
Man Japan is awesome, China fucking sucks!

Man China is awesome, Japan fucking sucks!

Attached: beautiful china ugly japan.jpg (3876x1064, 1.48M)

Other urls found in this thread:

man everything is so fun and awesome
i want to die


Japanese culture is so fucking overrated, I don't know why everyone loses their mind over neon lights and overcrowded streets when every major Asian city looks like that.

You will switch to Japan again after a couple of months

>t. More experience points than you

unironically this

China actually sucks though. Chinaboos are a literal meme. What's there to like in China? Commies gutted all the tradition and culture. Gonna hang up a Mao statue and abort a child on the pavement? Insect nation now.

Taiwan >>

China is awesome to visit. You don't have to live there. Plenty of nature and huge cities with millions of people. It will never get boring for a tourist.
Meanwhile all of Japan is just shitty concrete houses and ugly commie blocks.

Mankind is just bunch of retards, it was good to not know that in childhood.

Attached: cat is taken.png (256x443, 103K)

so i could finally walk outside at night safely.