Better dead than r-

>better dead than r-

Attached: NKVD.jpg (657x857, 37K)

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a russian flag defending communism is like a girlfriend defending her boyfriend that beats the fuck out of her and treats her like dogshit

That's how I'd go out and i'd be fine with it

what does it mean if I want to help my countryman in their socio-economic needs like welfare, education, and a secure, stable life but I hate communism?

Social Democracy but the pre-60s version

liberals get the bullet too

go back to /pol incel virgin you fucking pathetic whiteknight

I think, better red than dead. Really, I don't understeand "Better dead than red" slogan other than just extreme brainwashing.

A good girl.

t. Muhammed Gypso Ezizkel Extrazerez


Yeltsin being a retard ruined capitalism for a lot of people and a shit ton of the elderly actually want the USSR back

thats literally capitalism tho

Russian capitalism was barely any better if not worse in first 10 years

I'll have to go with the burgers on this one, fuck communists

Attached: I wouldn't know.jpg (578x540, 102K)

What do Russians think of this ebin video?

>Quote from in the middle of Vietnam war
Something makes me suspect this question relates to civilian casualties

Cool video and song.

hows communism good?
you'll always have the same wage and never progress as an individual

>The man who sold you pierogi
We don't call it pierogi, it's polish word, ukrainian and russian word for that is varieniki. Pirogi means pies in russian.

It really feels like they're hiding under the surface en masse just waiting for the right opportunity to strike...

Attached: 1451568307001.gif (398x262, 660K)

In russian capitalism you don't have any wage at all

based and redpilled

Attached: coss.jpg (282x366, 27K)

I know, same here in Greece
but being successful in a capitalist country is much better than being successful in a communist one

The point is nobody is successful in Russia except Putin's cronies and their families

not at all

I will make baltimore the first communist american city watch

does that mean that capitalism in general is bad or its just a mismanagement/Corruption of the Government?

In Greece the government is very corrupt (also socialist) taxes are really high for businesses and households and basic income is around 350 eu per month
But I really can't blame capitalism, I can only blame my people for voting corrupt governments back to back.

Capitalism for Russia is actually bad. It's not some universal problem solver. It's good in the west but it's as bad in Russia as socialism was

>its good in the west


>immigrant detected

Better to die free than live under communism

better dead as a free man than die to communism's tyranny

Ganowicz was fighting in Africa tho


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