Indian men are cool

Indian men are cool.

Attached: 10581032-kolkata-india-january-25-streets-of-kolkata-indian-people-wash-themselves-on-a-street-janua (974x1300, 272K)

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poop lmao

would unironically rather be some brown pajeet living in a mud hut unaware of how shitty his life and predicament are than be me

>would unironically rather be some brown pajeet living in a mud hut unaware of how shitty his life and predicament are than be me
trade lives with me right now faggot

I live in the US and still probably have a worse life than those gentlemen in the OP pic


>muh mud hut meme
They live on the street, you pleb.

Poor does not mean retard, we know how shit our lives are

Makes you feel quite uncanny that there are people living lives like this in the same country as you, while you live in comfort and still complain about how shit your life is.


post pics of your house please
What kind of housing would a doctor in India live in? What about the average engineer?

I have two uncles who live in India, one lives like how an average Mexican lives desu. Three story house, fairly decent but clearly third world somehow. He fixes and resells computers or something.The other had a SUPER nice house, like it would be worth like 1.2 mil here in the US easily, I have no clue what he does (my mom always says something really bad, but I don't think there's gangs or something in india...)

I live in California, and honestly right now as a college student probably have shittier, grimier housing than he does, I fucking hate this expensive shithole