So after long and extensive studying of the races in Europe...

So after long and extensive studying of the races in Europe, I have declared that only the circled part in picture related is White.

The Northern Dutchmen and Depigmented Englishmen of Germanic origin appear to be the fairest ethnic groups in Europe without anything too exotic blended in, with the exception being West Asian that I have declared to not be too exotic by White European standards.

This picture is by far the most accurate depiction of the White race in Europe.

Attached: white parts of europe.jpg (2612x3348, 1.07M)

k m8

according to your own maps, the nordic countries satisfy the criteria better than UK?

Yeah whatever, Turk.

False. See all 5 maps.

Oh I see. You arbitrarily discounted the West Asian map so you could exclude them while including the UK even though every other map shows Nords are being whiter.

based and redpilled research, Hitler would be proud

Attached: 3821216263711.png (644x800, 15K)


West Asian is nowhere near as exotic as East Asian. West Asians are almost White, for fucks sake.

No shoo, mutt.

Did you even glance at Estonia?

Your maps literally show Kara Boga's big fat chode about to ram your Dutch ass.