European Union edition
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oh dear, mad paddy is back again. wonder if he learned any new words.
>several pointy faced proto-deanos started working at my workplace
The fuck is with this phenotype, they look like walking rats.
bad edition
hope im not the mad paddy
whats this
mum just said that all afrikaaners are cunts
We could declare unilateral free trade and then go to our allies in USA and the Commons and negotiate a free trading area away from the protectionist dictators in the EU
The EU have no leverage. Won't be surprised if the German car makers and French wine merchants start pressuring for a deal. We buy more from them than they buy from us.
Mogg should be PM
want to strip her petite frame down, pound the shit out of her and snap her in half
looks like my mate darrel in a wig and makeup
my cat has got himself a little mouse friend
mad how they managed to come up with this slur, debate whether or not it was offensive, and then had the gammons come on to tell how hurt their feelings were, all in the course of like three days
100% true. I went to school with a group of them.
EU Flag Post-Brexit
Rorke Rogan
>fake tits
no thanks
bad gimmick
good edition
>the quintessential boomer hates immigrants
Imagine my shock
this is the kind of delusion that has wasted two years of negotiations
the UK could have had a good deal but right now it has nothing
kek whats this from
a japanese girl's buttocks
It's like those pics of black people at night but in reverse.
>Go on a date with a girl who looks like she ate the girl from her online dating pictures. Leave earlier saying that I have food poisoning
>Random girl adds me on Facebook
>Following conversation ensues
Ree lads fucking ree. I find it hard to maintain my cool when dealing with such a batshit insane gender. Need to really limit my interactions with women but at the same time they can be so pretty and smell so good.
>evolve over millions of years living in harmony with nature, outside, swinging from leafy trees eatings fruits and shit under the warm sun
>rapidly transition over ~12k years to a lifestyle of spending 10+ hours a day toiling indoors / preparing for toil all within the confines of man-made society where every square inch of the ground is paved with concrete and your diet consists of ready meals
"bro your depression is just a chemical imbalance"
um no sweaty it's a consequence of the human body being utterly unadapted to modern life and its trappings.
The only sane thing to do is never reproduce, commit suicide if you are brave enough but otherwise live a life of hedonistic nihilism
(hatting my own post to save time)
As usual the elitist remained has no concrete argument
We're leaving the EU and deciding our own free trading destiny, whether you like it or not
louis theroux autism documentary
Drake is Rupi Kaur for men
she was so fit and I fucked it
show us an example of this phenotype
I'm Jewish
French and Spanish authorities have already started sending out letters to urge British expats to apply for resident permits this week.
It's going to by a Hard Brexit, guys.
If you are someone that has to take any form of daily or regular medication you'd better stockpile some dosages before March for at least 3 months in advance.
>The EU have no leverage. Won't be surprised if the German car makers and French wine merchants start pressuring for a deal. We buy more from them than they buy from us.
british goods have european components in them you dope
From what I can tell, most "socialists" in the west are middle class kids. How widespread are socialist ideas among the actual working class?
we live
Dissolve the EU and re-establish the borders of 1944.
should i buy bitcoin?
entertaining post all round
Mong is a traitor that will sell out the UK to foreign bankers using the excuse that because of BREXIT, they must now have to make sacrifices. He's pretty overt about it too. He has already done all the backroom deals. Now he's waiting to get in power to sign all the wealth of the British public away to foreign bankers.
>The only sane thing to do is never reproduce, commit suicide if you are brave enough but otherwise live a life of hedonistic nihilism
Please leave the planet.
going to move to norway and start a cooking show
it's either a border on island of ireland, border in irish sea, or extremely close trading relationship/alignment with EU
politically none of these things will work for various reasons so you are headed for another general election or maybe another referendum
Typical nastiness from the EU
its not a gimmick lad that's a picture of a boyish-looking girl (i assume its supposed to be a girl). my mate darrel is cursed with a youthful face and can't grow facial hair, so if you put a blonde curly wig, some foundation and some lipstick on him he would be the spitting image of what was just posted.
It's hilarious when outsiders think they speak for the German car industry when the representatives of said industry have to speak up and contract it in every way.
nastiness? giving advice is advance is being nasty now?
be my friend turtle
what channel is the match on?
It hasn't bottomed yet.
Top it when it leaves the current channel.
Watch coin mastery for some good macro advice.
he's already set-up a company in dublin
The only people who want to put up a border are the Irish
is GDQ over?
feel free to have children and bring them into this miserable existence if you want, I can't stop you, but I think it's cruel
Don't bother, the mind of a brexit voter is far gone.
Business idea: admit that the majority of Brexit voters only did it because they were a) old and retarded or b) wanting to upset the Tories and just cancel the stupid fucking thing
what? the man who pretends to be a brutally elitist 19th century tycoon is not interested in the well being of the masses?
need her back
funny how she just knows that without ever having met a single one
Threatening good British people who out millions into their economy
Say what you gotta
Sleep in somehow
Leave things on speaking terms
And I'll see you around
It's all ash and dust
I won't you let you take me for a ride
And it's all over us
And still I won't let you take me for a ride
Cant wait to watch the EU wither and die without us hehe
I really want to fuck your friend in a wig and makeup
Really depends, here it's a little complicated because of the various unions around. But the most socialists here are indeed champagne socialists as well as completely retarded, I knew this one dude back in high school who said that Finns were all bolsheviks.
whats up freak bitches
EU's not going to survive the decade anyway. It's 50-50 tipping point for support here and once the Germans are out the money is gone.
he wont like that one bit
Have you ever considered going for girls your own age?
Who says that ever has to be the only option? Defeatist twat, it just takes hard work to change your current situation. Easy come, easy go.
listening to brian eno
there has to be some kind of border/customs checks between EU and non-EU countries that's just a fact
the only point to argue on that is whether it goes on island of ireland, in irish sea, or UK stays in customs union/single market with extremely close regulatory alignment with EU to allow for a relatively frictionless border like the one between sweden and norway
praying that r*ssia can get BTFO'd
if they win i will bust my bollocks, and that's on BD ... on G*d ...
the CPGB-ML is the most popular party among the British working class
your name's not down you're not coming in
any FatTonyist man in?
The EU will be bankrupt without our contributions
someone hat this muppet
why do they only cut the grass in sections
oh doom & gloom, doom & gloom... you've been watching too much news lately, take a look out your window and look at how beautiful it is outside!
you will thank your self!
what on earth is that
>there has to be some kind of border/customs checks between EU and non-EU countries that's just a fact
Only if the Irish want to build it. We in the UK have no interest in establishing a border.
this but nonironically
>We could declare unilateral free trade and then go to our allies in USA and the Commons and negotiate a free trading area away from the protectionist dictators in the EU
1. Declaring unilateral free trade is a bad idea.
2. The US is the most protectionist now it has been in our lifetimes
3. the commonwealth are all fucking miles away and with less developed avenues of trade. There is no way we could make up in trade to the commonwealth what we have in trade to europe
>The EU have no leverage. Won't be surprised if the German car makers and French wine merchants start pressuring for a deal. .
This is manifestly not true. 46% of all UK exports went to EU countries in 2016. 46% shared between 27 countries. If any one of them was to drop out of the arrangement it would maybe affect our trade by 5% maximum. Do you not see why this is worse for the UK than the EU?
>We buy more from them than they buy from us
We don't make our money from the EU by selling them goods. We make most of it by selling our services industries, particularly financial services. It's not as simple as 1 number vs another number
>Mogg should be PM
Mogg is the archetype of the completely out of touch aristocratic toff who is about as far removed as it is possible to be from actual expertise on any of these points. He is a very good speaker and a remarkably intelligent man, but he never has, and never will, care about the interests of the actual population of this country
ah yes the world cup
not at liberty to divulge the reason but its a good one
Lads I hate to say it, but south-west Pengdon is actually an incredibly comfy place to live