Kinda creepy how much this is mooning right now

Kinda creepy how much this is mooning right now

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Creepy and weird. Love it.

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see ya at 1$

>partnership with pwc
>partnership with wikipedia
>partnership with woocommerce

If anything, it's not mooning enough. If TRX or XVG had half of these partnerships, they'd fucking x100 in a day

hey user are you still dealing with those creepy tokens that i said were weird?
call me
t. stacy

made me laugh, thanks

I'm dumping now you faggots. It's NOT going to reach $0.30 before 2020.

>the year is 2019
>Request announces partnership with Google and Amazon
>price dumps to 1 cent, because thats what REQ does when something is announced

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Looking forward to Mr.REQWhale dumping the price before it gets to 0.30. Any moment now...

Why do you nerds even try?

Mother of god he's doing it

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>thinking 100k req is a lot

>tfw I sold 2 days ago because of all the fud here

kek, I might eat that all at once just for laughs if we approach it. But my guess is it will move/be taken down as it gets closer.

Financial darwinism.

you live and learn

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>Getting baited this easy

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>Buy high sell low
Never change Jow Forums

If not a larp, how? REQ fud is fucking stupid.

Sorry guys, fell asleep. I'll be dumping it to 20 cents in 45 minutes.

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You deserve to be poor

When you feel like selling it it's a sign it's about to pump hard. Always. Happened to me with NEO, really felt like selling right before it started going up again.

I'll be waiting, fren.

Attached: REQbalance.png (1188x33, 10K)

I'm afraid I'll have to make you a bagholder for the next 2 years. Nothin' personnel fren.

i think if he has the capital to invest 32x what you put down you dont get to make him do shit buddy. you are the bootlicker in this situation

With your larp stack? Kek.

>implying you own 5% of circulating supply
>implying someone is retarded enough to keep 1k BTC worth of tokens on an exchange
Make the larp a bit more believable, fren.

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Nice LARP faggot. Selling in 30 minutes. Be ready.

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>Still at $0.29 and going down

Damn the whales are ACTUALLY keeping the price under $0.30

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You'll be an eternal bagholder by then. One more (You) and I'm crashing it to 10 cents and keeping it there until 2028.

Do it fag

Welcome to the eternal price-point until 2020!

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kek, good prediction sir

You’re a faggot I’d beat the shit out of you in person if I heard you talking big game like this

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ITT: REQ whales threatening each other to dump the price. If you ever wonder why REQ is not mooning, it's because we have the faggest whales in crypto

Why aren't you dumping yet you salty bitch?

It’s the dev teams fault. They have a poor unferstanding of crypto economics so the mechanism they have in place to reward token holders actually encourages suppression of the price.

Giving you chance to exit before I crash it with no survivors.

>implying one's amount of crypto is directly correlated to intelligence

>Mfw the year 2525
>If man is still alive
>REQ is about to break 30 cents, after becoming the dominant remittance protocol between Terra and Mars

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I guarantee you there is a correlation.

top kek

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>thinking larping 18 year olds are "whales".

They probably have about 1k req between them m8

no, u

Only if you are a retard that cannot math.
Keeping the price low now will have little to no impact in the fraction of req burnt in the med-long term, I doubt that someone is retard enough to spend money in this fools errand, it's just larpers on both sides.

thanks for earworm

What math would prove that? If speculators drive the price of the token up it will mean less tokens burnt per an equal amount of volume.

The math that is not done by a 1st grade kid.
The pivot is the burning bot.
As long as the burning bot volume is low, keeping the price down has little effect. You burn more tokens, but still few compared to the supply.
As soon as the burning bot volume ramps up, keeping the price down is simply impossible, because all the suppressing tactics involve buying back the tokens at the right moment to marginalize the loss or even gain a bit.
But the bot never sells, and nobody has any incentive to sell low when the bot burns thru walls.
So you keep the price down while it doesnt matter and you either give up or get fucked when it would matter.

ING bank just announced they are working on blockchain privacy. Ask yourself - gee, who is the only crypto project that ING was advising until recently due to Dutch laws? Yes. It was Req. DYOR

Please be a LARP.

Kid, REQ is one of a handful of legit projects in crypto. When the great purge comes, REQ and about 20 others will bcome left standing. This is like eth on steroids. Kick yourself now, but make sure you have at least 10k for the ride.

Don’t listen to Jow Forums on REQ, they were all hype in the beginning but now they are FUD posting to weed people out because apparently they don’t like other anons getting rich.

>up 9%
the absolute state