Canadian takeover edition.
can't decide
I don't see it getting posted as often
you gots to edumacate ya ass
>Brits store their beer bottles up a brown immigrant's anus
yes please
hurrr durrrrrr
Men essentially regret three things: not being aggressive enough in their pursuit of a potential partner, not sleeping with more girls when they were younger, and not sleeping with more women when they were single.
However, the regrets of women are vastly different, including the loss of their virginity to a less than desirable partner, cheating on boyfriends and husbands, and having drunken one night stands.
"The consequences of casual sex were so much higher for women than for men, and this is likely to have shaped emotional reactions to sexual liaisons even today," said Haselton.
Interestingly, researchers found that the biggest regret for women was “having sex with a physically unattractive partner,” while men did not seem to care much about that minute detail at all.
Epoch - Numatic
Thank me later.