Serious question: What's the solution to all the hordes of Asians and Indians in my country?
Serious question: What's the solution to all the hordes of Asians and Indians in my country?
You let them in.
Blame the government.
What's the problem?
well how many are there?
do they cause trouble?
Stop being racist, they will integrate in a single generation and be no different than any other native Aussie.
Would you exchange wiith all our arabs and blacks?
Asians are good people (here at least), except for the pakistani
Kill the remaining wh*Teoids.
There isn't
>Serious question: What's the solution to all the hordes of Asians and Indians in my country?
KEK inbred criminal cunts can't even handle some birds thinking they could do something against Asians......
There is no. Being state of indo-asians is future of Australia.
Hi Zhang
t. chang
Hello Tsang. I see you enjoying life in Aodaliya. Good.
exterminate every single anglo offspring in australia here's the solution for you
don't worry I'm staying where I am now forever or die here if norks decided to do something shitty
you can tell chinks have terrible taste when they migrate to the new world instead of europe
remove anglos from it and make it an official chinese territory
as if anyone wants to get mugged by bunch of ackhmeds
serious answer: start having kids so you don't have to rely on immigration from said countries in order to have a dynamic economy
>Asians and Indians
not gonna happened. anglos are dying because of gayness and feminism.
Kill wh*ty.
indians are not considered asians by some
Close the borders m8
Go back to your fucking continent, filthy eurocuck
Shouldn't you have a more neutral opinion?
Try rubbing some sandpaper on them, im sure it will work
Shouldnt you be shooting up a school?