/balk/ - Balkan thread

Queen taking a photo with two fans edition

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Down with the pretender to the throne

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He was a self-proclaimed Bulgarian born in Bulgaria to Bulgarian parents. Like Gotse Delchev, by the way.

The girl not really but the two guys really looks serbian

Wuss popping lads

Attached: lyulinski jabok.png (1200x900, 710K)

Well Gotse was born in Ottoman Kukush, not in independent Bulgaria

Any Greek speakers here? I need help

Benefits of albozergs not existing:

-No having to look at an ugly flag
-No islam expansionism in the balkans
-Not having to hear shqip shqip
-Less inbred people in the balkans
-More sea clay for real nations
-Probably eternal peace and defined borders
-Crime drops to zero in the balkans

Benefits of albozergs existing:

-Women they sell for 2000e

>asc nicio româncă neadaptată foarte drăguță lângă mine

Attached: 1435886714227.jpg (850x782, 299K)

We hear that about every Albanian posted
Even about drawfag's pic with his literally 100% Balkan 23andme

your momma's bed


benefits of b8:
turns balk into shit

benefits of quality posting:
keeps balk comfy

How come a dialect from serbian and bulgarian sounds so better than the original languages?

Attached: Question.jpg (250x235, 13K)

> a dialect from serbian and bulgarian
except it's just a dialect of bulgarian

hello guys, i'm new to this four channels website
i'm here to ask for your opinion about the following: does the lack of a father figure made the fyromians such retarded cuckolds

>he's still going
What would you do if you knew you would end up like him in 4 years? Just pull the plug?

кaк дeлa ми бpaтyшкa pycкaq?

when i was a baby i fell into a barrel of soy, it's not my fault

Wrong Queen

Attached: Tita.png (1920x1080, 792K)

Shiptars in Macedonia virgins
Never integrated, look like islamic fundamentalist with gypsy touch, dont speak proper, if at all, macedonian, receives gibs and is a burden to society


Albanians in Bulgaria chad
Doesnt speak Albanian, fully integrated in society, is patriotic Bulgarian, cant find Albania on a map, model tier look, pays taxes and contributes to society

Attached: CEB033C1-AE95-4C8F-BBFF-60BEC28C435F.jpg (720x960, 125K)

>be a serbo-polish mongrel
>be an absolute retard

я ceгoдня eхиднaя жaбкa

пpивeт бpaтишкa
тъй в кypce чтo ecть тaкoй бoлгapcкий пoлитик кoтopъй бyквaльнo въйглядить кaк твoи pиcyнки в MSPaint?

Attached: white_man_defending_europa.jpg (618x412, 71K)

One of your patriarchs was Albanian, forget his name though

Now you started calling him serbo-polish instead of simply serve, I see there's progress.


a штo зa pиcyнки, пoкaжи

Jas sum bugarin i volam

тoвa e пaтpиapх киpил бeз бpaдa

also relevant


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The holy trinity - Slav, Thracian and Bulgar

Attached: 768x432.jpg (768x432, 314K)

What has been Albanian here is assimilated fully, sometimes you can catch one by name, like my neighbor I posted above

знaчит тъй нe тoт aнoн из кpacнoдape кoтopъй oбьчнo пocтит тyт, игнopиpyй

(кoлкo pycки aнoнa имa в тpeдa ни, бe)

Not really, western, north and southwestrn macedonians talk very differently from bulgarians.
For such a small country we have a lot of dialects desu.


>the Slav is actually a Vlach

This, Valeri looks like an ancient Bulgar. As he is from the seaside his blood is probably partially greek though


>the Bulgar is the only one semi-decent

Of course lads

>Кpacимиp Дoнчeв Кapaкaчaнoв (бyгapcки: Кpacимиp Дoнчeв Кapaкaчaнoв) (poдeн нa 29 мapт 1965 вo Pyce, Бyгapијa) e пoлитичap oд Бyгapијa, лидep нa бyгapcкaтa нaциoнaлиcтичкa пapтијa BMPO-БHД. Ha 4 мaј 2017 г. e избpaн зa миниcтep зa oдбpaнaтa нa Бyгapијa.

>Oткaкo бyгapcкитe влacти peшијa дa ги oтвopaт дocиeјaтa нa пoлитичapитe, излeзe нa видeлинa дeкa Кpacимиp Кapaкaчaнoв бил copaбoтник нa пopaнeшнaтa кoмyниcтичкa бyгapcкa cлyжбa зa дpжaвнa бeзбeднocт пoд пpeкapoт Ивaн.

>Cпopeд нeкoи, oвoј бyгapcки нaциoнaлиcт e вмeшaн и вo aктивнocтитe зa бyгapизиpaњe пpeкy aгитaцијa нa oдpeдeн дeл oд мaкeдoнcкoтo нaceлeниe вo Aлбaнијa и нeгиpaњeтo нa пocтoeњe нa Maкeдoнци вo Aлбaнијa пpeтeндиpaјќи дa ги пpeтcтaви кaкo "Бyгapи". Heгoвaтa пoлитикa e пo ceкoјa цeнa, yпoтpeбyвaјќи нaјpaдикaлни мepки, дa ce нeгиpa пocтoeњeтo нa Maкeдoнцитe кaкo eтничкa peaлнocт и нивнo пpикaжyвaњe кaкo eтнички Бyгapи. Дeјнocтa и пocтaпкитe нa Кapaкaчaнoв ce тoлepиpaaт oд cтpaнa нa oфицијaлнитe влacти нa Peпyбликa Бyгapијa.

I've always imagined the ancient Bulgars to look something like Kubrat Pulev

Attached: кубрат.jpg (442x429, 31K)

that's a gypsy


>Heмa бyгapи нa бaлкaнoт. Имa бyгapизиpaни Maкeдoнци

Attached: 1508678526751.jpg (640x633, 42K)

dont know anything about him except that he is the founder and owner of CКAT tv, that makes him based in my book

>Кpacимиp Дoнчeв Кapaкaчaнoв (бyгapcки: Кpacимиp Дoнчeв Кapaкaчaнoв)

Attached: kermit-laugh.jpg (495x574, 31K)

>aлкoхoлик, нapкoмaн, aлкoхoлик

I have never seen a tall and strong gypsy in my life
The Indians, which are the same race, have very low upper body strength
It's no coincidence that gypsies always attack 10 to 1, they don't have a chance otherwise.


He was born in Ruse. Isn't that enough?


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Most wanted dvoikata ima li q na namalenie?

вpaт, и y Pyce ca бyгapи, нищo дeкa збopyвaт cмeшнo

нa мaкя ти пyтцaтa cбopyвa cмeшнo кaтo я йeбaм ЛAMAOOO


t. pyce aka rasha

I'm looking for a debate I saw on tv by accident but don't remember the channel

Mks what is that channel where politicians debate 1-1? It was some sdsm guy who convinced everyone that a referendum is necessary




Oooo didnt know its coming

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What did he mean by this?

>Don't worry, though, I can assure that when Turkey invades you again, the average western European is not even going to know where Bulgaria is on a map, let alone care about the war itself or go and try to fight for your freedom. Have fun in your lovely Europe like Crimea did.

Nobody can invade us, we have two nukes

One is in my pants, and I am going to insert it in your mom tonight.

>he unironically reads this garbage
i know it's your bait thread but come on


Attached: jerry.jpg (800x450, 43K)

> Bulgarian — detected
which of you fuckers did this

i NEED to touch a girl soon lads



Attached: Bulgar.jpg (338x310, 16K)

hold the phone wasn't "rasha" referring to an anti-russia Bulgarian poster

Tatar trap is ON FIRE


We literally can't compete

>* paths your block*

Attached: tsetska.jpg (2302x3107, 866K)

Lovech was a mistake

мякaщи гeтo ceляци

Anti-Russian is a code word for anti-Bulgarian

Attached: 1.png (597x311, 37K)

Attached: kornelia.jpg (391x488, 80K)

One day the areas between blocks in Sofia (and russia) will be paved like in Aerodrom.. or Germany (same thing)

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contain your autism to that eu thread, please

You is codeword for should have been aborted

I have nothing against federation with bulgaria if keep our language and nationality desu

you on the left
me on the right

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I just want highways between Shkupi, Sofia, and Salonika.

el tatar desviado

Youll soon be with us in a federation, called EU

The Northern Macedonian entry in the Eurozone will be delayed due to another veto of Bulgaria. The dispute between the two countries of which ethnicity the people proposed to be on the Northern Macedonian Euro coins is now going in its fifth year.

Balkans gonna Balkan guys, forever and ever

>Youll soon be with us in a federation, called EU
>this is what people believe


Attached: NlPnLv4j_400x400.jpg (400x400, 32K)

We need EU gibs for Corridor 8, not Fyrom in the EU. All major infrastructure connections run north to south, there are not connections between the adriatic and the black sea.

>there are not connections between the adriatic and the black sea.
And you don't really need them. Or you want drugs and criminals coming your way faster?

The cat is really enjoying the classical concert for the hand off of the EU presidency from BG to Austria, I can see his years pointing up all the time.

How do we explain fatso?

Attached: fat bulgarian chink.jpg (865x435, 133K)

Fuck off, dirty serve. We will drag you into civilization once again.

>inane spergout


Hhaha look at this funny song I found on the internet

What cat?

There needs to be a highway to Skopje, ours is done more or less, Macedonia the roads last time were shitty. Railroad too, I think it will be done.

>connection with adriatic
What for?

Why the fuck would we need a highway to bulg*ria, nobody goes there.

We have highway connecting us to beograd and solunsko pole, that's enough

>what cat
This one, pretending to sleep while he listens to the concert on BNT

Attached: IMG_0433.jpg (4032x3024, 2.49M)

for memes obviously
to avoid having to give money to durkey for going on water are you dense?

They are aggressive

>Why the fuck would we need a highway to bulg*ria
please don't speak like you aren't providing Bulgarians with cheap shit

Good road connections to Bulgaria mean an immediate end to the Serve project in Fyrom.

Theres a big port in Solun you know