Same. I want this shithole to balkanize.
kick rocks then ya hoser
Nowhere else to go.
I left.
Found a grad school program I liked, and stayed here afterwards.
I'm thinking about external grad school, but I've just been looking at the states so far.
I guess there are some other countries too...
Shut up dr*mpfie
Do it, the cost isn't all that much different from a program at a good US school (assuming a 2yr masters program, otherwise its even cheaper).
finna move to the states senpai
only white and red flags allowed here?
That's what I want to do. I'm tired of being surrounded by shitskins.
that's easier to do here honestly, just stop living in big cities
Can you fucking quislings just get the fuck out then? Please go live in some muh 99% white shithole like Poland
so you wanna move here? that's your solution? ahahaha
I mean, the northwest is pretty nice.
>that leaf who thinks canada is a shit country and that leaf problems are somehow worse than what other countries experience
Being born here is like winning the lottery. You get to complain about Trudeaus silly outfits instead of mass shootings and the dismantling of your individual rights.
The loli and gun laws already took my rights away to the point they are merely illusions of rights.
But Y?
lmfao you can own a gun if you aren't a nutjob, we have more liberal gun laws than most nations on Earth
You can also own loli shit that you make yourself, you fucking degenerate
>Make yourself
Not good enough
There is no freedom in Canada
Also no freedom of speech
It's a meme and a lie
>what is a proxy
I'm not in australia bud
Kill yourself or leave forever
It's the principle of the thing.
Kill yourself you fucking disgusting pedophile, there is literally nothing wrong with banning drawings of child pornography you disgusting fucking maggot.
t. Government bootlicking kike
Dumb question from a burger, but how come it seems BC & Alberta have so much less input than Quebec & Ontario? It seems like Toronto & Montreal are pretty much in charge. Population?
When the country was created representation was assigned by population and not by region. The Senate was intended to act like that but it was neutered.
They also gave BC numerous concessions to join Canada instead of America (which they reneged on as soon as BC joined confederation)
We basically just got hosed by the British for believing their lies. Then they immigrated a shit ton of people here to crush secessionist sentiment and the rest is history.
Lolis are harmless at worst, and an escape valve for actual pedophiles at best. Fuck off moral guardian.
Come to Austin. The PNW is super nice also. t.former Seattle user
If I figure out how to immigrate I probably will.
Okay then get the fuck out you pedo
go live in somalia
Freedom shouldn't only be in shitholes.
Thank God I moved to the US :^)
I miss the chocolates and snack foos in Canada though. I'd give my left nut for a Cherry Blossom, some Sussex Golden Ginger Ale, and some bits & bites rn.
Are you actually implying that giving man absolute freedoms anywhere won't automatically turn whatever country into an absolute shithole?
You degenerates want to much with no thought of the repercussions of your actions. You're never gonna have your perft ytppl utopia. Best bet is to just try and secure yourself a decent piece of land in AB, SK, MB and just seclude yourself there and to the small town you live by. Close enough.
Fuck this shit ass country
>stop living in big cities
That's where all the jobs are unless you want to waste a shitload of money commuting from some rural town to the city. Canada is on the brink now anyway, non-whites are beginning to invade the small towns and its soon going to be all over. I'm moving out when I get enough money and am setup.
This. I have to get out of here.
But I don't know where to go that is still safe if even Canada can fall.