The thread for exchange between people who are learning languages.
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Word of the day: Message
Quote of the day: No idea is ever dead until those who believe in it say it's dead.
Yīgè sīxiǎng bù kěn sǐ diào rúguǒ xiāngxìn de rén hái xiāngxìn.
A thought refuses to die if the believer still believes.
>What language are you learning?
>Share language learning experiences!
>Help people who want to learn a new language!
>Find people to train your language with!
Learning resources:
First and foremost check the Jow Forums Wiki. (feel free to contribuite
Check for plenty of language resources as well as some nice image guides.
/Lang/ is currently short on those image guides, so if you can pitch in to help create one for a given language, don't hesitate to do so!
Torrents with more resources than you'll ever need for 30 plus languages:
Google Drive folder with books for all kinds of languages:
I'm alive
>We'll talk later.
>I miss you.
>I need those objects.
>You invited other people.
>That is the truth.
>You're not allowed to smoke in this room.
>She was scared to cross the road.
>My sister married a doctor.
>When to start is the main problem.
>The library is now under construction.
>Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.
>Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no help at all.
>A fresh mind keeps the body fresh. Take in the ideas of the day, drain off those of yesterday. As to the morrow, time enough to consider it when it becomes today.
sorry I looked for a /lang/ didn't see it, so I made one...
german :
bedeuten : meaning
genau : exactly
she got $1m => sie hat $1m bekommen
Hakenkreuz : nazi cross
Judenstern : jew star
>What language are you learning?
I gave up on mandarin. I wanted to learn it to be able to have an average paid job one day, a normal job.
There are so many free things on the internet (I found the best was on youtube), but when you're alone with no deadline, it's very hard.
I like to watch foreign films and all the experience I had learning spoken english through movies, I reuse it for other languages, it's like a detective game, it's fun, I like it.
This way I learnt that "ai" means love in japanese (Love Exposure, 2008)
Recently I learnt the russian cyrillic alphabet, I subscribed to Kommersant news on twitter, I'm happy when I guess the pronunciation right.
I'm Chinese-American, and I'm going to major in Russian / Slavic Studies in the Fall.
I've completed Duolingo + Memrise for German and Spanish, but I don't intend to get beyond passive fluency in those languages.
I like to watch Disney kids songs and opera songs in other languages desu.
If you're having trouble with Mandarin, there's the lang discord that I'm pretty active in. How would you rate your level in Mandarin?
>How would you rate your level in Mandarin?
I peaked when I knew how to say hello and "I don't want". I knew a few written words, like "man" and "woman" and "China".
I'm just an old unemployed depressed (funny) outcast, forget it!
I just wanted to bump a good thread!
>I like to watch Disney kids songs and opera songs in other languages desu.
good idea.
Story of the well-behaved little rabbit
>我想你。Wǒ xiǎng nǐ.
>我要那些东西。Wǒ yào nàxiē dōngxī.
>你请了别的人?Nǐ qǐngle bié de rén?
>这是真相。Zhè shì zhēnxiàng.
>你不可以在这里抽烟。nǐ bù kěyǐ zài zhèlǐ chōuyān.
>她怕转马路。Tā pà zhuǎn mǎlù.
>我姐姐跟医生结婚了。Wǒ jiějiě gēn yīshēng jiéhūnle.
>什么时候开始就是最大的问题。Shénme shíhòu kāishǐ jiùshì zuìdà de wèntí.
>图书馆现在,在建设。>Túshū guǎn xiànzài, zài jiànshè.
>Wǒ xiǎng nǐ.
>Wǒ yào nàxiē dōngxī.
>Nǐ qǐngle bié de rén.
>Zhè shì zhēnxiàng.
>nǐ bù bù kěyǐ zài zhèlǐ chōuyān.
>Tā pà zhuǎn mǎlù.
>Wǒ jiějiě gēn yīshēng jiéhūnle.
>Shénme shíhòu kāishǐ jiùshì zuìdà de wèntí.
>Túshū guǎn xiànzài, zài jiànshè.
this a chink thread now lads
Can I translate in my own language?
>We'll talk later.
On parlera plus tard / À une prochaine.
>I miss you.
Tu me manques.
>I need those objects.
J'ai besoin de ces objets.
>You invited other people.
Tu as invité d'autres gens.
>That is the truth.
C'est la vérité.
>You're not allowed to smoke in this room.
C'est interdit de fumer dans cette pièce.
>She was scared to cross the road.
Elle avait peur de traverser la route.
>My sister married a doctor.
Ma soeur a épousé un abruti.
>When to start is the main problem.
Le principal problème c'est quand commencer.
>The library is now under construction.
La bibliothèque est en travaux.
(...) (maybe cont.)
Serbo-croatian easy
Budemo Pričati kasnije
propustam te
Trebam te stvare
Pozvatao si druge ljude
To je istina
I doubt there are any yugos to correct this but whatever
洋鬼子 btfo
Of course! By translating your own language, you'll be helping people who are learning French. 洋鬼子btfo
Hard one from last thread:
> nothing can compare in beauty, and wonder, and admirableness, and divinity itself, to the silent work in obscure dwellings of faithfull women bringing their children to honor and virtue piety.
여자의 어두운 집에서 충성스러운 아무것도 존경와 경신 선하기 그들의 아이에게 조용하게 가르치는 일의 미과 경외감와 감탄와 신성능력와 못 비교할 수 있습니다.
Can anyone check this?
충성스러운 여자의 어두운 집에서 **
>We'll talk later.
Wir werden später sprechen
>I miss you.
Ich vermisse dich
>I need those objects.
Ich brauche diese Objekten
>You invited other people.
Du hast andere Leute eingeladen
>That is the truth.
Das ist die Wahrheit
>You're not allowed to smoke in this room.
Man kann in diesem Zimmer nicht rauchen
>She was scared to cross the road.
Sie hatte Angst, über die Straße zu gehen
>My sister married a doctor.
Meine Schwester hat einen Ärzt verheiratet
>When to start is the main problem.
Wann es beginnen soll, das ist das Hauptproblem
>The library is now under construction.
Die Bibliotheke ist jetzt im Aufbau.
>Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.
Wer friedliche Revolution unmöglich macht, wird gewalttätig Revolution unvermeidlich machen.
>Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no help at all.
Meistens von den wichtigen Dinge in der Welt sind von Menschen erreicht worden, den wann es scheint, dass keinelei Hilfe sind, hat weiter versucht.
>A fresh mind keeps the body fresh. Take in the ideas of the day, drain off those of yesterday. As to the morrow, time enough to consider it when it becomes today.
Ein frischer Verstand hält den Körper frisch. Nehmen Sie die Ideen des Tages, leeren sie die von gestern ab. Was morgen betrifft, Zeit genug darüber nachdenken wann es heute wird
I guess if you make a new thread you should search the archive for the old one, and copy-paste the OP
I-i thought it would be better than nothing...
kids mandarin song links to pic : chinese lessons through skype.
Gott, wish I had the money!
> 우리는 나중에 말을 걸게.
> 당신을 봐 십어요.
> 저 것을 필요합니다.
> 너는 다른 초대했어요.
> 이 것은 진실이예요.
> 이 방에서 흡연을 하지 않십시오.
> 그녀 두려워하서 못 건너했습니다.
> 재 언니 /누나 /여동생은 의사와 결혼합니다
> 언제 시작하기 가장 문제예요.
> 도서관은 공사중 입니다.
당신을 봐 싶어요 *
당신을 보고싶어요*
Ayy, I shouldn't be making these mistakes.
I would love to hear what you think about this
To be honest, some of them are very hard to understand.
But assuming that you did all that without any help of translator, you’re doing pretty good.
>this one is correct
>당신을 보고싶어요.
>저 것이 필요합니다.
>당신은 다른 사람을 초대했어요.
>this one is correct too
>이 방에서 흡연을 하지 마십시오.
>그녀는 길 건너기가 두려웠습니다.
>제 언니/누나/여동생은 의사와 결혼합니다.
Becareful when you choose between ㅐ and ㅔ
>언제 시작하느냐가 문제 입니다.
I’m not a teacher so I don’t think i can teach you deeper
This is best i could do for you
You’re doing very well!
It's okay, I just thought I'd say it for future reference
Thank you for taking the effort.
I am awfully sloppy for no reason.
Appreciated mate. :D
No problem :)
>Those lives that appeal to us
>With burns and spikes
>Yes but not to live them
>Is still worse than all
Portunon isn't dead!
How are the lang studies going
Doubt that anyone cares about russian, but still
I also suck at transcriptions
>We'll talk later. - Пoгoвopим пoзжe. pogovorim poz'zhe
>I miss you. - Я cкyчaю пo тeбe. ya sku'chayu po tyebe
>I need those objects. - Mнe нyжны эти вeщи. mnye nuz'zhny eti veshi
>You invited other people. - Tы пpиглacил дpyгих людeй. ty priglasil drugih lyudei
>That is the truth. - Этo пpaвдa. eto pravda
>You're not allowed to smoke in this room. - B этoй кoмнaтe зaпpeщeнo кypить. v etoi komnatye zapresh'heno kurit
>She was scared to cross the road. - Oнa бoялacь пepeйти дopoгy. ona boyalas' pereiti dorogu
>My sister married a doctor. - Moя cecтpa вышлa зaмyж зa дoктopa. moya sestra vishla zamuzh za doktora
>When to start is the main problem. - Глaвнaя пpoблeмa - peшить кoгдa нaчaть. glav'naya problema - reshit' kogda nachat'
>The library is now under construction. - Библиoтeкa ceйчac cтpoитcя. biblioteka sey'chas stroit'sya
If I translate the hard ones, it would take up too much space. Also, in order to pronounce them at least kinda correctly, one must learn the alphabet and phonetics beyond the level of simple curiosity.
First time selflearning a language, any tips? Plan on starting to learn Norwegian tonight and would like to eventually be at least C1 within 4 years maybe
In case you're falling for the duolingo meme, it badly explains how definite articles work so I'll tldr this fast (using Swedish words but it's the same idea). You don't say "the noun" but rather tack on an ending depending on the gender of the noun
A dog = en hund
The dog = hunden
A child = ett barn
The child = barnet
Actually these are the same words in Norwegian anyway
Depends on your intuition and perception. There is a chance that you'll be fucking up some basic stuff like pronounciation and complex sentences without some kind of help. But once you get past that point you should have no problem.
Yeah I was planning on taking notes and googling conjugation forms for the first few lessons to get down endings as duolingo doesnt really provide that. I will also look up definite and indefinite articles to write down as well
>eto pravda
>I miss you. - Я cкyчaю пo тeбe. ya sku'chayu po tyebe
why 4 words? what do they each mean?
"po" is a link between "skuchayu" and "tyebe"
Without it it would sound like something along the lines of "me hungry much"
Each word individually will translate as this:
Я - I
sku'chayu - miss (also can be translated as "bored", but it's a matter of context)
po - link word, that is used quite a lot, it is usually just an indicator that a verb is applied to a noun in a sentence. Bezhat' po dorogye - to run down a road. It's also used to indicate quantity of items used when written separately with a word. If it's written like this: lyubit' po-nastoyash'hemu (to truly love), it's a whole other story.
Tebye - you (casual form). "You" in a formal context is "Vam", which is also a plural form for "you".
I got a little bit carried away here, lol.
>I got a little bit carried away here, lol.
Not at all, you're like my russian girl... (strikethrough) -friend.
I'm the kid who can't learn alone.
Wow, I can smell this book just by looking at the pic. Soviet books have that distinct smell of dust, strange glue and old, cheap paper. It still is quite atmospheric.
>We'll talk later.
Puhumme myöhemmin.
>I miss you.
Kaipaan sinua.
>I need those objects.
Tarvitsen noita esineitä.
>You invited other people.
Sinä kutsuit muita.
>That is the truth.
Se on totuus.
>You're not allowed to smoke in this room.
Tässä huoneessa ei saa polttaa.
>She was scared to cross the road.
Hän pelkäsi ylittää tien.
>My sister married a doctor.
Siskoni meni naimisiin lääkärin kanssa.
>When to start is the main problem.
Suurin ongelma ei ole se, milloin aloittaa.
>The library is now under construction.
Kirjastoa rakennetaan nyt.
>Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.
He, jotka tekevät rauhallisen vallankumouksen mahdottomaksi, tekevät väkivaltaisen vallankumouksen väistämättömäksi.
>Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no help at all.
Suurimman osan maailman tärkeistä asioista on saavuttanut henkilöt, jotka ovat jatkaneet yrittämistä, kun mitään apua ei näyttänyt olevan saatavilla.
>A fresh mind keeps the body fresh. Take in the ideas of the day, drain off those of yesterday. As to the morrow, time enough to consider it when it becomes today.
Vireä mieli pitää kehon vireänä. Sisäista päivän ajatukset, ammenna eilisistä. Mitä huomiseen tulee, varaa tarpeeksi aikaa harkitaksesi sitä, kun siitä tulee tänään.
Working through the Radio Ambulante episode "Narco Tours" today.
>algunos de los mas caros tratan de distinguirse prometiendole a los turistas conocer a ex-miembros del Cartel de Medellin.
I personally would not want that. I know they're not the zetas, but they're still some fucking scary dudes, even if they are "ex" members
user I'm sorry I didn't get to study today. I'll do 4 hours tomorrow to make up for it. Soon enough ima post at you with my limited words. Gotta learn a bit more grammar first tho
Daily reminder that you will always be new no matter how how fossilized your dead horse is.
What level should I get before trying to learn from movies, shows, songs, newspapers, etc? I am about high A2 right now
It depends on what. If it's not structured for people learning (ie just regular media in the country) probably B1 at least
German show, simultaneous subtitled in German and English
Some production company for french TV from Brittany (Bretagne) made a documentary film about this book.
It was quite fascinating. Stalin had Gorki lead a team of writers who taught workers how to write about their work. So that Moscow's metro could really become the metro of the people.
It was so successful that the 3d part (only 2 books were published) was banned by censorship.
Especially when you don't speak russian it was very hard to find sources about this. Stalin was all good (propaganda), now he's all bad (propaganda).
eщe (yishie?) => more, in russian. Very common in russian porn, esp. near orgasm.
Perfect example of so stupid he doesn't know he is.
He? Those vocaroos are a girl's vocaroos
Please dont stop this
Thanks for doing this. Я yчy pyccкий язык
I don't know why simultaneous subtitles aren't a standard option on everything. You have Spanish subtitles, you have English subtitles, why can't you give me both at the same fucking time.
Yeah. Stalin actually went from a cult figure to a tyrant really fast. He might have been a paranoid power junkie, but his times were amazingly prosperous for architecture.
Yeah, you're close.
eщё (yesh'yo)
Translates as "more", but could be used as an "and also"
вcё eщё (vsyo yesh'yo) = still
In some cases it would translate as "yet"
portuguese is hard as fuck
aaaaam stupid L*TinOIDS (with the exception of the chad francophones) and their dog r
>Nous allons parler plus tard
>Tu me manques
>J'ai besoin de ces objets
>C'est la verité.
>C'est interdit de fumer dans cette chambre.
>Elle avait peur de traverser la route
>Ma soeur s'est mariée à un médécin
>Quand commencer, c'est le probleme principal
>La bibliothèque est en travaux
>Ceux qui rend impossible la révolution paixable rend inévitable la révolution violente
>La plupart des choses importantes du monde sont faits par des gens qui continuaient à essayer quand on avait l'air de n'avoir aucun esprit
How do you know when to use à and when to use de in sentences like "C'est interdit de fumer dans cette pièce."?
1. I don't think standard subtitling software allows you to do that. It's one language at one time
2. No one except language learning autists even want simultaneous subtitles
>I don't think standard subtitling software allows you to do that.
this is what I'm bitching about
>No one except language learning autists even want simultaneous subtitles
plenty of people want to learn a foreign languages. (maybe not Americans, but people)
Plenty is overstating it. Think of all the foreign people who just want to watch whatever movie in their own language, and compare that to people who actually want to learn a language. You're outnumbered 10,000 to 1
>You're outnumbered 10,000 to 1
Every kid in school is required to learn a foreign language. That's a fairly large segment of the population that would appreciate it if things were made a little easier; even if they don't really give that much of a shit about learning a language it still saves them effort.
Do you sincerely think bongs have any more interest in a foreign language? Not him but the average person except out of necessity doesn't want to learn a language as a hobby
Hmm. I've never seen simultaneous subtitles before, except for music videos with lyrics translated.
I don't think there's much demand for the double subtitle. Just look at this general, even. It dies before 300 replies all the time.
>tfw i watch a pirated movie with hardcoded moonrunes and English subtitles
am i being programed?
>Do you sincerely think bongs have any more interest in a foreign language?
English speakers are generally the least interested in learning a foreign languages. Most people in non-English speaking countries need to learn a little English to be successful, and there are a lot of small countries in the world where learning the language of one or more of your neighbours is a good idea.
>Just look at this general, even. It dies before 300 replies all the time.
Jow Forums is an English language website, and as I said English speakers have the least incentive to learn a foreign language.
You were singling Americans out which is why I replied, not English-speakers in general
> there are a lot of small countries in the world where learning the language of one or more of your neighbours is a good idea
That's an interesting idea ... I'm a fat American though, I don't know how common it is for people to learn neighbouring languages
>I’m a “visual” learner
Do you guys play games in other languages? I started emulating pokemon and it's helping me a ton.
How hard is learning german compared to english?
Less arbitrary bullshit but have fun with adjective declension
Would it be worth it to learn how to mod or design game translations?
Not that hard, provided you actually study (unlike me).
Wir werden später reden
Ich vermisse dich
Ich brauche diese Dinge
Du hast andere Leute eingeladen
Das ist die Wahrheit
Du darfst in diesem Raum nicht rauchen
Sie hatte Angst, die Straße zu überqueren
Meine Schwester hat einen Arzt geheiratet
Wann es zu beginnen ist das Hauptproblem
Die Bibliotek ist derzeit im bau
Die meisten wichtigen Dinge auf der Welt wurden von Menschen erreicht, die es weiter versucht haben, als es keine Hilfe zu geben schien.
Ein frischer Geist hält den Körper frisch. Nimm die Ideen des Tages und lösche die von gestern. I have no idea what the last part means in English
Reposted to fix a typo
Vi ska pratar senare
Jag saknar dig
Jag behöver dessa saker
Jag har bjudit (had to google bjudit) in andra personer
Det är sanningen
Du har bjudit in andra personer* For once I need to do this while not tired.
«Parleremo dopo», although «parliamo dopo» sounds more natural.
«Mi manchi» (quaaaando il sole da' la mano all'orizzoooonte...)
Ho bisogno di queste cose.
Hai invitato altre persone.
«È vero», or even «quella è la verità».
«Non puoi fumare in questa stanza.»
«Lei aveva paura di attraversare la strada.»
«La mia sorella è sposata con un dottore.»
«Il problema principale è quando cominciare.»
«La biblioteca è in costruzione.»
«Quelli che rendono impossibile la rivoluzione pacifica faranno la rivoluzione violenta inevitabile.»
«La maggior parte delle cose importanti nel mondo sono fatti dalle persone che hanno continuato a tentare, anche sembrava che non c'è aiuto nessuno.» Not sure on the ending.
«Una mente fresca mantiene il corpo fresco. Porta le idee del giorno di oggi, spazza le idee di ieri. Su il domani, pensaci quando già sarebbe oggi.» Not sure on that "sarebbe" either, I hate this kind of construction no matter the language.
So my German duolingo tree has been neglected for long enough that I forgot a quarter of it and didn't ever really remember another quarter (mostly vocab but I've been teaching myself german elsewhere anyway). Should I just test out to the bottom of the tree by cheating and just visit whatever lessons I want after?
Pričaćemo kasnije.
Nedostaješ mi. - This one's kinda confusing since we don't say "I miss you" but rather "You're missing to me".
Trebaju mi te stvari. - Trebam would be used if you wanted to say "Ja trebam to da uradim", when you need to do something in the future.
Pozvao si druge ljude.
To je istina.
going to absolutely butcher it
parlieremo dopo
ti mancha
Hai invitato altre persone
Devo quelli oggetti
C'e l'verita
Non ti fumare qui
Era paurato
La mia sorella ha sposata un medico
Cuando a inizia è la primera problema
La Biblioteca a in costruzione
Quasi dell' cosi importanti dell' mundo realizavano di genti ci sono coninuato cuando non c'era alcun aiuto
>Ich vermisse dich
alternatively: "Du fehlst mir."
>Ich brauche diese Objekten
>Man kann in diesem Zimmer nicht rauchen
*Man darf
>Meine Schwester hat einen Ärzt verheiratet
"verheiraten" means "to marry smb to smb else"; what you are looking for is just "heiraten"
>Wann es beginnen soll, das ist das Hauptproblem
An accurate translation of this really depends on the context, but this one is fine.
>Die Bibliotheke ist jetzt im Aufbau.
*im Bau
>Wer friedliche Revolution unmöglich macht, wird gewalttätig Revolution unvermeidlich machen.
However, you should be using "gewaltsam"; "gewalttätig" is used when talking about people.
>Meistens von den wichtigen Dinge in der Welt sind von Menschen erreicht worden, den wann es scheint, dass keinelei Hilfe sind, hat weiter versucht.
>Die meisten wichtigen Dinge auf der Welt wurden von Menschen erreicht, die es weiter versucht haben, als es keine Hilfe zu geben schien.
The second one is almost perfect, but in both cases I have to disagree with the translation of "to keep on trying" as "es weiter versuchen". "versuchen" always requires an object, so it doesn't really fit this particular meaning of "to try". It should really be rephrased to something like "nicht aufgeben" or "nicht klein beigeben". Alternatively, "weitermachen" or "sich weiterhin bemühen" could also work, but it doesn't sound as good to me.
Just trying to be helpful:
>parlieremo dopo
No "i" on the future.
>ti mancha
You're switching subject and object.
Pretend the verb translates to "lack", not to "miss"; I miss you = you lack [for] me = tu manchi mi = mi manchi.
Also, that CH only goes before E/I.
>Devo quelli oggetti
Wrong verb - "dovere" is must/should. E.g. "devo dormire" = I must/should sleep.
Use "avere bisogno" or even "necessitare".
>C'e l'verita
The contraction only goes before vowels, so "la verità".
>Non ti fumare qui
Ditch that "ti". Also, this is literally "don't smoke here", kinda different from "you are not allowed to smoke here".
>Era paurato
Dunno if "paurato" exists but, if it does, use paurata - after all you're talking about a woman.
>La mia sorella ha sposata un medico
For the near past don't use the -a. Just "ha sposato" does it.
>Cuando a inizia è la primera problema
"Cuando" is Spanish, use "quando".
"iniziare" - in general this kind of construction is straightforward: infinitive in English (to something) = infinitive in Italian (something -re)
"Problema" is one of those shitty exceptions - even ending in -a, it's a masculine word. So "il primo problema".
>La Biblioteca a in costruzione
Wrong verb - a/avere is "have", you're supposed to use è/essere here.
>Quasi dell' cosi importanti dell' mundo realizavano di genti ci sono coninuato cuando non c'era alcun aiuto
Quasi = almost. You could use "quasi tutti" (almost everything) instead.
"Mondo", not "mundo".
"Cose" (plural of cosa, thing), not "così" (so, thus, etc.)
"che" (that, as in "I see that you're here"), not "ci".
"Continuato", you missed the T.
"Alcuno". At least in Standard you shouldn't drop the ending vowels.
I'm getting some Lombard or maybe Venetian vibe from your post. Did you learn Italian with diaspora from the region?
I'm taking a shot in the dark and saying I can't just make it reflexive to have an object (sich weiter versuchen or whatever)
There is "sich an etw versuchen" - "to have a go/try/shot at something". But again, it would require an object, and I just can't make that work for me in this specific context.
Alright then, thanks for the replies by the way