What happens after he wins?
What happens after he wins?
The fire rises
Invasion of Texas
wh*Teoid genocide
Venezuela in 10 years
Now you take back Alaska
Monetary devaluation and a slow down on foreign investment for a year or two followed by yet another disappointing presidency that won't achieve the vast majority of it's promises while blaming some scape goats
Nothing, because Mexico's geopolitical importance is set by its cartels, not its sitting government.
>Monetary devaluation and a slow down on foreign investment for a year or two
So fucking over the Mexican middle class to give the Mexican lower class factory jobs?
What’s with that stupid cartoon on his hat
What a faggot
gibs me dats*
Yeah if Russia begins to install nuclear missiles in Mexico, maybe we would consider going to great lengths.
It's funny when underage foreigners try to equate American foreign policy from 1945-1990 to today. Both the USSR and the USA were at each others necks and did many underhanded crimes that they both don't do today
Oh sweet amerilard, both the low and middle class depend heavily on our industrial complex, if that get fucked too much, we will all surfer.
Mexico will be another Venezuela. Results when?
>Mexico's answer to Donald Trump
What is meant by this? Is he similar to Trump or is his election a reaction against Trump?
More like 5: oil prices drop, RIP PEMEX and cartels takeover
Trump is currently begging the Saudis to increase oil production by like 2 million barrels to drop oil prices actually. Both the Saudis and Russians are cooperating on that plan, which is pissing off the Iranians (who say it's undermining OPEC) and possibly signifying an Israel-Saudi-American move to invade Iran finally
He sometimes bables nonsense and thinks nafta is bad, so some people think he resembles Trump
>that they both don't do today
Delusional. The tactics haven't changed.
Mass media will label any foreign government working for national interests an enemy of democracy and freedom and invade their country/kill their head of state/carry out a coup and other false flag operations.
The US deep state are complete nut jobs.
Why are most of us mexicans afraid of AMLO?
Isn't he a leftist though? In the rest of the world it's the lefties who use Trump to monger fear, as in every right-wing candidate is being portrayed as "X-country's Donald Trump"
>In the rest of the world it's the lefties who use Trump to monger fear
please be quite you idiot.
Economy is heavily based on foreign trade and investment and the leader of our most important trade partner is rather volatile, things can easily go wrong and pretty fast too.
I don't think he has any real idealogy, he was supposed to be some sort of social democrat, but hes party is a weird mix of all other parties, from former members of the workers' party to evangelist and one or two neoliberal economists.
He is pretty whatever you want him to be.
I love how I even-handedly talked about the Russians and Americans in my post and you managed to refocus the discussion on Americans exclusively, you fucking Kremlin shill.
Nothing is going to happen
people will bitch, there will probably be increased tariffs for ~6 months and then everything will quiet down
nothing ever changes
absolutely nothing
Isn't Mexico already trying to redirect most of it's exports away from the US anyway? I work in the automotive industry and know a lot of the German, Japanese and American brands that manufacture a lot of vehicles in Mexico are already gearing up to begin shifting focus for the Mexican plants away from US centric models and towards units that will be exported to Europe, Asia and LATAM, in anticipation of MX government policy changes. The central Bank of Mexico says 65% of MX exports go to the US, but it want this down to 20%-30% by 2025.
IE, BMW will likely start building 3 series in Mexico for export to India and much of Europe, and VW Mexico will focus more on producing Golfs and Passats for Europe, SEA and LATAM come next production cycle than Jettas and Tiguans.
Dodge and Ford are going to shift their Mexican plants focus away from heavy duty Ram trucks and Fusions towards EV/hybrid SUVs that can be exported to China too.
A good question would be, would Anaya or Meade be better?
Nothing. memexico will be the same
Just woke up, will take a shower and then go to vote
trump will get extremely butthurt because he doesnt like having his authority challenged
Exporting to the US is closer to 80% of our entire economy, México already has trade agreemets with most of the world, if trade with the US gets abrubtly gutted we won't have time to redirect anything as we are already selling to everyone we can, we can't just force other countries to buy all that, shifting the entire focus of a nation built around NAFTA will take longer than a decade.
Also is not just America buying cars, its America buying cars, electronics, crops, raw materials, oil and derivates, dairy, leather and a plethora of other goods while México also buys luxury products from the US and pharma products and other specified techs.
Ending NAFTA in an abrupt and forceful way after a diplomatic fight between presidents would cause a recession in America, and a massive shock to México as prices for things like corn and machinery would sky-rocket immediately, and no one wants to invest in an unstable country with bad relations with the US.
Central America is annexed and genocided by Mexicans