Is this a 10/10 face??

Is this a 10/10 face??

Attached: Bianca Balsini.jpg (1440x1436, 147K)

nah a bit asymmetrical

I give it an 8.

what about this face

Attached: 1503405919750.jpg (1080x1080, 156K)

I'd have to say 8 too, good looking just a bit too aggressive looking to be a 10 for me

Nah this is

Attached: vanessa hessler.jpg (411x600, 31K)

See this is a 10, perfect feminine facial features, looks very calm and approachable, nice, sweet.


Attached: Bianca Balsini.jpg (500x567, 37K)

this is average af

This mutt face is a 10/10

Attached: 1530508985509.jpg (1252x1296, 693K)