History of Black

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you lost the winter war

Scribes doing good work.

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Is the egyptian black?

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Yes. There are languages such as hausa, tuareg and somali which are related to egyptian language, and are considered black in the west.

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>Marulla has made you, Cinna, the father of seven children, I will not say freeborn, for not one of them is either your own or that of any friend or neighbour; but all being conceived on menial beds or mats, betray, by their looks, the infidelities of their mother. This, who runs towards us so like a Moor, with his crisped hair, avows himself the offspring of the cook Santra; while that other, with flattened nose and thick lips, is the very image of Pannicus, the wrestler. Who can be ignorant, that knows or has ever seen the blear-eyed Dama, that the third is that baker's son? The fourth, with his fair face and voluptuous air, evidently sprung from your favourite Lygdus. You may debauch your offspring if you please; it will be no crime. As to this one, with tapering head and long ears, like asses, who would deny that he is the son of the idiot Cyrrha? The two sisters, one swarthy, the other red-haired, are the offspring of the piper Crotus, and the bailiff Carpus, Your flock of hybrids would have been quite complete, if Coresus and Dyndymus had not been incapable.
Not even the ancient Romans were safe from the mighty KARA BOGA.

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Good post, all nafris and mena are black.

pretty sure N Africa was more relevant under Semite and muslim rule than european


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kmt doesnt actually mean black land. It just means black with feminine suffix -t. Everywhere in the internet they say it's "black land" because they are insecure of interpretation.

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This but unironically

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That's all.

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Okay, this is epic

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