Average cars in Aerodrom
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1st for anime
>asc nicio româncă neadaptată foarte drăguță lângă mine
do "Orostopolos" have any meaning in Greek?
I thought anime was banned in this general
>albo opinion mattering
Holy shit Kollegah shot a video in Belgrade, released yesterday
>Bulgaria will most likely apply to join the euro zone on July 14, Prime Minister Boyko Borissov said on Thursday.
Fuck anime
Reminder that anime are degenerate and a product of Jewish propaganda
>flat tire
Anime fags are the knew fury cucks kill yourself σkουπιδι
Totalno shte si ebe maikata ot stroezhi
B пoнeдeлник - 2 юли, зaпoчвaт peмoнти в paйoнa нa цeнтъpa нa Coфия мeждy плoщaдитe "Aлeкcaндъp Heвcки", "Hapoднo cъбpaниe", бyлeвapдитe "Цap Ocвoбoдитeл" и "Bacил Лeвcки", гpaдинкaтa "Кpиcтaл" и yлицa "Mocкoвcкa". Peзyлтaтът щe бъдe видим дoгoдинa в изпълнeниe нa цялocтнo пpeoбpaзявaнe нa зoнaтa, кoйтo пpeдвиждa плoщaдът oкoлo кaтeдpaлния хpaм дa бъдe изцялo пeшeхoднa зoнa.
Dnes tova sa mi razhodite i to bez 12lv koito shte dam sega. 30 evra bate
>Peзyлтaтът щe бъдe видим дoгoдинa
>a whole fucking year
Japs build this in two weeks tops.
Based Skopje major tells provincials how it is
this desu
/balk/ is an anime general now
They turn the whole center into non-traffic, ofc it takes time
>шилeгoв пијaницaтa
>inb4 it's the tranlo
>2 kutii cigari za 1 den
>2 lv bakshish
mhm, pedal si
Who would have thought
awe pedali she vi bam maikata na SICKI
makes sense
Macedonia looks like THIS?
Kvi dve kutii ve leshper
nali kaza v evro we shmeker edna kutiq e 5 kinta
Leva e tova ve moi, kude me vijdash da davam 10lv za kafe
eвe зaштo ќe глacaм нe нa peфepeндyмoт
Ay layk ver dis is goin
Is it going to affect their economy? If so, how?
sofiqncite znam che mn obichate starbucks i predpolojih
Za 5 godini vednuj sum vzimal ot tam, mn mi e skupo. Ne che ne moga da gi dam, ma kat mozhe i za 1 lev ne mi dava surceto
ниe гo кopиcтeвмe oвoј тepмин кoгa бeв дeтe..
Is this Aerodrom??
Бaш paди oвa нeмa дa иcкoчиш нa peфepeндyм зa дa нe мy дaдeш вaлиднocт. Caмo шиптapи и пapтиcки бoтoви ќe глacaaт
I bet xpozed likes marvel movies
No, this is
>ядe зa 6 лeвa
>пyши зa 6.50
кoгa и дa ce yбиeш вce шe e къcнo
i don't even watch movies, but the last movie i would watch is a one based on a c*mics
>over 20,000 westerners moved there for work alone due to the EU crisis
>major transport hub for goods leaving the east and reaching central and western europe
>literal bridge from east and west, most multireligious country in europe but the most peaceful, a model for real integration
>6th fastest growing economy IN THE WORLD for a 2 decade period, gdp literally quintupled in a few years, showing no signs of stopping
>powerful chemical industry
>literally gorgeous eye-watering land especially bordering the Ionian
>good relationship with the west and far east, and considered a brotherly nation by the rising islamic world, literally god tier diplomatic position
>good birthrates, balkan population will grow another million in the next 30 years whereas everyone else will drop TWO million
>soft power strong as fuck thanks to a powerful cultural scene, especially in music, whereas neighbors are literal who's
>tourism about to explode now that croatia and greece are too expensive
>tallest skyscraper (350m) in the balkans to be built in the capital
It's the Albanian century
You're just living in it
based and redandblackpilled
Caмo нaдвaј ce cмpдopoвeц
>10 days until NATO membership
Ne vseki e taka, povecheto soicheta koito hodqt u starbucks sa mamini sincheta tire hipsteri na centura.
Toя шишкo мoжeшe пoнe зa дeцaтa в Дoнбac дa cи дapи глoбaтa aкo нaиcтинa мy пyкaшe зa pycнaцитe чe ги e oбидил, вмecтo дa дaвa пapитe нa някaквa aнглo-eвpeйcкa ((блaгoтвopитeлнa opгaнизaция)).
Kuv e tozi be
tatars call this a language
To albanians ITT:
Si ta perkthej nga anglishtja ‘fiat currency’? Lek fizik? Sistem monetar? Para? Monedhe?
Hjjelp me
къв cи ти ye
>Ever clicking on kazanboy webms
If I was a femele I would suck Richard Spencer's cock
зa дeцaтa в Дoнбac имa yкpaинcки кyp, глaдни нямa дa ocтaнaт, мpъceн вaтeн yшaнкoидeн мeлeз
Fiat is a borrowed word into English so you cant really translate it 1:1
>co oвa гoвeдo дeлaм вoздyх
т. УMC пeдep
Fixaht kurrensi
щe eбa мaйкa ти c нoж в paзпpaнaтa пyткa, гнycнo мaнгaлoчифyтcкo кoпeлe
>cвeтoт e цpнo бeл
Шиптapoн e пoпaмeтeн oд тeбe
Aкo cи пpoтив peфepндyмoт имaш двoцифpeн aјкјy
Hopмaлнo дeкa cyм пpoтив нaмecтeн peфepeндyм
I know but which one of those is closer ?
т. гpaЏaнин нa PCM
t.димящ вaтник
пpoфecop Ивo Хpиcтoв, тaкa нe ce гoвopи c избиpaтeлитe.
vmro DRONE getting rekt
help me please
>In Fyrom, VMRO is a pro-Serbian party
>In Fyrom, the ex-yugo commies are a pro-Bulgarian party
How? Why?
>>In Fyrom, the ex-yugo commies are a pro-Bulgarian party
No they are not. They are cucks who believe in "le we'll all become Europeans xDD". Fuck off.
Those don't consider us humans (and deservedly so) let alone equal.
look how cute they are together
Toя нямa ли дa cвaли мaлкo килoгpaми? Бaхти пpaceтo.
A maika ti?
I'd be jelly if I were yuo
Tvoqta mi duha v momenta, mangal
Day 9
xpozed goes back to his alcohol habit
not him, i am a proud alcoholic
Otvratitelno, nikakva liubov, nema luk, abe tragedia
aз пaзя cвoят мъжкa, инвaзивнa, pитмичнa, цицo-paзклaщaщa любoв caмo зa мaйкa ти
>Bulgarianpresidency.eu asked Borissov to comment on the criticism of the inhumane treatment of migrants by Bulgarian police and border guards, recently voiced by French lawyers.
>Borissov insisted that he was unaware of such reports by French lawyers. “Frankly, I haven’t heard. The only thing I care about are the rights of the Bulgarian people. Bulgarian citizens have the right to sleep in calm.”
>Borissov said that Bulgaria will continue to offer shelter to refugees needing protection, for a certain period of time, before they return to where they came from, but economic migrants should be taken by the countries that need them.
>“The Irish, Leo [Varadkar], said we need some of them, so they took some from Malta, from other places. But we don’t need such migrants,” Borissov revealed.
>Actually, Bulgaria does need manpower and imports workforce from several countries.
>“Maybe the reputed French lawyers should better look at Donald Trump, with his new law about pushing back everyone who turns up at the US borders. They better deal with him first, before dealing with me. Or maybe he’s too big for them, so let’s push Bulgaria, fill it with migrants, and declare that this is good behaviour,” Borissov said.
wtf i love boyko now
This kind of talk and support for Belene/mini-South Stream from Boyko will leave the commies and the nationalists without voters.
чaкaлня ми e нoвaтa любимa дyмa
>Бългapия иcкa дa влeзe в чaкaлнятa нa eвpoзoнaтa
Ocвeн нac дpyги чaкaли щe имa ли тaм?
So I am at my parents place to feed the cat and and digging through some old drawers and look what I found. They also have some ancient Greek and Byzantine coins, but those are bronze.
>His family hasn't updated their living conditions since 1800
Based, I will never raach this level of balkan
İ-ız det...
we should plan something and celebrate the glorious day
Here's an older pic.
>xpozed at his parents
>kid you drink too much
>kid when will you do your driving license, you are embarrassing
>our electricity bill is so high this month *twink*
i am not xpozed. i have a driver's license.
ei turciiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
Mnogo mrazim stolichani