Banned from Youtube

I love animating and i love making memes.
But i got banned from youtube because i got an account banned one year prior because of "SPAM". It basically was a account that posted a comment saying "dont look at the name" then the name was "dont look at my profile" dont look at video x dont look at description and so on..

Is there any other place where i can monetize my a(r/u)tism? I thought about patreon, any other options?

Also one of my next projects is either animating a anime fight with bogdanoff and sminem or drawing a chainlink comic.

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All these ideas sound retarded

Any memes you could post here?
this had 1 million views, got removed because of the ban though.

im sad.

Try DTube

Keked at the title. well done, why did you get banned

>But i got banned from youtube because i got an account banned one year prior because of "SPAM". It basically was a account that posted a comment saying "dont look at the name" then the name was "dont look at my profile" dont look at video x dont look at description and so on..

its fucking retarded, i dont even get answers my apeal is just denied every time

>created a spam account
>posted a spam comment
>got banned for spam
>why did i get banned
Who knows

>anime fight with bogdanoff and sminem

That other Jow Forums youtuber already did this

Oh damn fuck those kikes.
Your memes are to dank and autistic for biz and kym not to be shown, W E need these

yeahhh but a lifetime ban ?

and it was really not just "spam", you got some funny reactions.


i know that bizzanocci did it, but i mean ANIMATE

i didnt really save any of my vids after making them and now they are all gone

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Sorry OP YouTube hates creativity

Me not even go YouTube anymore after me 6th ban...
They are out control

you will never beat bizzonacci, biz doesnt even deserve bizzonacci

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i dont want to beat him, hes amazing
But im pretty confident in my work.

I'm so sorry user ;_;
I wouldn't have even messaged those kikes

I'm trying to remember some animators who make a living off youtube

bizonacci is good but his last video was trash. Surprised he hasn't made a Sergey/linkie video yet. I'm not even a link holder but I bet he could do some funny shit with them.

wasnt making a living but it was roughly 400 a month for something that i liked doing,

since the ban motivation is gone, but i want to start again so im looking for good options now.

I would just make a new accoutn and not monetize it, but i cant stand the thought of gaining like 10k subs just to be banned again

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Just make a new one dude. If a 40+ year old drug addict Keemstar can 1. say nigger in a chat, have it recorded and exposed. 2. get banned from Youtube on over 15 channels, continually making new ones. 3. eventually end up with almost 4 million subscribers.

oh, also, Jow Forums related, Keemfuck dumped bags into btc back in like '13. I actually used to go in the chat rooms where he famously kept screaming nigger, and he used to rant in there about how bitcoin is the future and everyone should buy it (not trolling).

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