horse edition
Other urls found in this thread:
psycho camwhore melting down here
Welsh subhumans ought to be brought to heel
You arrive in the Strasserist Welsh Ethnostate
>I own a lot of expensive antique furniture
algerian subhuman
the runt post
>I don't really have a favourite genre. I tend to listen to all types of music
Appreciate the Sophie poster. Love gingers, me.
>"What do you mean you don't like brown people? You aren't one of those racists are you?"
Your move?
fat hog
*skins you alive*
>Aucklanders and Wellingtonians are calling us "the regions" again
>Welsh ethnostate
don't think so, racist
I also don't like brown eyed mutts like you.
>they're going to fly some massive trump baby balloon
fucking grow up
Why are they trying to piss off the leader of the most powerful country on the planet, is Khan a literal moron? Trump is going to take it seriously as he does with every other petty insult and probably fuck the country post-brexit even more.
Sick of the so called "leadership" in this country.
here's the new normie trend
literally true though
"That's what Indians smell like."
Eh, couple extra kg ain't that bad. Everything else about her is perfect.
what're some fun browser games we could play lads
embrace it
fuck them cunts they don't know nothign
ah lets just cow tow to drumpf
me in crow form
bigger the hoops bigger the hoe
Why is it so common to see Jow Forums autism in YouTube comments now
Do they not know rule 1
shit taste. brown eyed girls are maximum qt.
horrible. imagine how confused the dog must be. essentially animal cruelty.
what the fuck is the yorkshire accent
Might have a cheeky little tug on the old willy haha ;) xx
wish i'd grown up in a truly rural area instead of the suburbs
want to return to nature
nursing a semi myself xo
Jow Forums is literally 15 year old YouTube commenters
an accent from yorkshire
Feeling a bit deflated lads
Watching Extras to cheer me up x
Eet oot at righ the rug on tint tant tiant tong me xylophone lad
>No 'dora
This insult shall not stand!
I mean I was an obnoxious shitposter at 15 but at least I knew showing that side of my life to the outside world was a bad idea
See it on Facebook too
can anyone remember this film i can't remember the name
it was a cartoon and i think it was a set at christmas
there was a brother and a sister and at the start a doctor comes to the house and says the sister is dying
then they go on a journey or something to stop someone stealing all the christmas presents
Willy will be a bit 'deflated' when I've finished playing with it haha ;) xoxo
Fact: Yorkshiremen Are The Most Powerful Race On Earth
Heh get a load of this drumpfkin lads
Face it, after the balloon goes up, fatbots getting impeached
You are not from Yorkshire are you, it ee bah ekey thump be reyt
Unironically FlyBe
does anyone actually eat their own cum in the 'eat your own cum' threads on /b/?
Polar Express 2: Tokyo Drift
Can’t wait for my holiday
7 months straight of 50 hours a week toil is simply too much
cannot distinguish any british accents from each other. sorry
true actually
a bit gay that
Good post Josie
Morning lids
Virgin Freak: The TV series
can I come?
I did once, tasted like egg whites.
racist freak
dont give a toss about tomorrows matches
sort of hoping belgium win
Southern-Northern relations in one video
Nobody cares
Me on the left.
They did a documentary on me?
where should I marry the theoretical British gf?
reckon they'll let me use Westminster
apparently you can change the taste of it like your diet. fruits are good for changing it, so i've heard.
If you can afford it sure
so northerners are the retards then
Living rent free inside the Southerner's head haha
where are we going?
that one woman yelling "chips and gravehh" gets me everytime
where's your lee rigby gone hahahhaha
Just thought I'd let you know my spirit has been broken
I'm probably infertile already but I'll switching to Bica so I may regain my penile function and possibly attempt to be a normie
I can't get off HRT as I like the changes to my body and couldn't stand growing facial hair again
Imagine my shock.
Kino desu
wait you don't want to be a female anymore?
Righty dokey matey bloke flap old salty seadog amigo skip-jack jockstrap piano tuner.
why do they look so disappointed?
Geneva, Berne, Interlaken, Zurich, Madrid, Valencia
Moving around a fair amount over 2 weeks
Anyone else subscribe to this mongs blog by mistake? How do I unsubscribe?
Genuinely don't care mate
reminder to start streaming american idiot from midnight onwards
drumpf is here next friday