People who got x100 moonshots did you research it or is it just luck? How can you see a x100 coming?
People who got x100 moonshots did you research it or is it just luck? How can you see a x100 coming?
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it's pure luck
never hit a full 100x, closest I got was a 20x and I only put in like $50 because if you go all in on something that isn't guaranteed you might be retarded.
No, they're right, it's luck.
Luck and not looking at crypto purchases every hour.
You WILL sell it at +50% everytime. Guaranteed.
Bought xvg at 50 and sold at low 100s, being baffled that a scam like that managed to get so high.
Its a mix of intuition, luck and balls. Most 100x's happen when a coin is
You can research all the white paper and counts how many Asians are in their team. But its all luck and advertisement
Not true. I had 1100% on my first crypto purchase ever. usd->eth->ada late Nov. I wish I fucking sold.
Ehm depends. A lot of people say look because modern 100x are pnd scam coins.
But I bought ETH for about 10 USD and I did a shit-ton of research. Eth enterprise alliance etc. The writing was on the wall.
Can we stop comparing November/December to April?
To get a fucking +1100% now is not happening in 2 days like it used to. To get at +1100%, you have to get off the phone for months.
You WILL sell this time when you'll see +50% fluctuating for a week. God forbid drop to +45%.
Still, bought some more eth and ada 2 weeks ago. 120% up from there and didn't sell. Stop fucking generalizing.
I've only missed 100x. I got into crypto mid 2017. 2016 was the year you wanted to get in.
In 2017 I recall only OMG doing 100x. There were a lot of explosive ones like VEN, ICX, TRX, NANO. ETH did 100x if you got in early 2017
That's really impressive for a first buy. I thought ADA was American Dental Association coin.
listening to the right Jow Forumsfrens.
when you're here long enough, you'll know how to decipher this fucked up space
>People who got x100 moonshots did you research it or is it just luck? How can you see a x100 coming?
It's called XRP. Now shut the fuck up and go all-in.
both m8. I never thought xrp would and eth would made a fucking jump like last years. Before i decided to put money i did a fuck ton research about every single one in the top 20 and i made the final decision is to put 50k in eth and xrp.
fucksake if i hadn't checked my portfolio constantly i would be a millionaire by now
i used to have 250k tron, 2 million verge, 3k antshares and 250 ethereums
i fucking sold everything except for 30 ethers on some short term dip back in 2017
fucking end me
I bought ETH at $1
Of course there was luck involved, but I didn't just buy blindly. I read a lot about it and came to the conclusion that if the devs could pull off what they were proposing, it would be huge. I waited for mainnet and then bought in. And then it was just a matter of not selling, because even things like the DAO incident didn't shake the fundamental superiority of the ethereum platform.
So basically, read the whitepapers, understand the tech, and buy whatever makes sense and has the potential to get really big. Then it comes down to luck.
I bought 50k relex for like 50$ because I felt random and liked the SEC regulated part. It's worth 1k now and I wish I put in more. I've done way more research on other coins though, this was just a lotto ticket.
>Worth 1k
Not any more it isn't. $450.
I had some too but I sold as soon as it pumped ridiculously.
Hodl faggot.
First of all 100x doesn’t happen over night. You have to have the balls to not sell at 10x, 20x, 50x etc.
Very few people here have actually 100x’d their position.
It's usually the ICOS, you can not spot a 100x coin on an exchange, that is just done by pump and dumps
In case of ICOS it almost 100% clear which one is 100x
ICON, ZIL, Now wanchain will 100x
because you could literally invest in anything. you would profit even if you mindlessly invested in every single coin possible. think about it, just the single 1000x coin keep you in the black even if every other coin dropped straight to 0 (which, of course, didn't happen)
$1000 in any of these coins in jan 2017 , by 2018 it would have become:
ETH: $45.8K
XRP: $153.8K
LTC: $54K
NEO: $938K (LMAO)
XLM: $207K (LMAO)
XMR: $26K
DOGE: $25K
DGB: $158K
even literal joke coins like fucking DOGEcoin 25x'd
I bought into ARK when it was worth $0.13
I had over 1000 ARK and decided to daytrade, lost a bunch sold at the peak but then caught the beartrap hard and decided to hold all the way to the bottom like a retard. At one point I would have had 10 grand off of a ~$150 investment when ARK was pushing almost 10 bucks each. Now I only have under 200 ARK and it's worth less then a thousand.
Hold on to your coins until CNN and Fox news start running shitty segments on Crypto and your retarded boomer family membets start asking you about it. But until then please don't be an idiot like me and JUST FUCKING HOLD!
You evaluation about XRP is completely wrong
XRP at it's peak was 200 billion marketcap
That means 1000 dollars would have turned into
" 1Million dollars"
Last chance before 0xBTC moonshots
you are correct. I will also add that they need to have a superstar advisor and major vc backing, as well as having tokenomics that can get normies excited to buy such as great staking rewards, masternodes, etc.
Thats why I put 50% of my portoflio into Republic Protocol. Loi Luu advisor (kyber, eth, zilliqa) and Polychain backed... both only are a part of projects in the top 100. Now they are both involved together in REN.
this is also correct. The times of 5x in a week are gone until we hit a mania stage again that might be years away after some steady growth. Hitting it huge now is all patience and having the balls to hold when a lowcap moons, but hasnt hit the top 100 yet.
I just followed the news.
Please dont show me this, I owned BTC since 2015 but thought alts were all PnD scams and didnt bother until late 2017.
Lol this
hodl! lol!
god you ripple fucks are annoying. get the fuck out jewcoiner
delusional cripple bagholder. no one wants your stupid coin.
I traded shitcoins heavily back in summer of 2017, and I was looking at my folio congratulating myself one day. Then I went into a separate folio app that I hadn’t updated in months and low and behold the total of that folio was basically within one percent of the folio after all the trading.
I said fuck this shit I’m not making any money with this shit, but that’s not all. I owed the government 6 figures in taxes so that they could continue eliminating my people by bribing niggers to vote them back into office. Fuck trading, embrace hodling.
Luck for me too
usually coins 10x before crashing. if a coin 100x it was inherently dead with no pulse but randomly they contract the holy grail in their hands out of thin air and everybody starts buying.
its luck but a important buying strategy to buying coins is to buy when everybody says its dead. the best example i can give you is bitcoin cash in late 2017. after its initial pump and dump it crashed to 200 dollars and everybody thought it was dead
Stay poor retards and buy more LINK.
ORI on idex. There's your 100x. No need for luck. 3m MC, only 4.2 mil circulating supply and will easy 5-10x when CMC listing hits this week.
Your welcome
>I wish I fucking sold.
That's the thing. In 99% cases, things don't stay up. Hitting a 100x not only takes luck, but also an inability to take profit.
so youre saying the etp i got in september still has a chance?
2017 was total bullshit
where did he say at peak you fucking tard?
best i've done so far is 6x
After reading this thread, im thinking maybe il just hold my links, omg and ven for 2 years and see what happens
holding long. means holding 10 years , not a month. the internet and everything has made people expect results in 5 seconds.
if you held btc long; you'd be rich. same with current BC. but some will fail
I bought Bitcoin.
Hit a 25x with DBC during December but barely bought any desu. Literally had like $100 leftover in Kucoin and just threw it at it.
This. It all comes down to both not being a brainlet to understand what things will have value, and DYOR instead of actually taking what anyone here says seriously. Nobody here gives a fuck about anyone else here except as potential people to make money from.
I’m 100% in a coin that I feel so rock solid in that I laugh at fud, because there is no legitimate fud against it right now. Before you ask no it’s not Link, but it’s also not in the top 100 at the moment.
It was in the top 100 very recently though.
I’m going to hold my stack, keep buying more while it’s low, and retire in a year.
What's your opinion on LINK?
Agreed, MAN is a solid choice.
I know holding REQ will pay off in the end for all of us, fren
My first coin did a x100
Sadly I only invested 150$ instead of my 4k because etherdelta looked shady as fuck and I didnt want to risk losing money by doing something wrong
You dont know how it feels hitting the lottery and hating yourself at the same time. I could have been a millionaire in 3 weeks.
u network?
Don't talk about shit coins. Those Chinks scamming you retard.... No exchange.... only you got is a white paper research paper and few crying admin babies enjoy your bag
except that literally everything in your life and the universe is a "coincidence" as far as you're concerned. The illusion of control, choice, & decision making is nothing but that: an illusion. Everything that happens is a reaction to something else that has happened, from the very first moment of something happening. You didn't "choose" to write that moronic post, it was a reaction by your brain to the posts previous to it, and to everything else you've experienced in your life. Your brain fired off a bunch of electronic impulses through neurons and synapses of which you have literally no control over and it caused you to write those words. That's all. Everything in this life, in the world & universe comes down only to one thing, which is what we call "luck." Born a millionaire? Luck. Made millions from nothing? Luck. There is literally no other possible explanation, and convincing yourself otherwise... guess what, that's just luck as well.
I invest in castles in the sky before people build their dreams on it. I was in on 0xBTC at 7 cents (it went to $2 recently, and will likely go to $7). I'm in on HOT now, as it has a functioning American team and a solid pitch. I avoid niche or hyper focused coins, coins with shitty teams (chinks, pajeets, slavs, etc.), or coins that have been on the market for over 6 months without doing anything. It's not that hard as long as you're picky and understand that it really is no coincidence which coins do 100x.
relax dude, subatomic particles have an element of inherent randomness and your neurons each contain a quantum microtubule that works as a backup of your physical brain allowing you to transcend death
It got my attention. What is it about and where can I find more info?
My 100x was Bitcoin.
Deff saw that coming, literally told everyone I knew, couple listened.
"inherent randomness" is an oxymoron. Those are just safe words invented for something we don't understand. I'm not worried about dying, I'm worried about dying young. This life is a beautiful experience that I'd like to take full advantage of before moving on to the next stage of existence or non-existence.
this. U Network so much potential the team alone will pump it to at least 200m in a full blown alt-bull market. They've brought their roadmap forward and have mainnet release THIS year as they are so fuckin good.
Nothing is guaranteed. You still can lose all of your investment if you diversify. That's why it's advised to people to invest more than what they can afford to lose.
luck, patience, hands of steel.
obviously not a 100x but i expect a 3-5x in the short term, buy now or stay poor
What coin friend?
*not to invest more
no, its pretty random. that much is understood. no cause and effect at the subatomic level. cause and effects works at the macro level. randomness is an inherent property of subatomic particles. but whatever
not true. Got in neblio ico, still holding. Not in this game to make a 100k, its retirement money or 0.
how much is retirement money?
I went 100x on ETH,
Currently 25x on EOS
Buying Holochain and Skycoin rn because of heavy research and the failure of crypto as currency.
eth did a 140x if you got in january 2017
omg did at 75x if you sold at the top
you say you got in mid 2017 and you know about omg, yet you never mentioned antshares?
who cares about 100x, that coin did well over a 1000x in 2017, actually around 1300x if you sold at the top
Luck is a bunch of pajeets day trading and most of them are going to lose until one of them, that just started, times the bottom of the market or makes a lucky trade with too high leverage that would have killed them any other day.
I got into SKY last summer, held it all the way through to ATH, and sold 50%, then bought back during the january crash. Also got in wanchain ico which has been fucking great too.
Here's a story of luck OP.
>be me riding train to wagecuck job in major city
>known about bitcoin since 2009 because user
>turn 21 start gambling because dad just died and fuck life
>3 years later start looking back into crypto and see all the missed gains, start doing research again
>One day on the train accidentally retard my phone and hit three random letters and enter
>Google's spying on my previous search history associates 3 random letters with crypto
>Bought into XEM in february 2017 as fast I could read the whitepaper.
Its all luck
My brother just tells me what to buy, and I listen. He's a quant.
I've got a cousin that does this for his dad and his brother. Their whole family owns ripple and I laugh at them to their faces
this 2bh
can someone please tell me im doing okay?
>make account on coinbase jan 2017
>actually start trading march 2017 with 300-500 dollars
>gradually buy more up to 13-14k
>hit ath 250k
>miss the entire bull run in november/december
>cash out 50k
>now have 75k
I seriously think about sudoku for missing the winter bull run. To think i would be a millionaire is too much for me to handle
shill me?