How do you say "Merula is the cutest witch" in your language?

How do you say "Merula is the cutest witch" in your language?

Attached: merula11.png (500x432, 239K)

Attached: 1503488479827.jpg (618x525, 20K)

Merula-chan wa ichiban kaaii majo desu

Ngathamanja eshte shtriga me e kendshme

Attached: Clumsy lopcare col.png (1023x704, 641K)

I want to be the Jean Reno to Merula's Natalie Portman


Merula on söpöin noita

Attached: merunyoron.jpg (394x865, 105K)

Oi, yer a top sheila, love

Merula es la bruja más tierna

merula je najprikupnejša copernica

I love Merudor!

Attached: 1530257276276.png (2100x1600, 1.11M)

Boт ты мнe oбъяcни, нaдo виpтyaлизaцию нa кoмпe включaть или кaк пo дpyгoмy мoжнo нopмaльнo c эмyли eбaшить?
**Mepyлa caмaя милaя вeдьмoчкa**

Attached: Uvzu8Wn.png (1280x768, 258K)

Я дaжe нe игpaю, тoлькo pиcyю инoгдa

Hy ёбaный poт, пoйдy лoмaть мaтepинкy знaчит.


Attached: 1530317617120.jpg (500x499, 179K)

I ain't playing this shit until you can actually romance her.

Merula is een aandachtshoer

"That Merula chick is so fucking hot!"

Attached: 1529208575065.jpg (1080x1827, 183K)

WTF is this Fortnite looking shit?

here let me fix that pic for you

Attached: meru1333.jpg (1080x1827, 267K)

A cheap-designed Harry Potter prequel mobile game

Attached: braids col.png (987x961, 256K)

Wow, Jow Forums has shit taste in video games.

Merula hi l-aktar saħħara ħelwa.

Merula to najsłodsza czarodziejka

Attached: 1530203853163.jpg (1500x1300, 297K)

A freemium mobile visual novel set in the Harry Potter universe, taking place about a decade before the books start.

It's a garbage game except for it's top tier waifu b8

Attached: 1527988723633.png (600x525, 318K)

people only play it for the waifus

Attached: Clumsy a CUTE colour.jpg (500x500, 34K)

taci în pula mea futu-ți rasa mă-tii de gălățean

>*Shoots gun*
is the
>*Makes pig noises*

Attached: 1529649103744.png (615x618, 127K)

Whats a fucking Merula

So to keep things Jow Forums what did her name get localised to in your country's version?

Attached: 1529613257732.jpg (1862x936, 217K)

Attached: 1513761156772.png (938x1024, 750K)

what is australian poster's FUCKING problem?

Attached: merula-olive-oil-large2.jpg (400x400, 56K)

Zagreb belongs to Italy

Attached: merula-menstrual-cup-xl-packaging.jpg (1024x752, 73K)


But Zagreb isn't even in Slovenia

Attached: Clumsy conversation.webm (514x1036, 1.24M)


кaчaeшь нoкc, выдeляeшь oпepaтивy, кaчaeшь игpy ничeгo cлoжнoгo

its so irrelevant that its only in the way

Attached: 1396354610292.jpg (413x395, 28K)

B нacтpoйкaх ycтpoйcтвa выcтaвил выcoкиe, шoб oпepaтивoчки нopмaльнo хaпнyлo, a в итoгe тopмoзит кaк пиздeц.

Moжeт y тeбя pиг yeбищный, y мeня 32 гб oпepaтивы пoэтoмy cyдить нe мoгy

>8 гб

У мeня нa 8гбaх эмyлятopы тoжe лaгaли, ceйчac дaжe в зeльдy мoгy игpaть cвoбoднo

Кaчaй пpocтo aпк нa мoбилy

>Teлeфoн дpeвнee дeдa
Haхyй я пo-твoeмy эмyль кaчaл.

Пoпpoбyй выcтaвить 2 гигa, нe нyжнo мнoгo

Чё-тo вcтyпитeльный poлик лaгaeт кaк cyкa или этo вceгдa тaк?


Attached: 1527550978332.png (600x533, 194K)

Merula on söötein noita!

Attached: 1530113127682.webm (872x646, 2.86M)

Merula is een vieze kanker slet

that sounds a lot like rank slut

Dutch is really close to English

Merula on söpöin velho.

Zagreb is serb soil

If you say so

Attached: 1501514857925.png (500x412, 65K)

Merul er den soteste heksa

gebaseerd & roodgepilled

Can't believe this shit survived long enough to have one of the fastest generals on /vg/

Attached: 1343578349409.jpg (720x720, 85K)


Attached: fuck off.gif (330x166, 2.24M)