Buy the dip before balina and suppo shill this

Buy the dip before balina and suppo shill this

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Been in since $0.40 friend

wow, it's panic selling central over there.
where's the bottom guys? kek

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>panic selling

been hitting new highs every day

p-p-please, user, buy the d-dip before i am bagholding at 90% loss
>mfw Jow Forums is now buying Etsy clones at a $10 million valuation

Typical pump and dump. It's called profit taking until this piece of shit goes back to 0. Good luck getting rekt.

i see seas of red, panic sellers too. I see them all, dump for me and you.
And I think to myself what a pump & dump

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Let it dip, I need more

healthy correction

garbage team, oversaturated market, shit marketing. literally the only thing this coin has going for it is its low marketcap because only brainlets are buying this shit hoping for a quick profit. $0 inc

Coin shilled by Jow Forums within the last 8 months should be avoided at all cost. Who the fuck thought it was a good idea to buy a coin run by french cucks with no source on any of the partnerships listed on their website?

Cool logo thou innit.

shitcoin that you could've tripled your money on in less than 2 days. Try again on the next coin, chumps

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Every week a new SCAM, that's Jow Forums

so was this, this weeks
A bunch of newfags made money but the rest of you got saddled with bags?

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balina and suppo and binance will never ever shill this

if you niggas dont shut the fuck up and buy in before mcap is updated on cmc, you will kill yourselves in 2 days

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Holy shit. Here comes the fomo again

Agree, now is a good time to get in

As I said coming back up

do you like $ user? this will moon once cmc is updated and the redddit shills start. east 3x from here

Going for a new ATH. I'm going to throw another 30 ETH into this before we do. Get your bodies ready ORInians

YouTube shills are already at work. Hope you bought the juicy dip anons

Boys lets not forget the Oyster pearl, payfair situation. In this bitch everything's possible.

Easy 5x once cmc is updated

please let it dip some mooore
paycheck coming in on thursday

What was ICO price?

I'm tempted to buy some but there is no big exchange listing coming up.

What coin is this?

Origami Network (ORI)

ori on idex

another 2x once CMC updates supply of 4 million. thats right its 4 MILLION supply with 5 mil MCAP. Imagine right now getting Oyster/PRL at 10 cents or XRB at $1

Too late, CMC just posted the market cap value and now part 2 of the moon mission has already begun the launch, you idiots better get in quick.

About to break through the wall, last chance before blast off

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Just like everyoen was telling you biz tards, right when the market cap was listed, you knew it was coming, all you had to do was buy.

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Moving up very nicely!

I'm glad you're with me on this ride anons

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