>tfw slavshits stole the glory of the Deutsches Reich
Fuck this menace desu, Slavs are subhumans. Everything they touch, it turns to shit
>tfw slavshits stole the glory of the Deutsches Reich
Fuck this menace desu, Slavs are subhumans. Everything they touch, it turns to shit
Look at Koningsberg desu
success breeds jealousy
After slavshits came and ruined it
>calling sovietization as "success"
If slavs are subhumans why they are wrecked GREAT AND GLORY THIRD REICH?
Brits ruined it desu
Third Reich was bound to be die either way when they chose two open multiple fronts
The Old German Reich though, it managed to destabilize and ruin your empire. How's dat?
Are you the reverse-Ikibey?
shut up