How often do you shit every week?
How often do you shit every week?
probably 8-10 times
Twice everyday
six or seven times
once every 2 days.
I shower two times a day.
3-4 times
once every 2-3 days
eat like 3000+ calories every day too, but with working out 3 hours a day i just never have any poo
how the fuck are u even alive?
what you mean, the shit i do take are pretty big and i take laxatives everyday
holy shit dude, don't take laxatives everyday especially if they don't work since you shit only 1-2 times a week
6 times a week
5 to 9 times a week
once or twice per day, depending on what and how much I've eaten
>what you mean, the shit i do take are pretty big and i take laxatives everyday
No you don’t. You can’t possibly be that retarded.
7-12 time a week
Haha India
Once every day.
I only eat once a day
once every full moon
once a day in the morning, the most consistent thing in my life for the past 6 years