join telegram and see for yourself
Sounds legit as fuck.
The absolute state of this cope fud
do you know how quotes in telegram work?
I'd rate this FUD 3/10. They just said they can't comment or acknoledge working with exchanges until they hear otherwise from legal.
>We can't touch exchanges until the legal teams says we can
This can be anytime and they plan on discussing it with their legal team. Holo team owns 25% of the holo tokens as their daily paycheck, they'll obviously want to get listed on exchanges for liquidity.
This only applied during the ICO. HOT is not an ICO anymore. Join Telegram and see for yourself faggot.
thanks...I just unloaded my bags at 115
And who wrote that? BlockchainBoss1996?
>there are people on biz who havent sold at 5x
wrong. The admin himself wrote this. Get fucked idiots
>Last price 118
Good job nigga
The Telegram is unofficial, nice try
yeah, what's the official one?
>join telegram
>post a joke too tame of Jow Forums
>get banned
Yeah, this team is LOTS of fun. Some serious SJW faggotry in there.
tfw i dont care cuz holo is simply that special
Sorry no pajeets allowed in
the mod of their telegram, "Sami Honey", literally posts pictures of herself wearing the hammer and sickle in the god damn telegram
fucking kek
fucking yikes, I was worried about their political leanings after looking at some of their stuff
if there's one thing I've learned it's that leftists fucking run companies into the ground
The admin in the telegram posting those meme those gifs lol
I know....we can't make this shit up. Fucking commies in this and ADA etc, shitting the space up. They can't into business & with such a bad understanding of economics they'll inevitably kill off their own project. Self hatred is a terrible thing.
I found it, had to scroll through telegram for like 15 minutes. Pic related, holo is commiecoin
NBAI is the next moon mission boys.
>being a moral fag when investing in crypto
unofficial telegram btw
Kek, sure it is, I'm sure the team have 0 connection or interest at all in it.
They don't.
Implying it matters if this gets onto exchanges. Once people know it’s competing with blockchain itself and not just other blockchain projects they will just take the 30 mins to figure out how to use a dex.