I hate Russia so much

I hate Russia so much

Attached: russia-flag.jpg (900x600, 60K)

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I know that feel

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Stop with this toxic attitude

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Shit taste

I'm not sure which one i hate more

Stop poisoning us

>be brit
>get poisoned

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I know it, Brit, you don't need to say it everyday.

I feel the need to remind you

>be brit
>get poisoned by your own government

Why is Russia hated by everyone?
I love Russia.

cold war

>Cold War II

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They will poison half of your population with this novichok agent. You deserved it for selling Poland to Stalin in Yalta

The fall of the USSR was an economic and environmental disaster that lead to many wars and conflicts as well as swarms of entitled eastern euro frufrus and yayas polluting the west.
Gorbachev was an lgbt criminal and america will always be the whore of Babylon.

Me too

Good goy.

>Oi hæt Rûsha so mûch

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Mate, your's hate license expired

I don't

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Russians basically owns Britain, they have your industries, they have your football clubs, they fuck your virgins, they poison your people etc. And not only you aren't doing anything to stop the mad invasion, but some brits even support them.

The USSR was an economical and envirinmental disaster but borders were closed and controlled by armed soldiers so we couldnt escape. But the problem always existed and was becoming bigger and bigger. It is good that CIA and KGB cooperated with each other in demounting of Soviet Union because otherwise it could end up in civil wars in all countries of soviet block caused by hunger.

Where is the Volga German? Is it his day off?

Shut the fuck up p*le. You are the slavic embodiment of the stupid and arrogant americunt and your immigrants are the shittiest people on earth always causing trouble. The dismantling of the USSR caused the extinction of a species, war in Yugoslavia and the middle east and countries like Ukraine, Moldova and Bulgaria that will never recover from the economic rape.

Our immigrants dont arrive anymore to your country because of 2 reasons: 1) your countries turned a lot into shitholes in last 15 years, 2) Poland became few times richer and more developed in this period. Moreover, a lot of Poles come back to Poland now and number of Poles coming back is officially higher since 2015 than number of Poles who move out.

Next time dont elect politicians who open borders for everybody from here if you dont want to be flooded by our unemployed, homeless and criminals. When Poland had a visa movement with the Western Europe before we became EU member in 2004, there were only few thousand of Poles in UK, because we needed visa to get there and only very few could obtain it.

All politicians need a common enemy figure to consolidate people. In Russia they using USA, in western countries they use Russia. Everyone gets what they want, everyone is happy.

just becaused they gassed your asses again?

>countries like Ukraine, Moldova and Bulgaria that will never recover from the economic rape.

Thats good. Polish economy needs millions of cheap workers because of low birth rate of Poles.

you not mad about Kuril Island

Bongs win world cup
”wtf I love Russia now"

Could you two rip these cunts in half
for a third time?

Okay, just give up your qties and we will stop the gassing.

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So there is hope after all...

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We not even bordering them anymore. Ask Belarus.

B кoнцe ceнтябpя 1941 гoдa в Mocквy пpиeхaл лopд Бивepбpyк, в миpy Maкc Эйткeн, дoвepeннoe лицo Чepчилля. Eгo зaдaчa зaключaлacь в тoм, чтoбы нa мecтe coглacoвaть oбъём пoмoщи CCCP co cтopoны Beликoбpитaнии и CШA.
Bизит Бивepбpyкa был кpaйнe пoчётeн для Cтaлинa и cимвoлизиpoвaл пoвышeниe гpaдyca в чинoвничьeй иepapхии Бpитaнcкoй Импepии. Mocкoвcкий нaбoб opгaнизoвaл дopoгoмy гocтю цapcкий пpиём и, знaя o eгo пpиcтpacтиях, выдeлил из кpeмлёвcкoгo гapeмa ceкc-жeмчyжинy – кpacивoгo мaльчикa c oчapoвaтeльнoй пoпкoй. Кoгдa визит зaкoнчилcя, Бивepбpyк лacкoвo пoпpoщaлcя c гeнceкoм и нeoжидaннo дoбaвил:

- A мaльчoнкy я c coбoй зaбиpaю. Toлкoвый мaльчoнкa.

Cтaлин бpocилcя нa кoлeни, пытaлcя cвoй лyнoпoпый пepcик, ycлaдy oчeй и oтpaдy вceлeннoй oтмoлить. Hичeгo нe пoмoглo. Aнгличaнин пoгpyзил дoбычy в caмoлёт и yлeтeл.

Дeлo здecь нe тoлькo в выcoких чyвcтвaх миcтepa Эйткинa, нo и в диплoмaтичecкoй шкoлe. У aнглийcкoй диплoмaтии нaкoпилcя бoльшoй oпыт oпycкaния вocтoчных звepyшeк. Знaют кaк oблyплeнных и yпpaвляют мacтepcки: щeлчoк-кoнфeткa-щeлчoк.

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cant you just walk over Belarus?
they would kiss your ass and roll out a big red carpet between Russian and Poland

Or else what?

>cant you just walk over Belarus?
Why would we do that? They are our friends and good people. Anyway, why would we need Poland of all things? It's not like there is something worth to take.

you can make them even more pissed for another century
common Ivan!

Based. As long as they keeping arming us I won't complain.

> I hate Russia so much

I'm pretty sure they will be pissed at least for the next 200 years. That's basically their national identity.

Пpи чeм тyт oпycкaниe. Oни и дpyг дpyг пepдoлят пoкa yчaтcя в cвoих Унивepcитeтaх. У них этo мнoгoвeкoвaя тpaдиция тaм.

Oh there he is

this desu

Hope is not for all. Most countries of former Soviet Block will go to shit. But Poland developed a lot in terms of infrastructure and performs very good on CEE standards. We have the most foreign investments in CEE, so the rich and the powerful of this world have smth to protect here. In 2017 Poland was a leader of EU in direct foreign investments according to fDI Markets, while absorbing 13 bln euro of investments resulting in creation of 86.000 new jobs. And foreign investments come here even more now. If we managed to win our battle of century for permanent and exterritorial US bases on our territory, our future would be much brighter and we would be safer for long decades yet. NATO might not last forever, just like EU but America with its powerful navy, protected sea routes to our region, and military bases all over the world, will last forever and it has relatively greate future in comparison with other major powers because of very good demographics and the fact of being technological center of the world. Even if America someday decides to be ally of Russia, we prefer to be its military base and de facto part of its territory in such situation than a member of non-existent alliance, so we could work in pivotal way and avoid being killed in war.

So if everything goes to our plans, things will be increasingly better here for everyone for long decades yet, our country attracts more and more people: businessmen, tourists and guest-workers with every year from all over the world.

I think that such countries like Ukraine or Moldova have no chance for normal and decent life, though. I dont know about Serbia desu. Are you as poor as they are?

Not as poor as Ukraine, but that's not really hard to beat
We are currently being torn apart by rivaling West and East spheres of influence
Difficult to say what the future holds

Things are improving but we still have an unacceptable number of young people leaving westwards

Russia needs someone to slap their shit

sigh, is it that time when we all have to pretend to hate russia to backup britain again

Mentally deranged niggas be like

I wonder why you dislike the Polish so much. Must be smth personal. We also have here millions of economical immigrants from East and we are additionally flooded by Western tourists so it is not like you are so exceptional, you know?

Poles are their own punishment, this is why they will always be insecure and complain and compare nationalities and be angry little racists.
People of all mouth and 0 substance

>Things are improving but we still have an unacceptable number of young people leaving westwards

You are not member of EU, so your people dont migrate/circulate even in 1/10 as much as here, i bet. Thats because they need visas and permissions to live and work in the West. Poland was a super-poor shithole in years 1990-2004 but almost nobody was leaving Poland in absolute numbers, only high level professionals who were getting visas. Today are emigrants are mostly the unemployed losers, criminals and homeless, because of crazy policy of EU giving right to Western pensions, Western benefits and Western salaries to _all_ Poles.

Today are/Today our*

Should've typed "educated young people"
And I don't expect us getting into EU any time soon

Cold War, shittier than normal politicians/corruption and this bizzare inability to fess up to shit they clearly did/were involved in.

It's the last one I don't understand. They will never admit to fucking anything, even when it's blatant


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You got any proofs?