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>erc20 token


Like this is a feat.

Centralized bullshit project. Theres no point in having your application on EOS as you miss out on the benefits of decentralization

fucking boomers man

>eos can run eth


That's basically a marketing gimmick for people who don't understand what modular technology means. That's not enough information to say which is better. Also ETH can run EOS as a single side chain, aka Loom Network.

all this EOS spam tells me to not buy it

Run decentralized contracts on EOS

Attached: woke.jpg (225x225, 4K)

Even easier to run BTC.

is EOS the next TRON?

>3-4 mining pools control total hashpower of BTC/ETH
>121 block producers compete for 21 block producer spots. Consensus requires 15 out of 21 BP's.
>If BP's act maliciously then holders can vote them out. Can you vote out a mining pool?

wow so a ERC-20 token can run the entire ETH network inside a single contract?

>can run ETH inside a single contract
>becomes ETH token instead


these brainlets don't know that this is basically an upgrade to the steem witness system that Dan has tested before and it works wonders

and ETH can run BTC inside a single contract aswell

it really isn't that impressive

Yup fuck them. They can keep FUDing all they want

>muh ERC20 token
>TOS says the tokens are worthless
>muh vaporware
>hurr durr centralized piece of shit

Attached: dickhead.jpg (1137x1280, 101K)

good luck voting them out when they formed a cartel to vote for each other

EOS is a half-assed attempt at decentralization.

ETH is still at PoW that is true, but their attempt to solve PoS makes no compromises.

21 BPs on a global level is pathetic. A joint effort by multiple states could easily take the entire thing down. Good luck.

>TOS says the tokens are worthless

not even going to respond because you're either a brainlet who thinks ERC20 has anything to do with mainnet or you are a brainlet for trolling eos holders instead of buying the dip

EOS that centralized shit? Awww nice shills

>calls the top a dip

LOL I was mocking all of the dumb FUD. They can keep using their dumb FUD because I know its BS

Also this shit by Vitalik Buterin

> EOS’s scalability is NOT because of DPOS or anything similar; its claimed scalability comes entirely from the fact that it requires each node to have a much higher computational capacity, making it impossible for anyone but large businesses to run full nodes. We could do that too, but won’t because it’s contrary to the goals of decentralization.

Jeez, just rent a fucking server and host the application yourself instead of trusting a centralized shit network.

i assumed you have to be really desperate even to consider it a pattern

lmao'ing @ all the EOS shills crawling on this board

This is exactly what was being posted about Ripple when it almost hit $4 and TRON at $0.25.

FOMO'ing EOS brainlets falling for the hype are about to become bagholders and its beautiful

Attached: 1524663286960m.jpg (482x1024, 86K)

OK so how will ETH solve POS decentralization? Using 2nd layer solutions is decentralized?

Also its 121 BP's competing for 21 spots and the 21st spot is always rotating on every block. Good luck controlling 15 out of 20 BP's. And like I said the BP's can be voted out. If they somehow control 15 and can't be voted out than all the users can just abandon that chain and migrate to a new fork with new trusted BP's.

Ethereum is better, because vitalik Is more autistic than anyone else, it's fucking superior oracle, not human. Mark my words eos pajeets and have fun with your centralized shit on the street.

I'm not really seeing the benefits of using EOS over something like AWS. It's cheaper and I trust Amazon more than I trust block producers like Bitmain and Bitfinex


I wouldn't trust a company that has 0 interest in your app's well doing rather than block producers that literally earn more if you earn more

it's common interest, block producers are investors. Idk if you've ever seen someone buy 10% of company stocks and then smear shit on their windows

>meanwhile in reality

2nd layer solutions are fine as long as theyre settled on the decentralized main chain, as Plasma for example.

121 BPs on a global scale is still not enough. Especially when you need a beefy computer to run a node.

Its not decentralized enough, meaning that its not as robust as other possible solutions. Why would you settle for something less than fully decentralized if its technically possible?

The overhead of hosting your application in a decentralized infrastructure is high, so you would want the full deal if you need it.

If you dont need decentralization and its benefits, rent a server and host the application yourself.

tldr; EOS is a bad attempt at creating a decentralized infrastructure, so if you settle for EOS you could just host on a centralized server instead. If you need decentralization, go for the most decentralized solution.

Why would you not trust Amazon? They are incentivized (by money) to be reliable and trustful. If you go against Amazon though, they will take you down.

And if you go against the BPs of EOS, they surely will take you down.

if you honestly think 21 nodes running the network will be owned by someone other than eos/huge corps you're fucking retarded

>buying the dip
did you think when NANO fell from $35 to $30 it was a "dip" too?

My life in a nutshell

never trust a douchebag who uses cartoons as profile pics