Lets start the day with a little appreciation for our lord, may he be always on your side my brothers
/balk/ - Balkan Thread
Wrong song, this is the one we should listen to
>The solution requires a more delicate touch.
Like a confederation of balkan states? Because that would work, but I don't know, things might be too peaceful then.
Shocking how Germany has fallen down from a country of revolutionary thinkers, artists and great minds, to an industrial machine with sheep inhabitants and nigger forcing politicians.
>wake up
>nice shower
>shave face, dick, balls, ass
>eat a nice meal (oats, eggs, cherry pie)
>having coffee
Feels good lads
reminder that Romania is balkan & southern region is inhabited by latinized bulgarians
How much time do you have in your hands lad
I'm proficient at it by now
Plus I work 12:00-16:00 so I don't mind