1 dollar = 30 pesos

>1 dollar = 30 pesos

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>1 dollar = 62.79 rubles

So? It's not like you're a sub 60 IQ monkey that saves his money in pesos or has next to no savings, are you user? are you user?

>having money

What can I buy with 30 pesos?

>cigarettes are even more expensive

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30 things from the Peso store

and i tought we were the most fucked with the election of the dotard in chief

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1 dollar, duh

An American dollar

>£1 = $1.32

In 2007 it was £1 = $2.07

The world is ending

Holy shit I probably make more than you and I work at McDonalds lol

You can't even buy a Coke.

Macri should've deregulated everything even more, then this wouldn't be happening. If he made murder and rape legal, the Argentine peso would be 1:1 with the USD.

>Peso store
We had "2 pesos" store, back in the 90s.


>poorfags start killing themselves
what a time to be alive, thank god I saved as much as I could when shit wasn't so bad

>when the 2 pesos bill was introduced it had more purchasing power than a 50 bill nowadays
what a time to be alive

My nan was paid £10 a week and was considered comfortable as a working class woman.

Now the minimum wage is £7.83/hour.

Inflation is a bitch

Yeah, but it took the UK 2 generations to reach that point, it took us less than 2 decades, not something a f*Rst worlder would understand


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Literally who cares about the exchange rates? By looking at the numbers alone, it MIGHT tell you something (e.g. N225 and USDJPY are correlated most of the time), but it's usually trivial, especially for you 30 year old boomers, who would rather trade buttcoins.

If you want to compare economies, then at least look at something a little bit more substantial such as real wage growth.

>1 dollar=1 dollar

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I... I think I'm that argie flag. I recall making a comment like that... wew

It's relevant because if you had savings in pesos, you instantly lost years of work. And wages usually lag behind the exchange rates and fees, so stuff traded internationally, like fuel and food will go up far before the people perceive higher salaries.

>understanding economics

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So is this a good time to travel argentina?

There must be a conspiracy of Jews behind it.

1 dolar = 4.5 lira

>plane to japan leaves at 9am
>fly for 12 hours
>plane lands at 9am

Jewpanese conspiracy indeed

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>Literally who cares about the exchange rates?
Everyone and their grandma here knows that a depreciating currency = higher prices, since we have a lot of imported components. So when that happens, every person in the country that sells something is already upping their prices, sometimes for an amount that excedes what would actually happen if no one knew that.

The average argentine is really sensitive to the exchange rate.

I can now import all of those british goods I always wanted.... pssh yeah right haha

I don't care, I have 10.000k. Im abandoning this sinking ship, see you.

to where?

Save in dollars, problems will be not.

They know, shut it down.

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what about a can of soda?

They tried that once before I believe

Why do the even fly when they could just float and let the earth move below them?

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I can't tell you.


How can you fly around the world if the Earth is flat?

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>save money in dollars
>government freezes bank accounts
>retrieves dollars, in their infinite generosity they deposit pesos
>next day they devalue the peso by 50% and unfreeze all accounts
reading our fiscal and government history would turn Stalin into an ancap, fortunately for the government our education system is shit and people get their opinions pre-digested by news channels!

Because whenever the vehicle you're in moves, you're actually moving the Earth around you. When you drive, you're tugging the Earth under your tires. When you fly, your plane exerts the gravity to move the world around you. Even when you walk, you are pulling the world under your feet. And billions are doing this all around the world, as well, making a constant tug-of-war of this bitch of an earth.

Food and fuel here also go up, and food's a bitch because there's not only inflation but also times when weather is terrible.

Pic related might be a contributor to the issue. But what on earth is going on down there?

They could always put money into t bills or something but chances are the government would intervene with that. Argentina is not like Japan.

Nothing bad can happen if you store your dollars in your mattress.

>trusting banks
I'd rather sleep on my savings.

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I'm a retard and forgot to post the picture

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I know what you are talking about but
>Not withdrawing money from the bank as soon as it's deposited

>tfw I was too lazy to research how to buy dollars

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nigga go to the bank or an exchange house, even an arbolito
how old are you?

Go to a trustworthy "cueva" and buy them.

>1dollar=69 Rupees

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The change in exchange rates is what matters, the value of the peso is going down too fast.

Why not buy gold or bitcoin instead of dollars?


I'm a neet that never had a bank account, all the money I have is pesos in cash.

You mean the Comex papers which state delivery as optional and probably aren't even backed the gold they claim to be?
omg if you bought bitcoin in december and just HODL then your precious $18,000 piece of code would become $5,900! Magical!


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>Pic related might be a contributor to the issue. But what on earth is going on down there?
Government has had deficit for something like... 50 years, out of the last 60. And not even small deficits, they often go double digit. Fiscal responsibility is a foreign concept when your only interest is to win a couple of elections and fuck off. Last government printed money cause noone would lend them what they needed to cover the deficit, current government goes full debt cause they lack the balls to carry out the budget cuts. And if rumors are true, the IMF doesn't want the dollar to be "cheap" when buying with pesos, because that would encourage imports and doing tourism in other countries, draining the money the IMF just injected in the government's reserves.

You deserve it then. You know that people buying houses in dollars is actually a rarity in most of the world? Why would any sane person change their money into a foreign currency they can't use anywhere else? We do it because we've had inflation, for how long? The average anual inflation for the 45 to '90s period is a little over 200%
If 50 years of history is not enough for you to say "fuck pesos" you might be a lil bit slow

Ah well, I've been working summers for three years and literally bought dollars as soon as I got paid for the first time in 2015

>I'm a neet that never had a bank account
Me either. I alredy told you, go to a cueva.

t. Your entire tech imports don't depend on the exchange rate

5 years ago i could buy a current gen pc, with tgat same money, now, i can't even buy a motherboard

I don't trust cuevas and I don't want to overpay, can I buy in a bank if I'm not a client?

>DRUMPF literally in war with my country

>from canada to china to europe to the rest of latam the world is crashing and my country is relatively fine

we are electing a commie tomorrow and yet it will remain true

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>tech imports
Tiny sector of the economy that goes to show you're actually pretty well off. Think fuel, wheat, gas for heating and power generation, and all other countless sectors of the economy that are trash. Don't fool yourself, our industrial sector is a joke and exists only because they have government protection. A ton of shit can't be manufactured here and has to be imported.

This didn't happen with Cristina. I can't wait for her return in 2019, hopefully she will fix this mess caused by the currupt Macri goverment.

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Hey we are in a war with drumpfy too

You need to have a bank account (I think)
Anyways if you are a NEET you don't have anything to worry about, just tell your parents to give you dollars or something

Macri now wants to tax bitcoin and cryptocurrencies, those fucking thieves hate economic freedom.

Go to Quesada 2394. There's a cueva next to that store, they have been there for years and they are trustworthy.
>I don't want to overpay
Is the only way, you can't go to a random bank to buy dollars.

I'm trying to speak on terms a gringo NEET on Jow Forums would understand


Weakest bait, but actually the thing that pisses me the most about Macri. He's been so mediocre for the last couple of years that he didn't even manage to raise the bar on our next president. There are people out there unironically wanting to go back to the shitshow that it was Kirchnerism because of Macri's shitty performance, how did he fuck it up that much?

Thanks for a reasonable response. I was suspecting an overall debt and production issue, but I didn't want to make too much assumptions.

>Fiscal responsibility is a foreign concept when your only interest is to win a couple of elections and fuck off.
I think a lot of Western countries are like this right now. Worst of all, it seems like there's no end to this loop--yet.

He literally only had a catchy slogan and the promise to not interrupt old hags when they were watching their turkish soap operas
He'll probably get re-elected too since tehre's no actual opposition

>turkish soap operas
Why would someone in south america watch a turkish show?

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You don't just prop up 25 years of non stop populism

People really don't have an idea how hard macri already saved our ass. Do you imagine the Ks handling trump's war on the world economy?

Not to mention that he gave way to people like losteau and vidal to be non peronist-UCR old guard powers. Before that you only had him.

Is there a chance that the dollar might go down again? Maybe 30 is the top and now it will go back to 25 or a bit lower.

KARA BOGA is a worldwide movement

>He'll probably get re-elected too since tehre's no actual opposition
Dunno lad. Peronism has been having a stroke for the last few years but the fuckers always come back. That party has been pronounced dead like 4 times in the past and they always manage to come up with some charismatic literally who governor from some literally who province that btfos every other candidate.

Are you high?

I don't know but they're a huge hit here
Some of the girls are hot though

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No, our real dollar is probably somewhere between 35-45 range. 50 even. The economy won't start to grow until we fix the deficit and keep it stable. That takes tears, way more than one mandate. In the meanwhile, the economy will keep worsening

old peoples here watch south american and indian series too


I'd unironically vote for enrique pinti

>we will have a time machine to put Bores in power despite his protests

>Huge debt crisis
>The solution was to devaluate the currency A LOT (almost 300%)
>Huge boost to exports through prices.

>Government change
>Economy is recovering
>Government spending is still far below tax collection
>Government starts to spend

>Government starts to spend much more than tax collection
>Money printing
>Inflation starts to rise

>Inflation too high (9% anually)
>They are starting to tinker with official statistics

>Last year of economic growth until 2017

>Government makes it illegal to buy foreing currency

>Inflation is at a 30% anually
>Government change
>Buying foreing currency is legal again
>Deficit still high

>Inflation is at 40% anually due to pass through
>Deficit still high
>Government cuts down on money printing, but not really
>Decides to incurr increase debt because higher trust on this government
>No signs of recovery

>Government bows to reduce money printing
>It kind of does
>Economy showings some signs of recovery
>Inflation starting to decrease (25%)
>Some members of the government thinks this is too slow
>They took some power away from the central bank

>Inflation starts to rise again because they starte to printing money again
>Guy on the central bank regains power
>Things calm down a little

>2018 May
>Central bank has huge debts with the market
>They were using the interest rate in order to limit the amount of ARS circulating
>New crisis
>They solve it
>Old guy leaves

>Problem too complex now, they need to start releasing ARS into the market because they can't keep selling bonds.
>In order to keep from inflation spiraling out of control you need to cut down on government spending
>Releasing ARS into the market means there are more ARS than the market wants and they all end up going to the foreign exchange market

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I mean, the "party" is quite divided with CFK on one side and Randazzo on the other one, that makes it more difficult for them to win an election than if there was only one candidate

>lousteau and vidal
lol they are the same as macri but with a different label. Only Cristina is the real opposition to the imperialistic powers.

Yeah, It wont get cheaper than this in a long time

So Macri's entire presidency could be a failure and you've already justified it as a success in your mind. Wow

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Hurry up before the civil war begins.


We were between this or a downhill road towards a softcore Venezuela. I didn't vote him tho.

Still, took his cabinet 2 months to half ass an increase in all the bills that people pay and even slid in a few new taxes, but a bit over 2 years to introduce the debate about "hey maybe bills are so high because of taxes, and maybe we shouldn't spend so much money on politicians' salaries, huh?" Of course, even members of his own party said "ugggh no politicians salaries are fine as they are, they should be even higher in fact"
Come on, he even braggs about how welfare planes actually increased whenever someone calls him muh neolibrul. I read about how he fired around 20k people from public jobs in 2017. With his take on "there are an excess of millions of workers in the public sector" it should take him only around a century to make the cuts he himself admitted had to be made. I'll let the boys at the Cambiemos office next block that they have to win 25 presidential races in a row.
This "shit was really bad before Macri won" is not really an acceptable argument so late into his presidency

>imperialistic powers

Lel 95% doesn't even kmow if we are white. Nobody cares about argentina