$200,000, what coins?

With $200K to play with, what coins have the highest chances of going 100x?

What are your sleepers? Why are they sleepers?

Attached: brace yourselves for epic gains.jpg (800x493, 320K)

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Attached: Untitled-1.png (1920x1280, 293K)

Link is obviously the best pick

omisego for plasma launch

Each of these two has no direct competitors, very strong teams and a Q3 and Q4 product release, adoption will come with their ever expanding partnerships. Each also has massive long term hold incentive with passive income (Staking + MN).

Hold more than you have to play with in both coins, im not lying when I tell you these are both extremely high potential coins.

Bonus: CPX (Get over 200k and you'll be set for life by EOY 2019)

You're welcome

look into payfair

I also used to be a top 3 holder of PFR. Don't touch this shitcoin.

put 50% in ETH

Try to ride the Chainlink pyramid pump and dump with maybe 10-15%, use the rest to buy $200 at a time of literally any new coin you hear about. Sit on these coins and just consider the money gone forever until they pop 500%+.

Cpx as mentioned above, should easily get a VEN type cap.

AUC, low. MC, only 17.9 mil supply (CMC currently lists 65m but a burn has taken place)

WISH, only 5m cap, 22m supply, working product and hasn't even hit idex yet. Only available on fork delta and cryptopia... All of these are easy 10x and much more

screencap... you morons are filling up my hard drive

Kek, idc if you believe me Ryan, payfair is going nowhere


of any thot you could have chose you chose an obese one

So you have $200 to play with.
Why the larp?
Do you think its going to help the shilling?

No larp. Obtained a windfall from a previous business deal and want in on the crypto-market for more. If that's unbelievable to you, you have a lot to learn.



buy turtle coin, its gonna change your life buddy

Nice digits

post prove of your 200k

IPSX will be a clear winner once commercial demand is realized Q3.

Can someone explain to me why chain link is the most shilled coin on Jow Forums?

Apollo, is a new ico,
with amazing promising technology.
see for yourself

Rather or not you like these projects they currently have some good looking charts.

If you've been paying any fucking attention outside of Jow Forums and in the real world where blockchain/DLT is starting to penetrate itself into the mainstream you'd fucking recognize that LINK is the next epoch of this story.

>Bitcoin - solved the double spend program (True digital cash)
> Ethereum - solved the problem of how can we have true programatic money/value transfer (smart contracts)
>ChainLINK - how can we apply smart contracts to the real world instead of having them in a self contained system. (Oracles, offchain to onchain data, even triggers, whatever fucking else you want to call it)

Yeah so you really expect it to really go 100x in next few years?

BTC, ETH, NEO, XMR and LINK mission critical to the decentralized future. Extremely important for the decentralized future: OMG, ENG, RLC. Not sure if ENG has competitors but the likes of OMG, RLC, etc. do have competitors and it will be a matter of which builds the best mouse trap.

coinmetro xcm, chainlink

Expect? maybe a little bit. BTC and ETH were both at the time risky bets. All start ups are. But if the value proposition they provide is so overwhelmingly large that the rewards will be large then sometimes it is worth the risk. In markets you try to look for asymmetrical risk/reward scenarios and LINK is absolutely one of those

uuu bro

Because it's a game of fuds and shills. Of newfags and trolls. You either understand the game and play along or get played.

Low total supply, low at this right moment, few exchange support

Ropsten 7th of May. ID and dubs confirm.

GPU rebranding to NLX (Nullex),
- privacy coin
-first to implement the nul protocol.
-1m marketcap
Check out their webite which was just released a few hours ago

That same question was asked about ETH 3 years ago.

Who are OMGs competitors?

Only people with high IQs can understand the fact that BTC ETH and LINK = 90% of crypto infrastructure sorted

Srs buy qlink, real sleeper

This is actually good advice. Idk why he just told the truth.

Kill yourself.

COSS can do a x10 but likely not beyond that.

This is smug as fuck but true as well.

Everyone saw that ETH would change crypto and it was shilled everywhere. Link is only shilled on Jow Forums and the price hasn't moved in months.

You're gonna have to add privacy functions (for smart contracts) and scaling as well though. But agreed, btc eth and link will be the primary components of the infrastructure for the medium term

XVG, easily a x100 from here to sometime in 2019.

Other than that, SGR, RLX, IPSX, BBN, Constellation.

Kek, kys faggot. ETH wasn't shilled to the mainstream until January 2017. I remember b/c I saw a New York Times articles on it (one of the first real in depth looks into Ethereum) and my dumbass left it printed on my desk for months b/c I was "busy." Could've thrown even a small part of my bonus into it but was too stupid and forgot about it. ETH was not shilled everywhere. It was just another Jow Forums meme

Unironically ary

Because I've had my fun fudding the absolute living shit out of LINK but now I've accumulated enough where I've found peace with crypto. In fact I rarely check blockfolio or Jow Forums anymore. It's a weird calmness that I didn't think I'd find. Now i'm just happy to spread the truth.

RLX is bound to rise. Very promising future. QASH may also work out if you're patient enough

ETH was shilled hard. There were airdrops and people knew it was the shit.
Link on the other hand? Has been around for quite a while and is nowadays only shilled on Jow Forums. No one else cares about this shitty scamcoin. Linkies scream about muh mainnet but it will never come.

>being this deluded about your own investment

patience = 250x

OK fair enough. 200k isn't that much, it's believable, but so many larps all day on this board.
You want honest advice? The actual smart thing to do instead of gambling on shitcoins?

All in Btc now. Don't wait. Now.

Wait for the major bullrun to start, which means cheap alts.
alts have been skyrocketing lately because btc has been stagnating.
at that point move 1/3 of btc into alts that will have actual use cases.
Don't gamble on shitcoins. If anything is shilled on this board it's a fucking scam.
Don't fall for the Fud on IOTA or xlm. These will be the biggest gainers of the next year.

Best bet is to throw it into one shitcoin and hope it moons until you have some working capital.

You're a serious fucking brainlet. You think that the miniscule amount of intelligence you have makes you smart when the reality is that you're not even a fifth of the way to half way having a somewhat intelligble IQ. No one gave a shit about Ethereum until the EEA announcements and the idea of "smart contracts" started to click for people. Please for the good of fucking humanity just kys

thing is that even if you HATE it and it has been stagnating..it's not a scam coin.

It's a real problem they are solving but how big of an actual problem centralized oracles are is still to be seen.

50% btc 50% omisego

dyor on omg, not gonna shill it, it doesnt need it.

>muh smart contracts
>muh oracle problem
>muh mainnet
Okay, it's not a scamcoin, sorry. It's a shitcoin.

The oracle problem is unsolvable since oracles by definition are centralized entities which people TRUST to give reliable information, based on reputation.

data sources are the problem


0x will 1000x

TRX. Eos, qtum, BAX. Never link.

Marketplace for virtual items like game items. Novograzz is an ICO investor.

Unironically AMB. This coin has a powerhouse team, just hired Versace's CMO out from under them and has a ton of NDAs that are going to be announced soon.

They're sleepers because everyone has been salivating over VEN and WTC, and the AMB team has known better than to announce their huge partnerships during the bear market. Check out the telegram.

Also GSK

All in BCH obviously.

ORI on IDEX /thread

non-larp answer: ETH and BTC are the only coins with low enough risk and high enough liquidity to put $200k in at current prices, and only ETH has the chance of high gain %s over the next few years

larp answer: anything else

blockcat is the biggest sleeper in the game, basically makes programming smart contracts easy for people without technical knowledge, basically like the html of smart contracts. The team is super young and dedicated and has more than 10+ members and they update their progress weekly. "Tabby pay" also came out recently, it's just a great project and I can't figure out why it's so under the radar. Mywish and Vivo are my other picks, it looks like Vivo almost got a huge pump going last night, let's hope it continues.


Low risk: XLM
High risk: Link

>have 200k
>want to put it in crypto of all things
fucking dumbass
50% BTC
15% REQ
15% ETH
20% shitcoins

shhhhh dont shill until its release


Silly. You should have at least 10% in shitcoins, the risk/reward is too good not to

Dafuq is wrong with biz nowadays

Erc20 token and ico hype only

No proper coins

>muh coins

there's already bitcoin, there's absolutely no need for other coins.

We'll both make it

Deep brain CHain, ceck out all the info, the team, the product, make you own decision.

Join the Brain Gang and retire my friend!

Attached: Brain Gang Take This.png (634x520, 469K)

Unironically TRX

I'd dump 100k into sky
-it's not an erc-20 shit token, has it's own blockchain, dozens of projects going on, skyminers that use little to no energy at all, decentralized web, has billionaires on board, math nerds lose their shit over this. It's still relatively low mcap and has huge potential to be in the top ten eoy.

then i'd take 100 and divide it between btc, eth, and a couple well researched icos (either buy them in pre-sale or wait for a decent dump on idex after it comes out). Some ones to look at right now would be sharering, hybridblock, edenchain, gonetwork... shopin is already done, but you might be able to pick it up on idex.

good luck.

this. ETH was solely Jow Forums meme territory for months and months before anyone knew about it. But it was shilled to shit on here

qtum baby

ORI. Small cap, about to take off.

Honestly if I were you I'd put my money in Tron as the main net is going to launch in the 31st of May it will not be an ERC20 token but a real Coin leading to a price increase.

holochain or origami network

I'm thinking maybe this. Been a while since we've seen BTFO alts

Been looking into holo (hot). dev progress blows most mainnet projects out of the water. basically nobody is aware of it yet, and it has a completely new consensus algorithm

XLM tokens on decentralized exchanges.


DERO is a 905bhp engine in a fucking chevy cavalier
doesn't get more sleeper than that

Attached: 800px-Cavalier_Type_10_Hatch.jpg (800x444, 96K)

The shilling of Chainlink before SIBOS was unreal. And afterwards, as expected, the price fell into a dumpster. I guarantee that 80% of the LINK shills on here have no fucking idea what an oracle is but are just stuck with some crazy bags from before SIBOS. I'd feel bad for them if they weren't so fucking annoying.

SKYCOIN! Are you on fucking drugs?

Ill add Monero to that list.