She demands other countries to accept thousands of migrants otherwise she'll sanction them

>she demands other countries to accept thousands of migrants otherwise she'll sanction them
What's her actual endgame?

Attached: download (6).jpg (278x181, 7K)

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We wanna get rid of our migrants so she plans to deport them to other EU countries. If all EU countries take a few, it's a small problem for all countries instead of one big problem for us.

Can't even force the African countries to take them back, they just say no and we have no army to force them.

>she plans to deport them to other EU countries.

She is fucking asshole. Why another European countries not middle east ?

Germany fuckin pretend to be kind and they take their responsibility to other countries.
If you knew they will be a huge problem , why dumb germany got them into your country ? Are they retards ?

What a fuckin asshole.

If germany said " we will keep refugees than keep doing it not sending them to another countries like poland or hungary who rejected refugees at the first time.

Welcoming migrants is a sanction in itself

They have always been bullies.

Why Germany hurt other countries like poland and hungary slovenia because of their pride that pretend to be kind ?

the eternal hans is at it again

>Why another European countries not middle east ?
Because other European countries are part of the European Union and have a responsibility to take on part of the burden so one country doesn't have to do all the job. Also the Middle East already takes most of the refugees anyway.

there was no vote on that matter, Merkel decided that for herself in 2015

Yeah i think so germany is fucking as arrogant as dumb way

Can you plz shut up Muhammad who safely arrived at canada ?

I think I already explained it to you in the other thread
but you don't want to understand, you're just out to insult

My guess is that we'll take so many refugees the Midde East will practically be empty and America can reach the oil.

I hope North Korea invades you and all of your allies "forget" their commitments to you since you think international treaties are for idiots.

EU countries aren't responsible by law to take in migrants afaik

Fuck off terrorist.

So because one Union member makes an insane decision all the other countries should be forced to make the same insane decision?

Yeah i already knew all things you said and it's all shit for other countries.

And my insulting has reason that your country is bullying other european countriesy with your leaders stupid decisions and opinions.

Hell yeah james

>What's her actual endgame?

Germany and Germans have always been crazy as history has shown the world.

It's the fault of the rest of EU countries to let Germany become the top dog again.

That makes them crazy too so consequently they deserve this.

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I hope germany give a chance to those healthy well grown young arab males who came to europe like a coward to fight for their own countries not bullying other european countries.

More like "they".

A quota system was determined by the EU Commission whose decisions are legally binding and come into existence with the consent of member-states. Countries have a general responsibility to do their part in taking care of refugees according to UN conventions. Germany does its duty, some other countries choose to save themselves the trouble at its expense.
You live in a 100 house neighborhood and have to welcome 100 newcomers. Do you distribute them among the 100 houses or do you tell 10 houses to take 10 newcomers each and let the 90 others do nothing? What's the sane fair option that causes the least disruptions for each house? Should everyone do their fair share or should we tolerate free-riders?

The eternal Kraut.

Just watch this documentary:

Attached: 1481479876638.jpg (1023x767, 148K)

Why is Germany so arrogant?

>WW1 ends
>Wilson begs allies to be nice to poor Germany, American investment rushes in to rebuild Germany in the interwar years
>WW2 ends
>Truman spends millions rebuilding Germany, sends American troops to defend their former enemies and half of Germany's debt was forgiven even though they started the war
>Soviets block western ground and water access to West Berlin, America and Britain risk war with USSR to supply West Berlin entirely by air with four planes landing every minute loaded with food and supplies and airmen even personally buy and drop candy for the children
>Cold War ends
>Thatcher, Mitterrand, and Gorby all are against German reunification, but Bush convinces them to accept it
>Germany has the lowest support of the USA out of all EU nations and all NATO countries save Turkey
>American soldiers are on German soil pledged to give up their LIVES for a country that hates them while Germany's leader calls America an unreliable ally
>meanwhile America nuked Japan and dropped more explosives on Vietnam than were used in all of WW2 but they still like America more than Germans do
>Britain also helped them a ton after having been attacked by Germany in two wars but now 90% of Germans want to hurt Britain in the Brexit negotiations

Attached: german smugness.jpg (706x563, 118K)

The EU is a fucking mistake. Imagine having Krauts directing what you should or shouldn't do with your country

The resurrection of National Socialism in Germany.

Merkel is offering a reductio ad absurdum of neoliberalism. Merkel will be hated and relived, but she was like Judas: a necessary evil for Salvation.

Hahhahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahaha xD

you're the one who promised to take them in you fucking retarded country

not pissing off italy

the decision was made by Merkel, there was no vote on that

Yes Merkel represents your country

>take their responsibility to other countries
Germany took in a million refugees, what do you mean they're forcing their responsibilities on other countries?
Do you suggest moving all the refugees into camps and executing them?

Germany or Merkel who represents country went loud and clear on every media and said that she will accept them all you may not like it but its purely their fault

you're generalizing with your insult "you fucking retarded country" when in fact the majority of the population was and is opposed to Merkels migrant policies

you elected her she wouldn't have been elected if the people didn't support her and this idea

there's more to the parliament election than the migrant issue, and aside from this issue most other parties are complete shit
and no, we evidently don't support "this idea"
but you're apparently not interested in the truth but only want to insult

when one issue is breaking down a continent and schengen area you should stop pretending to be a humanitarian "superpower" and stop voting for a retard who's at fault of this when other countries clearly do not want this so yes when EU is at risk it is the most important issue