tener un presidente blanquito desu

vota Anaya

don't break off from /cum/ guys

only like 5 mexicans post there and I'm 2 of them

i want hyperinflation tho

i could pay my debts easier

5 people is like 1/4 of /cum/ these days

Obviamente no. La recaudación fiscal es mínima, y peor aún con la pendejada que todos los candidatos dicen de "no habrá más impuestos"

it says that i should vote for this guy. i am alright?

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Average neoliberal globalist puppet

Es la misma página que se usó en el 2012
Y en el 2012 el candidato con más coincidencia para muchas personas era AMLO
En el 2012 estarían mamando diciendo que la página estaba comprada por el PRD

fug let's hope I don't get LMAO

Sólo dale el IBU a gente que está trabajando. No tiene que haber inflación porque no estás produciendo más dinero, sólo lo redistribuyes. Si tanto te cala hagamos que los de Morena sean los que reciban el corte.

En todo el mundo se está probando esa cosa pero nadie sabe que bien o mal puede hacer, porque todos son unos putos maricas.

La única manera de ver si el IBU funciona es poniéndolo a prueba.

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>La única manera de ver si el IBU funciona es poniéndolo a prueba.
lel ya suenas como los comunistas. Mejor que lo haga alguien como los Suecos a ver qué pasa.

Got Anaya 100% but this is a biased as shit poll.
Fuck Anaya. Fuck Prian. Fuck el Bronco. And fuck AMLO. Fuck all of 'em.

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>"ya suenas como los comunistas"
Ay no puede ser, estoy a favor de ayudar a dismunuir el desempleo y la pobreza! Claramente soy escoria roja.

Todavía no escucho porqué implementar el IBU en Mehjiko será malo para el país.

>"Mejor que lo haga alguien como los Suecos"
Si el IBU les funciona o no a los suecos no representará cómo funcionaría en otros países. Ni en nuestros vecinos como EUA y Guatemala podrían representar lo que nos pasaría a nosotros.

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IBU funciona en paises ricos con poca gente, no en paises con un monton de gente y de la chingada como Mexico
Literal darle limosna a los pobres no va a solucionar la pobreza

>Fuck Anaya.
PAN and PRD are awful parties with several known corrupt politicians under them like the ex-Sonora governor. Anaya is just a PAN candidate, PRD and MC are weak as fuck parties that don't even want to propose candidates anymore and are leeching off a party that opposes their political ideals. Presented inaccurate and misleading data in the debates to strengthen his claims. Possibly involved in a money laundering scheme, even if it's most likely just PRI abusing their political power as usual to persecute political enemies.

>Fuck Prian.
PRI halted the development of a healthy democracy by ruling the country for over 70 years, fucked some things hard during this presidential period like the peso's value and an increment on gas prices. Meade is a PRI politician so he serves a corrupt, and much reviled party no matter how innocent he may want to present himself. PAN is quite bad too, housing some of the most corrupt politicians in the country, and bases itself christfaggotry and conservatism just like the Republican party up north. Fox did jack shit and Calderón started a misguided and underplanned war on drugs that still fucks the country to this day.

>Fuck el Bronco.
Shit meme politician that had actually won in his home state, but hungered for more power and left his seat just so he could launch a presidential campaign with no chances of winning. Ex-PRI member who most certainly would not have left had they not snubbed him out of the gubernatorial candidacy. Wants to enact the cruel and unusual punishment of chopping off opposing politician's hands, a punishment that is only carried out in places such as ISIS controlled territories and Saudi Arabia.

>And fuck AMLO.
Insufferable bastard that fucking created a cult of personality party now currently full with some of the most corrupt fucks fleeing from the sinking boat that is el PRI in hopes of gaining favor from the current presidential front-runner and his party. Proposes retarded populist ideas that have never worked and will tank the economy during his six-year rule. Declared himself the "legitimate president" after losing the 2006 election bid and has never given up on winning the elections ever since, fucking the PRD's chances of getting another presidential candidate in 2012 before getting so butthurt at losing again that had to create his own party, MORENA, now allied with similar populist parties like the evangelical PES and the disgusting communists from PT.

Politics in Mexico are deeply fucked. There's hope for sure, but not this election year, and not from politicians overall.

>le everything is shit mentality

This is why our country is shit

Politicians are shit senpai. That doesn't mean everything is.

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