I risk my fucking money, spend hours upon hours everyday constantly learning and watching charts until my head hurts just so that some faggot can take almost half of it to build a new jet to kill some syrian children? What the fuck? Unironically going to leave US to cashout and never come back. Thinking about hong kong, one of the most people friendly taxation in the world, but considering some other places as well.
TFW crypto taught me that taxation is theft
Other urls found in this thread:
goym dont even think about it
have a read of 'the grace commission' then you will find out, even the gov. knows it theft
You just need to ask yourself one question;
How did government help me make money in crypto? to determine it.
>going to leave US to cashout and never come back
There are laws against this. You will owe when you leave.
>provides infrastructure so you can use a computer
>educates you so you know how to read and do elementary math
>basically enables you to make mad gains
>gets enraged
And besides, Laquisha just had another bastard and she be needin some new threads.
This. They will find you
In Poland it's 1% per transaction. I use Binance and never showed them my ID. Poland can suck my ass when I cashout everything at 1% tax and tell them I just mined it all.
that's why I won't come back, to make sure they can't do anything
Two thirds of our tax dollars go towards food and healthcare for old people. The last third ridiculously overfunds our global military empire.
Schools are paid by local property taxes and actual infrastructure investments are miniscule.
He fell for the tax meme...
hmm, didn't think about checking the actual numbers, this is what I get for living in a socialist utopia
>he fell for the “you can leave anytime you want” meme
Leaving America is like cashing out crypto. You can’t. Try it and watch what happens. The wall is to keep you in and keep you paying.
I'd be curious to hear the breakdown of your socialist utopia's budget.
I mean, your defense budget alone should be miniscule because of the US. That'd free up a ton of money.
He can leave though. Stay off the grid. But you lose out the American privilege of being able to travel to anywhere. You're basically stuck in Hong Kong and have to live like a subhuman for the rest of your lives. what's the point of being rich.
get a st kitts citizenship and renounce your current citizenship
how did the gov't provide all those things before they implemented income taxation?
businesses pay taxes, pay for licensing, there's also vehicle reg tax, sales tax, etc. all those things are enough to cover cost of running infrastructure. the jooz only pushed for fed reserve and Income Tax to fuck over the goyim even further.
Better make sure you move somewhere where you can’t be extradited
biggest expenditure is "finance" (whatever the hell that means, probably should look it up) at 17% of budget, the next biggest thing is welfare and health at 15%, then education and culture at 6,6%. rest is divvied up into other government services. defence budget is 2,9% of GDP, we'd probably get conquered by a lone caveman with a rock for a weapon desu
The part of taxes that I don't like is when women have children they get money from the government.
This money comes from my taxes, basically I'm forced to pay women to have sex with other men,
The government is cucking me.
i'm pretty sure taxes existed in one way or another before any major infrastructure
welp anyways sorry for your fucked up country, i hope the jews won't get us too
>muh American privilege
You do know ANYONE can travel right? In fact the US has pissed off enough countries work permits and Visas are mostly harder for you to get.
Do you really think the goyim will let you go with their schmeckles? They will hunt you down.
>govt is just a shitty substitute for your parents
you're still an american citizen so you'll end up paying them anyways ahahahha
>infrastructure provided by parents (literally, father worked at main phone company and made them hundreds of millions of dollars in various deals while taking home 5 figures)
>went to private school, even then was penalized because socialist country in which the best students have to slow down for the worst students
>taxation rate on crypto over 50%, can go over 100% in edge cases
>funds propaganda telling me i'm a terrible person for being born a middle-class native
>taxes my parents at 85% effective rate to import immigrants and house them, feed them and give them monthly allowances
>denies me free housing and healthcare allowed to everyone else because "your parents are rich, they can pay for it"
>doesn't teach proper english at school, got to pick up that shit on my own
>after years of isolation, denies me access to public university because "you're a white man and you're too old"
>minimum wage public service jobs are reserved to african immigrants "so they can integrate, you're white you can go to university and have an office job"
>minimum wage private sector jobs don't hire without a degree
>get to live alone and shunned
>get to hear people leeching off society telling me i should pay taxes
idk mate
you go rush to that keyboard and tell me i'm pathetic if you want
i'm not here shaking my fist at getting shafted, it is what it is. but i couldn't live with myself if i paid enormous taxes to a country that treated me that way
it might be true no one is owed anything, and it might be true we all owe our relative peace and freedom to military, police, firefighters, institutions creating an environment for us to live this way. still, when you're the guy who always gets the smallest part of the pie while everyone else cheers and claps for equality, it's hard to care for the idea of giving back
Very well written. And I agree, we need to starve the beast.
fucking kill yourself
No u
>pays taxes
The biggest cuck enjoy staying poor you kike slave
Hey now, be a good Goy and dont question your Jewish overlords. Just keep giving that money to the chosen race.
To be accurate, the individual income tax largely pays the debt to the private bank that issues dollars for interest.
The debt exists so we can spend beyond our means by dropping $15 million dollar bombs on caves for 17 years, and pay social entitlements.
by building the social prison i want to escape from
Happened to me l long before that. When I was wage cucking and working my ass off. Ended up in a different tax bracket which was 41%. My bonus also at 45%. And yeah, similar rip off rate for even my savings. Socialism is wonderful.
Puerto Rico is a US territory where as a resident, you don't pay Federal tax. I hear local tax is high though.
You can parrot all the bullshit you want, but you can't explain HOW "the government" does any of the things you listed. Local government maybe, but definitely not Federal.
>not selling drugs on the side to avoid taxes
It's like you enjoy giving the ZOG money
hong kong is much nicer than most of america. its not like mainland china.
establish residency in pr for 6 months
not for much longer, CCP is trying to take control
Repported to the CIA.
Enjoy your trip to Secret Polish torture camps.
Would rather you didn't pay taxes and live in a lawless land?
If no one had taxed the people who are far richer than you are now, you wouldn't have the opportunity to sit in a comfy house and day trade. The industrial revolution moguls would have bought this country and you wouldn't have a pot to piss in unless you bought it from the company store.
If no one had taxed the silent generation, America would have lost world war 2, and we'd be living under the man in the high castle.
If no one taxed the boomers who came before you, you wouldnt have a road infrastructure system and a well armed police force protecting you from niggers and Mexican gangs.
Why do you think you're so fucking special that you alone shouldn't be taxed, while everyone is, and you enjoy the benefits that are beyond your wildest imagination?
Do you think the sacrifices you are making are anywhere near the severity of the sacrifices those before you made?
And you think to fucking complain about it on a siberian shoe cobblers anonymous image board?
Please enough me on how you reached that conclusion.
Daily reminder that the income tax was only supposed to be 3%, and on the richest americans in 1913.
With that in mind, does 35% sound fair?
What the fuck is fair?
Are you appealing to some fucking moral power?
Is there some cosmic scale you can measure this on?
Because yeah, it does sound fair, all of us live a lot higher on the hog than the 3% in 1913 did.
What other metric could you possibly judge fairness on?
Why don't we implement 100% tax then
And in return for all your hard work and taxes the government protects you and provides services so that niggers don't pillage your home every day while trading and rape your daughters. Or if your house catches on fire someone will come to put it out. Or a lot of other nice perks to having a government retard.
People like you honestly deserve a bullet
You'd defend totalitarianism too
Wrong, local and state taxes pay for police and fire protection. The federal government can't even protect our borders while mexican rapists continue to pour in. I have problems paying local and state taxes too. The federal government is a fucking nigger though.
>I have problems paying local and state taxes too.
I meant I have no problems paying local and state taxes too
Isn't it fucking incredible how the internet has brought us all together. Just think about how many people a day are learning about how they are getting Jewed over on a daily basis.
The cat is out of the bag; sooner or later this fiat money shit will collapse.
>Mexican gangs.
Didn't the US government just hand out a bunch of weapons to Mexicans to try and track them? Lmao
You're an absolute turd
>He thinks moguls do not control the government
If that's the case then why is the U.S. a country and not just a bunch of neighboring states who agree to get along with each other? Surely there is some value the federal government is offering to make this an agreed upon deal we live by otherwise we would probably be a bunch of independent states right now.
give it ten years
>Implying untamed capitalism doesn't turn into totalitarianism.
Because allowing some wealth outside of centralized control creates progress too.
You might as well be asking why don't animals reproduce perfect identical copies of their offspring.
And what's your point?
So the US government is further sowing seeds of instability in other countries and fomenting our own dominance.
Sounds like a service you should be glad to sponsor.
So if it is a rigged game, what difference would it make if you pay taxes or not?
Is your personal pride hurt because you almost forgot about it and thought that your silly MMORPG Bitcoin game might actually fill the void in your heart?
Social Democracy is garbage, even NazBol gang has a superior ideology
Unless you own the central bank, 100% of the federal tax you pay goes to fucking you in the ass.
you know capital gains taxes are either cheaper, or exactly the same as regular income right?
>world banking cabal owns 99% of countries
>US is their attack dog for collecting payment from defaulting countries
>thinks they won't get whatever they want
Enjoy your life on the run I guess
>Leaving America is like cashing out crypto. You can’t. Try it and watch what happens.
If you've got enough wealth to retire on there are dozens of decent enough countries (and dozens more brown ones) that will happily grant citizenship in exchange for that money hitting their banks.
The poor can't leave. Those with enough jewgold rule the world.
Look to people who've been down this road to see what to expect
I believe he paid all the taxes he 'owed' though so your situation will be different in that regard.
I'd be concerned about bank accounts getting seized. Good thing you have crypto.
>1/5 federal employees make over 100k a year
>30k federal employees make at least 190k a year
>Federal law enforcement has automatic bonus that is 25% of base salary
>Many federal jobs work four days every other week
>No 70+ hours like high level private sector jobs
> Federal employees have pension program that will equal ~(1.1% x highest salary) x number of years worked. So if you make 120k mid career and work for 40 years, you will have a 52k pension. On top of pension, Federal employees have retirement contribution system similar to 401k with employer contributions
>On top of pension and retirement contributions, federal employees have retirement health insurance
>Being the incompetent won't have ANY impact on your career
>Daily welfare checks to the most unproductive members of society
Yes goy, keep paying half your money.