Do they feel more culturally closer to brazil or to the rest of hispanic america?

do they feel more culturally closer to brazil or to the rest of hispanic america?

Attached: uruguay_and_argentina_hybrid.png (1200x630, 157K)

Other urls found in this thread:ão? indigenas en el Paraguay Resultados Finales de Poblacion y Viviendas 2012.pdf

we feel more culturally close to the southern cone

Why the face on the sun? it looks very creepy

southern Brazil

Brazil is its own thing and pretty isolated to the rest of the continent. They have some ties to us and our north is very close to them though.
>Según Diego Abad de Santillán, se trata de un sol figurado que representa al dios del sol inca, Inti.1 La versión que figuraba en la primera moneda argentina y en su actual bandera contiene dieciséis rayos rectos y dieciséis rayos flamígeros (32 en total) intercalados que salen de un sol con rostro humano. Mientras que la versión que utiliza la bandera de Uruguay cuenta con ocho rayos rectos y ocho flamígeros, también intercalados.

>La denominación «de Mayo» hace referencia a la Revolución de Mayo, ocurrida en la semana del 18 al 25 de mayo de 1810, y que marcó el inicio del proceso de independencia de España de los actuales países que en ese momento formaban el Virreinato del Río de La Plata.

so you feel culturally close to us?

I'd still take the face off, the more I look at it, the more it creeps me out

The only ties Brazil has in South America are economic, however the South does have cultural ties with Argentina and u r gay

I think the three countries are somewhat different from the rest of the continent and are its own thing
The lips are the worst

South brazil also has gaucho culture and drink mate

but chile is also different from Argentina and Uruguay
the cultural gap between us is the same as with us and peru/bolivia
we are our own thing

>WE WUZ gaúchos and shiet

Mendoza province surely does

>I think the three countries are somewhat different from the rest of the continent and are its own thing
yeah but like the yoruguayan pointed out borderlands are mixing points, there are no defined lines


Brazilians are weird, gaucho for you means white people, in argentina and uruguay gauchos were the first mestizos

I thought gauchos were cowboys or something, not a race.

and you thought right... except that brazilians think they're a race apart for being gauchos lol
gaucho is not even a tribe

ven pa' acá y te meto el birome en el orto

They are but brazilians think its a synonym of whiteness which is weird because the reak guachos were rape babies

>I thought gauchos were cowboys or something, not a race.
They are cowboys. It is merely a coincidence that the first gauchos were half indian and half spaniard.

>The lips are the worst
I don't know what is funnier the smile on Uruguay's sun or that the Argentina's one is kissing you

el chileno que toma mate seniores >coincidence
more like the statistic average for that time, if you think about it

you guys are right, it's pretty pointless to cram some countries into strict clusters
they're cowboys but most of them were mestizos

Not a coincidence, the whole gaucho thing was being shunned by both colonists and indians thus living in the frontier as cattle thiefs
The original gauchos are cattle thiefs who got romanticized by the argentinians who were desperately trying to invent an identity and now every rural person with a horse larps as a gaucho despite being a land owner
Then came brazil and shit got weird

Pero si el mate lo toman desde Coquimbo hasta acá, paragua.

me vas a disculpar si no te creo,
pero no te creo

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but they actually were. i dont see the problem here


Gaucho doesn't mean white people here

TL;DR : gauchos were romanticized by Argentina who was desperately trying to invent an identity over fears of Italians taking over culturally and then politically ; South Brazilians used the same bullshit to fuel their regional identity
t.never talked with a sulista

>Si bien en la época virreinal la palabra gaucho o gauchesco se ha utilizado con sentido variado, con referencia tanto al poblador de las zonas rurales de gran parte del Cono Sur (particularmente del Cono Sur en su vertiente al este de los Andes), como a una forma de cultura, en los primeros tiempos que se utilizó para designar un tipo de habitante de las Sierras del Este de la Banda Oriental, llamadas “tierras de nadie”, no solo de la llanura pampeana, también fue utilizada entonces en las que hoy es Río Grande del Sur, Entre Ríos, Misiones, parte de Corrientes y las fronteras entre los dominios español y portugués.

fuck everybody
fuck you too op
fucking fuck everything

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Então quer dizer que gaúcho é o cangaceiro do sul? Perdendo duríssimo.

I will give you my opinion as an outsider. In general, Brazil is a transition zone. As a whole, Brazil and all the things that people associate with it (sun, beach, dance, party, melting pot of people) resemble more what you would find in Colombia and Venezuela rather than Argentina and Uruguay.

That being said though, I completely agree that South Brazil is more similar to Argentina and Uruguay

it's not a tribe
a social group? definitely, same as cowboys or whatever rural dwellers were called in the 1800's

cê é burro cara
que absurdo, isso aí é tudo burrice
wikipédia, um site que tem montão de imbecís mudando tudo numa guerra de edits? essa é a sua prova?

Yes, and many of them lived in what today is Rio Grande do Sul

Rio de Janeiro is not Brazil. Country culture is very strong here.

>Basically the same as parts of the country
Uruguay, Paraguay
>Eh why not
>Stop coming here

>as parts
underline that please

Whatever you say, your hdi and gdp are still sub saharan tier.

wtf are you saying... Paraguay is Bolivia with jungle

Specially in the pampas region.

so is Misiones
hence: PARTS

Also, people ther use "che" and many other spanish influences, on the borders, they speak a mix of spanish and portuguese.

>The original gauchos are cattle thiefs who got romanticized by the argentinians who were desperately trying to invent an identity

My fucking sides. So gauchos worship bandit culture? HAHAHAHAHAHAHSHSHSH

Please give me more sources.

Ahora es cuando te digo que hasta existen marcas de mate Chilenas y te vas de espalda como condorito.
Yo solo consumo mate envasado en Chile, los que vienen envasados de argentina y Brasil te vienen con mucho polvillo, a diferencia del que empaquetan acá que casi ni polvillo tiene (

Guess what? Same applies over here but for some reason Rio and our Coastal cities are the main entry point for foreigners in our countries and that is the impression that they leave with about our countries.

Also, yes Rio does not represent Brazil in its entirety, but most coastal cities up north of it aren't exactly much of a change either

They were rutinely genocided, drafted into suicide missions and hated by the most ilustrous XIX century Argentine presidents

Misiones is not nearly as poor as Paraguay

Post links pleasr.

Well, it's a big country. The 8th biggest, actually.

but it has jungles
so you admit the only thing in common between Paraguay and Bolivia is poverty?

yeah hold on... but it's in spanish

Its mostly in Spanish just look at anything relating to guachos in the XIX century

>Paraguay and Bolivia is poverty?
yes, that's what I ment

and the ammount of amerindians

This is common knowledge, y'know. The national epic, Martín Fierro, is all about how the gov was fucking the gauchos over.

In Brazil these faggots lie a lot. They say gaucho culture is based on work and not thiefs HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

i'm pretty sure that Bolivia has more LIVING amerindians than we do. as in, not "1/64 Cherokee" type of descendants of natives
even Brazil has a bigger population than Paraguay... no wait let me check that fact and i get back to you

>This is common knowledge, y'know
no he doesn't know
papu no te quiero ofender pero lo que es conocido en Argentina no es conocido en otros lados a no ser que haya salido una telenovela con Facundo Arana de protagonista sobre el tema
ustedes no son el ombligo del mundo, no sé si sabías. son más como la galleta de la pierna del mundo

We feel closer to Spain and Italy.

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That's because they are larpers

>ustedes no son el ombligo del mundo
no le rompas la ilusión así pobrecito, que se entere solo de grande

>no he doesn't know
But they've been talking about it like it's a big secret when it's really not. It's always been part of our national identity. That's what I meant.

Así que calmate, tiraflechas.

che me parece que dijo que era cultura general como justificando que no tenga las fuentes a mano para mostrarle al brazuca no como esperando que todo el mundo sepa trivia del siglo XIX de argentina

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Gaucho simply means someone from the south, not white per se. See Ronaldinho Gaucho.

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igual podría haber mandado un link del martín fierro y listo, yo lo interpreté como el paraguaão?
>the more than 240 indigenous tribes, according to IBGE 2010 Census, total 896.917 people indigenas en el Paraguay Resultados Finales de Poblacion y Viviendas 2012.pdf
>The final results of the III National Census, done in 2012, give a total of 117.150 people that declared to belong one of the 19 tribes existing in our country

damn i feel like Jow Forums citing sources and shit

muy flojo lo de él no?
bueh son muy 2 de la mañana para andar citando fuentes. alto autismo eso

No, it's completely unrelated whasoever to south brazil. You can see the great distances that separete the countries, their cultures are completely diverse. the """"""gaucho'"""""""" culture from the pampas in RS started in 1980, when they started to larp.

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>un link del martín fierro
Es el Martín Fierro. Que googlee.

y tiene que googlear el libro traducido encima
bueh que se vea él

They are closer to their Italian father