Tfw lack the willpower and motivation for self improvement

>tfw lack the willpower and motivation for self improvement

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Just fuck your shit up already

Sadly I have no choice. If I wanna keep living at home I have to work or go to college.

you just gotta stop watching porn friendo..
thats how i got the strength to learn this shitty language.

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There's more to do than that

>tfw only enough willpower and motivation for one form of self-improvement/self-not-getting-worse at a time

I fell for the college meme though so I'm not doing anything till I'm done

If you're not doing things outside of school you're setting yourself up for failure though

I've done two relevant internships and am in the department club. I suffer.

Why tho? Sounds okay depending on the internships.

Personally I work a deadend office job where I do very little just read random articles and Jow Forums/rebbit, then I feel tired and do nothing after work only to feel guilty about it next wagecuckday.

Because when I was 18 I was basically told all my life I'd be a min wage burger flipper if I don't go to college so I fell for it. I'd have just jumped right into working if I could go back but I'm in too deep now. I don't think it's been worth it.

start lifting faggot

Why? In today's job market you pretty much do need a degree unless you are selfmotivated to start a business. If you just worked after HS you'd make a pittance and be going nowhere. What are you studying?

I already do. It has little benefits for me, or maybe I've grown accustomed to them.

Poli sci.
Had I started working full time from 18 adding to that the time I had worked in hs I would have had probably 40k by 20. I could have bought a small house outright. From then on I could have just worked and invested most of my income since I know how to live very frugally. Getting a degree doesn't mean you get a job that make up for the money I've spent on school and the opportunity cost. Working full time right out of hs would have been more straightforward for my living and investment goals.

>Why? In today's job market you pretty much do need a degree unless you are selfmotivated to start a business. If you just worked after HS you'd make a pittance and be going nowhere. What are you studying?
>falling for the college degree meme
>not learning a trade or working on an oil rig or something lucrative without having to waste years of monthly payments to get into it

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Man I did that meme of working out of HS and I have the money you describe. It aint shit you need a degree these days or you get treated like a subhuman in a deadend job. I got lucky and lied on my resume to get this one, im only okay because I live rentfree. My friends who went to university are a year or two into their careers and most are doing good with big futures.

Not possible to become a tradesman here in my province unless you have a familybro who will let you be an apprentice under him.

And fuck if I want to work on an oilrig next to a bunch of literal 80IQ drugaddicts. Sometimes I think people saying degrees are a meme dont want their own devalued. --- I mean if I got a degree id be shilling 24/7 trying to convince people its a waste of time for less competition.

They probably go decent degrees. I am gonna have this lib arts garbo because i suck at math.

this so much

what job do you have? and is lying on ur resume a bad thing like i was told?

Only if you get caught

don't want to get into specifics but it's pretty much your run of the mill paperpushing position. No growth but tolerable only for the reason of low responsibility and effort.

Lying on your resume is almost always worth it there are little to no downsides let alone to get your career started in the entry-level. "If you ain't lying you aint trying" as one black man at my synagogue once told me.

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thanks, im looking for a job now and will prob do this