
Comfy Edition

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4-6am is the best time to get comfy inside blanket

save those boys already. they owe me monies

is it not too hot to be wrapped in a blanket?

nah man in here we feel cold if the air below 24 C and you can use sarung or thinner blanket if you feel hot

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The dawn only starts at 5 am, and it feels hot until around 9 am.

>it only rains at night

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A lot of cities are below 20 in the morning

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What's up with Indonesian nu males with pop punk/punk rock and marvel movies? I just checked my old twitter account and all I see is that shit

Why the fuck do they call it global warming if it get colder and colder? I'm freezing right now

Jokowi is a Metallica fan, what else did you expect?

The more accurate term is climate change, not global warming. Also, it's called global warming because the Earth's *average* temperature is rising. Some places get colder, some places get warmer, but generally, the Earth itself is getting warmer.

Great edition.

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Pop punk is good though.

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What's for breakfast /asean/?

Sand niggers in general seem to be really fucking stupid that I can't even pity the ooga boogas anymore.

>be me starting the day with vidya
>Big Retard messages me on Steam
>"Im playing right now, I hate this game very hard to make money"
>I recommend him joining me so I can run jobs for him
>he struggles to even join the lobby, let alone fucking accept game invites, I end up holding his hand into the lobby but he also struggles at accepting a group invite
>1 hour later, he finally succeeds but gets lost in his own apartment trying to find the work room for another hour
>finally, he finds it and we begin with something simple: literally go to point A, steal this, go to point B and win
>Suddenly the Big Retard passes the game to Little Retard who then fucks everything up by taking 2 hours to travel to point A which is really fucking close
>not only that, he can't steal and deliver the shit because he just picks it up, drops it and tries to destroy it before giving up and begins trying to kill me instead
>another hour passes, he then leaves the group in rage and goes bitching to his father that the game is too hard to make money in

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Porridge with some brown sugar

nice personal blog faggot

you guys got shitty weather

>just got accepted for extra role in drama

I'll be on TV next week
Goodbye losers

>stars in drama with joke level title like 'Stawberry and Currypuff'

You're not that far off. It's "Sejuta Rasa Buat Adelia" and does involve food (culinary)

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What show

Which character is you? If you're that lady with the apron, that'll be sick

you have a cute little butt

>browsing Jow Forums while wageslaving
>nobody knows that im slacking off because they dont know what Jow Forums is

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>working hard shitposting while NEETing
>nobody knows I'm working hard cause they don't know what NEET is

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Stupid frog!

great posts

Frogposter > weeb kontol

You actual Thai or a tourist?

problem wagecuck?

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I always knew frog posters are secretly dweebs

Why the fuck does everyone play that shitty song, "syantik"?
It's not even good.

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Lagi pengen dimanja?

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Currently filling survey on e-commerce. lmao this looks like subtle suggestion
>Saya berharap menggunakan e-commerce lagi dalam berbelanja
>Saya harus menggunakan e-commerce lagi dalam berbelanja
>Saya selalu menggunakan e-commerce lagi dalam berbelanja
>Bulan depan saya lebih sering berbelanja menggunakan e-commerce


t. weeb in disguise

if you mean the song by Siti Badriah, well, it sounds like pretty lame reggaetón
btw, i just found out that facebook live video world map, and there are assloads of indonesian people streaming their everyday. is there a way to listen to indonesian (particularly javanese) radio stations?

What are you doing in Mexico?

being a mexican
there's no other place I could make this kind of questions, fampai. and most indonesians don't seem capable of understanding english

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just search in east java


I assume reggaetón has portugal/spanish song influence, right? Dangdut is basically a genre with portugal/spanish song influence.
I only know this one pramborsfm.com/ sadly.

>What are you doing in Mexico?
>being a mexican

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you guys are awesome

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It rain all fucking day here in Baguio every day, like it isn't part of this country. Jesus Christ.

reggaetón is a surviving abortion, created by jamaican dembow and puerto rican laziness
refer to Daddy Yankee for its beginnings, and to Bad Bunny for its current state

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this is awesome site, thanks

Raggeatón is really lame, it sounds like a mixture of really lame tropical house with big room. I mean even moombathon sounds better

Graduated from law yet?

Also, it seems /a/ doesn't like your thoughts on Franxx now.

thanks senpai, listening to some random bandung channel now

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>Graduated from law yet?
Yes. I'm a lawyer now.

>Also, it seems /a/ doesn't like your thoughts on Franxx now.
Yes, I know. I keep seeing may name everywhere, on 2ch, on other boards, even on /sp/ and sometimes someone calls me out on Steam.

I'm a eceleb now.

>lots of English
what did they mean by this

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Hi there!

You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post. Luckily, the users of Jow Forums are always willing to help you clear this problem right up! You appear to have used a tripcode when posting, but your identity has nothing at all to do with the conversation! Whoops! You should always remember to stop using your tripcode when the thread it was used for is gone, unless another one is started! Posting with a tripcode when it isn't necessary is poor form. You should always try to post anonymously, unless your identity is absolutely vital to the post that you're making!

Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my bait to help you get used to the anonymous image-board culture!

SEA is english-abu

they love first world whities

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Fuck you Australia Boomers.
But beyond that, I love Aussies.

NO, we only love their culture and language not the person

we could all listen to the same station

anyone want to do this with me?

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t. someone who never create survey questionnaire

Itu kan ada rangenya 1-5 nah lu pilih yang sesuai karakteristik lu. Emang gitu wordingnya.

Jumatan mandi dulu nggak ya?
Dah jam 11 masih dingin aja.

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Prambors, since there's no genfm there.

Western songs are popular.

Good shit senpai, thanks

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What the fuck are they talking?

>tune into prambors
>it's playing rihanna
fuck off normie scum

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What can we do to make our women meatier /asean/?

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Explain this then

Bandung is English-boo
Try Yogyakarta, east or central java

Prambors is literally Indoneian no1 normie channel. Lots of wagecuck and uni students there. Its their main target audience.

Fuck off Nadeshitko, your show is boring. go back to /a/

>tune into suara indah
>suddenly chinese song

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GenFM is literally the 1st normalfags channel.

breddy good

is this what brunei listen to while murdering criminal scum?

this song has guitar riff like metallica, jokowi be proud of you user

>name is Suyono
>speaks Chinese fluently

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all indon actually self-hating chink

heh nothin personnel gweilo

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idk what language this one is now, is it indon?

sounds like indian vocal with the voice

malay with brunei accent.

God, i love frog poster so fucking much

brunch because I just woke up
Coffee bun and shitty iced coffee
fav online radio site
personally love the sufi radios like the ones in Iran and Sudan

I don't understand the words but I'm 99% certain it's melodramatic romance song

this sounds like an awesome idea, guys. i for one am stuck with this:
which is exactly what I wanted to find. this "collage" of sorts is what got me hooked:
thanks again my famalams

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ok we can listen along together user

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>browse the chan while wagecucking
>they have no clue what the fuck am I looking at

What radio station are you listening to?


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>presenter starts singing
haha I never heard it before

now it's like some electro indian-drum song

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Wow, it's funky, but annoying at the same time.
I kinda like it.

Based Flip

Usually 103.5 K-Lite, Monster RX 93.1, 104.3 FM2, and the occasional 101.1 Yes FM. Also sometimes Radyo Kontra Weeaboo but right now they're down for maintenance.

I didn't know K-Lite was also in Manila. Cool.
Went there as a guest once, when I was a kid.

do a rabb.it channel :^)

dumb tripfag and dumb self involved answer

exactly what I would expect

K-Lite Baguio is apparently different from K-Lite Manila though, since the latter plays 1990s and 2000s hit songs.

what's the point

we can all just listen here

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Oh. Didn't know that. I thought they were the same, when I'm in Baguio, or Manila.


ching chong nip nong
javanese sounds funny

The Baguio one is apparently an affiliate of Voice of America, the one in Manila is a sister station of stations like Magic 89.9.