If the Nordics don't have socialism, what the fuck do they have? It looks like socialism to me

If the Nordics don't have socialism, what the fuck do they have? It looks like socialism to me.

Attached: 2018-05-28.jpg (310x331, 49K)

Socialism is characterised by social ownership and democratic control of the means of production. The means of production are privately owned in all Nordic countries.

You guys have a shit ton of welfare and government programs. That's fucking socialism dude.

Nordics have a system called Çuckœłśh; meaning paying welfare to Somalians to throw grenades in city centers and rape their daughters. It’s very effective.


>having a safety net is bad

>having any form of socialism in your country
you guys will become Soviet Union 2 by keeping up your "Nordic Socialism"

It is tho, that's why nordic countries are flooded with immigrants and good for nothing autists

You could just as well have a socialist country with no welfare as a capitalist country with welfare, friend

Having socialist aspects != being socialist.

I will never understand Americans '-'

social democracy

Protip: every country has some form of "socialism", including the United States.

Seriously fuck off. Your country is already soviet union tier.

>i just got shot but please don't call an ambulance i can't afford it!

Fuck off, boomer.

Do Americans really don't understand the concept of a social democracy?

Is that the weird name you give your socialism?
I don't know this shit

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USA blown the fuck out.

USA is a shitty country anyway
No wonder no one follows your model
Good for us I guess, at least you act like a rabid dog to keep Russians away.
Meanwhile we get all the gibs...

>again berniebros still thinks nordics are SoCiaLiSt
Our markets are on of the most open one. We are the captalists with safetynet, but it will work only for countryes with small (and homogeneous) population desu

I’m not a berniebro, but you guys are without a doubt socialists. Maybe not Nazi socialist, or commie socialist, but your high government intervention is definitely a piece of socialism

We used to be kind of national socialist, its nazism only if you add hitler on top of that

USA blown the fuck out.

What caused the United States to be so politically ingnorant to social democracy and their two neoliberal political parties?
t. Anglo on holiday (the heat is horrible)

not too bad bait honestly

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Read Marx and Keynes, you libcuck.