“...out from the door of the farmhouse came a long file of pigs, all walking on their hind legs”~George Orwell ‘Animal Farm’
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just fisted my entire cunt
anyone here like balearic house
remember watching this when i was young and crying at the end
i never understand is sph a feminist or a macho thing?
an unsightly beast..
the chinese are insects to be squashed
crush the bug empire
find sectarianism to be so retarded
fucking creep twat
why do you hate me
why do you dislike me the most out of everyone you interact with in daily life
you strongly dislike me
last time i watched it i was about 10 so it was quite nostalgic for me
we're not in kansas anymore
more of a xi jinping man meself
>there are less than 200 countries in the world
>Pakistan still managed to be ranked 201st on the FIFA rankings
me tv license money is funding this
depressed haha
not sure orwell's ever seen a pig, silly billy doesn't realise they walk on all four legs
samers xo
what makes you say that
watched spirited away in year 3 japanese
watched it in english though so i don't know why we did it
Would like a gf to go hiking with
Do not have a gf. will take acid instead and go hiking. drugs are always there for you
Watching Kemono Friends lads
you can remove one paki from the world very easily you know
spirited away is a cool movie
watching sicario lads
hello do you like me :)
you havent replied to any of my posts in 3 weeks
how does trump handle sph?
lashes out
low iq yank movie
The new one?
I know you mean me but the real threat are the pakis who are wedding white women
Every child they have is +1 for the pakis and -1 for the white race
the old one
how can i get over sph?
why do 1 and 2p even exist anymore, nobody charges 74p or 53p for anything, just seems kinda pointless, should just round everything up or down to the nearest 10p
sort yourself
can't be bothered with going out to the pub
might just get a takeaway and read a book for the rest of my night
not an anime runt, but do rate:
>Ghost in the Shell
>Spirited Away
in that order
where do I even find a gf?
you're so fucking special
niger is a real country
There were so many prime easy pickings in sixth form
Missed out so much lads
Innocent, qt virgin girls
shagged this bint outside the white horse in manchester, absolute filth
should be out having fun with the gf
but we split up haha wahey
anyone who gets very angry about Grenfell but didn't say a word about the Manchester attack is incredibly suspicious
how is one supposed to handle sph?
roger ebert was a hack
Where can a nigga get some mussels to take away that isn't a restaurant lads?
New one is from a (based) Italian director
you been there?
virgin freak
you should watch evangelion and howl's moving castle
very normiecore
sometimes i dont feel like posting
in fact niger is all over europe, so you've probably been there too
shall listen to some japanese music now
the two incidents really are the epitome of each political wing's fears/complaints/enemies/etc
oh shit its the border scene
Brother, may I have some oats?
what board on Jow Forums is best for small dick losers? i've both seen generals on /rk9/ and /b/
a lot of the Balkan countries are a bit shit because they still carry on bad habits from when they were occupied by the Ottoman Empire- namely just not paying their taxes, which was appropriate at the time, but inappropriate now that they have their own independent governments
>howl's moving castle
on me list as Spirited away was comfy
pic related is (u)
not sure i only go on chad boards like Jow Forums, /trv/ and /wsg/
mediocre film
prisoners, enemy and arrival all much better
very cool video
/rk9/ even has a dedicated /dicklet/ thread
small dick boards
>Jow Forums
>Jow Forums
>too many to count
big dick boards
>Jow Forums
There you go
What’s the rarest item you own?
got a fine dick length, just a pathetic dick girth
myself :)
Read about the tortures given to Bosnian PoWs by (Serbia?) and realised India is the only place where POWs are treated with dignity
Define "rare".
the goal
fire cape
4.5 girth here
thought it would fatting up during puberty but now 20 and nowt has changed.
the bbc really is a fantastic institution
i think it's my collapsible watering can
what about princess mononoke, my neighbour totoro and grave of the fireflies
a hand crafted wooden slate with a carving of the Lonely Mountain from the Hobbit which I got from a girl in A Levels
>Owning 'rare' objects
Quintessential boomer
playing fortnite
I own a Portuguese coin from the 1600s. It’s probably not that rare, but not many people own one