AMLO won and i am an immigrant mexican

Ask me anything

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1. What is the meaning of life?
2. If a bear and a shark had a fight, who would win?

Will you go back now that the Mexican messiah has finally completed descent into Mexico?

are you cute?

Haber es simplemente escoger tu destino y tratar de violarlo hasta que lo domines (no es une metafora para ser violento con las nenas >:( ).

El oso ya que tiene mas chances the pegarle con sus patas

un poco chubi. Pero me veio bien sin barba

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>a fattie

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oye oye hago ejercicio. y apuesto que tu tambien estas fuera de peso o con problemas de metabolismo.

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How do you feel about Quetzalcoatl reborn winning the Mexican presidency on Canada day?


nope, antes muerto que ser gordo

I will see. There is some hope left in me with those elections results.

I am still unsure about it tho.

te queda mejor muerto tbdesu

meh voy a bajar de peso de todas maneras. lo unico bueno aqui es el poutine.

no sé qué quieres decir

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desu es honestamente en weebanes. Asi que es desu.

>Ask me anything

Have you pre-ordered Octopath Traveler?

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I am a poorfag. I am stuck with the bravely default series and i am waiting to enter to my new job soon.

skip a few meals

ahhahha you are in for disappointment

no doubt about that.