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This is now a /slav/ thread


who are you cheering for buds

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>stopped halfway through the run up

Never trust a croat.

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slavic BULL once again destroys the beta n*rd

Rossiya STRONK

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tell me more about this phenotype

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spain was doing that earlier


nice try lol

Croats are germanic (austro-noric), fuck off

when they suck your money out, they're dirty slavs.
but when they do somthing cool, they are aryan germans.
We know your dirty tricks, gayropean. We know you hate us. Get out. We're STRONK SLAVS.

No we're not.

Before the knockout stage started, I put money on Croatia, Uruguay, or Colombia winning the cup. So far, I'm pretty happy.

>80% of domination
Please stop....

>Russian Federation

how much

t. diaspora

Rusijo mati, daj nam SILU

Football victories ain't free. Foundations of the Great Pan-Slavic union are gotta be littered with the blood of W*sterners. Western Europeans a. k. a. bloodmixing faggots are not our brothers. They are gays and probably jews as well. Praise Akinfeev.

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$25 each. I'll win $300 if Croatia wins, or $625 if Colombia/Uruguay do.

hi mykola

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They are italic people, Roman for most of them

How common is this specimen in russia

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stay butthurt

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>quarter finals will be slav civil war
truly a sad day. 2 slows walk in, 1 slav walks out

well then, you're not even ukrainian, you're just some self-hating scrub or churka. It's pretty sad to be you.

para, dimos puta pena...

>slavic power
Speak for yourselves, Sl*vs. I am MEDITERRANEAN

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> russia
> slavic

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Russia is first succesfull multiculti nation. The success of Russian multicultularism lies in killing everybody who doesnt like that

Teмпepaтyp кapтa? He знaл, чтo в Mypмaнcкe тaк жapкo.

Fuck Croatia. They are wannabe Germans. Should have been genocided after WW2.

Russians always cheat. It's a fact of life.

> succesfull
Arguable, but pretty much yea, just don't call is slavic

But it's mostly slavic.

Croats are Wends though.

Russia is over 90% Slavs. If we are multicultural then so is Czechia.


>World Cup

>Non-autistic politicians


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You deserved red card for that foal. How much have you paid to referee?

Wends were assimilated by slavs desu


For Russia, not falling apart into a bloody civil war is always a success


As i remember slavs in russia are somewhat ~43%

we could've assimillated most of those small nationalties, but USSR intervened and created authonomies for them.
We'd be almost mono-ethnical by now, if they didn't exist.

t. retarded

we're reaching bait levels that shouldn't ever be possible


Even if we lose to Russia, I hope you win this cup.

Most still got assimilate anyway. Like all the Ural republics which are actually 99%+ Russian with very small minorities in.


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Based Slavic brother.

More like 80%

>using klyosov's haplomeme maps from 2008

Yep, but i mean, we could also fully assimillate tatars and bashkirs, because in pre-soviet era they were sparcely populated across the entire Volda-Ural region. Instead, Soviets created authonimies that consolidated them. Tatars and Bashkirs outside of them are losing their identity very quickly, but inside they're breeding and also oppressing russians and other minorities.
Same with Chuvashs, Yakuts and some others.

We hate Cr*atian nazis. Fuck them. Piranski zaliv is Slovenia.

43% genetically slavs from the whole country including russian nation that is multiethnicital, e.g. northern russian, they are russian but genetically they are mostly baltids and finno-ugric

80% of just Russians. 90% is with Ukrainians, Belarussians etc.

There is no such thing as genetic Slav you retard. Slav is a language group.

thank god im not a slav


Yes well my family fought for the whites so I take no responsibility.

So it seems you have some problems with your memory. The second largest nationality in Russia is tatars which is just 4% of the population.

Ukrainians make up 1.4% of the population and Belarusians 0.4%

Hardly. Ukrainians are much larger than that because they do not count refugees on the census. We have millions of Ukrainians here as refugees.

It's recent studies from balanovsky's team
Overall genetic closeness between Belarusians, polaks and central russian, how would you call them?

If you'd count illegals then you would be even less Slavic since that would also include millions of non-whites

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Your retarded Nazi subhuman leader thought Azeris were white.

Wrong again! SAD!

What they are, Eastern European.


Niet, bljad'! Jebany poljak

He is not counting illegals though. Ukrainians are here legally as refugees.

Why is your census so fake?

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Both wrong

I'm glad you're happy to be a gypsy, Azis

Do you count genetic differentials as important part in ethnicity or not? Cause from what i see, you claim that every person in the world speaking russian natively could be slavic

Da nihuja

Why 3rd worlders are so obsessed about football?

Ethnicity is not a concrete thing. It is formed from an individual being accepted as part of a group and likewise considering themselves part of that same group based upon common traits.

Idea of ethnicity as pure blood has nothing to do with ethnicity but is to do with racial characteristics. of course physical differences tend to stop people from being seen as part of the ethnic group as they can be easily identified as another. it is why niggers will always be niggers no matter how good they speak.

Why are we arguing like retards cant be enjoy 1 fucking thing together jesus christ what is wrong with all of you

why are 1st worlders so obsessed about gay sex?

Germans? Spanish? French? Or you say it just because Finland always sucks in football?

Because they don't like football?

Westerners believe that being fucked in the ass is the key to a long life. I am not even joking. That is what they tell people in their schools.

> of course physical differences tend to stop people from being seen as part of the ethnic group as they can be easily identified as another.
But baltids are obviously look different, yet they still 100% russian and by your claim they are slavic people as wellaa

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You cannot spot a Balt from any other Russian if they integrated. Impossible. You just believe in meme ideology.

> You cannot spot a Balt from any other Russian if they integrated. Impossible
Why's that? They are n o t i c a b l e

>Germans? Spanish? French?

Yeah, 3rd worlders.

>Or you say it just because Finland always sucks in football?

I dont care about football, or any sports desu

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Sup, guys

Great game series today, think 7 jule was hot.
On what score you choice?

P.S Now 3 a.m, Ural fans still cheering.

They aren't. You are just doing pseudo-science and confirmation bias.

O кaкoй зaмeтнocти ты гoвopишь, ecли oбe poжи дocтaтoчнo нeтипичны для нaших зeмeль?

After the olympic games in Sochi, russians athlets most verifiable in every tournaments.

C тaкими cooтeчecтвeнникaми и вpaгoв нe нyжнo.

i'm sure the studies were very professionally done

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Well, maybe they are noticable to me, but you probably can't be confused with this type of people. or they are perfectly slavic to you as well?

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