White people problems

Crying for football

Attached: rua-argentina (2).jpg (924x616, 93K)

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have never understood crying over sports

Not going to the dentist because it might hurt a bit

Why would you call them white

Because they are the average argentinians, and Argentina is a white country

they are 100% european (italian)

sure thing man

these are northeastern niggers rooting for argentia, retard

Its a argentinian colony here in Brasil.

why do brasilians cheers for argentinians? WTF

Sai fora, vira lata

the only problem is it's populated by brazilians... not argentinians. stop larping as us, you make us look bad

>mfw we have colonies and brazil doesn't
Did you see the video about the bangladeshi (bengali? idk) rooting for us? It's crazy

Attached: colonizer.png (227x227, 79K)

argentinians are whiter and baseder than you, northeastern nigger

yeah, it's crazy... the only problem is it gives them tons of trolling material

for the same reason people call you human?

Rapaz, chupa rola de argentino é muito engraçado.
É um nível bastante baixo na cadeia dos vira latas

i'm prety sure everyone south of Bahia would prefer argentinians than northeastern niggers. Easily.

Attached: northeasti.jpg (937x657, 162K)

because argentina is white?

Attached: argentina es blanco.png (496x281, 284K)

They are Brazilians. These are real Argetinians mad

Attached: DgPTpCUXUAIBKQW.jpg (1200x675, 180K)

We are all brown brothers. Don't hate each other

so, what's the difference?

Vira lata por ofender uns severinos larpando de argentinos? Que idiotice.

that's because you dont have to carry those literal niggers on your back

Attached: nordeste.jpg (1090x501, 133K)

Vira lata sim

Puta merda cale a boca.

You don't carry anybody. If you post here you don't have a job to begin. Don't hate your brownn brothers

Ignorem o morto de fome merdestino.

Attached: nordestegdp.jpg (862x651, 157K)

Vc é tão bostão que parece estar escrevendo em inglês e traduzindo para o português. É tão lambe botas que está ficando com a linguagem mecânica

>Choosing between multiple university acceptances

**morre de sede**

Why do you call them niggers? I was expecting black people but all look brown arabs, egyptians, etc lel

O quê que você tá inventando seu burro, uma anta que usa uma expressão fora de contexto vem querer falar uma merda dessas.

Yes we do, they are a blackhole that sucks money and nothing good comes out of it, and have the shamelessness of bitching and acting like victims.

Hauahauahaaauauah aposto que você acha que são paulo sustenta o país tb.

E o resto do sudeste e sul.

>Brazil doesn't
See Florida

>implying florida isn't latin america 2.0

They don't even look like mestizos. I'm guessing they are indians or something.