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cringing at try hard contrarians who are insisting russians are innocent and the poisoning thing is a hoax
there are so many of them

rightcucks still assblasted a hispanic woman won on an openly socialist platform.
How does it feel knowing that the growing non-white demographics vote almost exclusively for left wing candidates? what is the right wing solution to this? Can't imagine how the right cope

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amazing how you can literally the see the oestrogen in people

just move all the shitskins back to where they came from, simple as

10 AM lads
should i get drunk

love this gimmique

>British people are trying to protest the US president
Are these people just so retarded they don't realize the US is a different country or has cosmopolitan globalism really just fucked with peoples heads so much they think were all one country now?

did they even prove it was actually novichok yet? have they found the container or something?

so the solution is authoritarianism

Your little spic gremlin has no power

A film scene that's always bothered me is in The Road, when they discover the cannibals have a basement full of live people who they're eating limb by limb.

Why would the cannibals keep them alive, rather than just killing them and curing the meat? Every second those people live they're expending calories that the cannibals will never be able to recover.

we're all one race, the human race

business idea: let the state do our thinking for us.

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tresor toilets after I destroyed them on the comeup

Hate when girls at the til flirt with me
I just want to buy my things love cheers

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I am and it's nice. I won't be able to drink again until next Friday unfortunately.

>we're all one race, the human race

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ahahahahahahahahah did man feel a bit too warm?

maybe they were also masochists

Reckon Brits would rate my posts if I didn't have a yank flag

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The State of British media
>I stopped going to the gym because of Trump. Now I can't open jars

exactly, there is no solution. Thats why the far right has retreated into enclaves like Jow Forums where they can bitch about blacks instead of actual community organising and changing material conditions. no amount of anime girls with MAGA hats will change the demographic change that help the left wing, iirc something like 40+% of the dems support comes from minorities


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abysmal post

>dead lives matter
ben what the fuck is that even supposed to mean
go home you're drunk.

>That said, they understand neither sarcasm nor facetiousness

american women were a mistake
you can actually destroy both your career and social life by making a joke to one of them

Because Cormac McCarthy is a tryhard edgy hack

had heat exhaustion yesterday, was 32 with the humidity. melted like an ice cube.

wait but moving all the niggers back is a solution that would work

Don't understand why all the fags are acting like Trump is some hardcore anti-gay president when he was the only republican candidate to take photos holding a rainbow flag.

>melted like an ice cube
no you didn't

that's nothing
>Peer-reviewed analysis places the European death toll at more than 70,000.

alternating between the SNP, Siol nan Gaidheal and Scottish Dawn lads.

Dunno if I want left-wing nationalism, strasserism or outright ethnocentric fascism

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please be my friends

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How do you die at 35C? I can understand like 45+ or something but what is it that you're even dying of at 35?

Just murdered a spider with a tin lid and a toothpick.
Killer instinct kicked in when I spotted it then I experiencedthe thrill of the chase to catch the rent free cunt.
Mixed emotions whilst I looked at it try to climb out of the plastic tub and was seriously considering releasing it outside. But then I started to toy with it...
I'll spare you the gory details...

Varg unrionically says being bult-fat is peak european male performance and being cut is for niggers lol
might be a cope cause he has a gut but i'll believe it

just had a sudden urge to learn a foreign european language so i can move there on my own, make friends with the locals sitting out with them at cafes late at night, learn how to ride a scooter, and meet tanned dark haired qts

I remember this on the news, mad stuff
tbf the amount of Australians and NZers who die of skin cancer beats that though (per capita)

anyone want to come out for the footy on saturday?

do you unironically believe this will ever happen? or that it wouldn't result in a civil war? if so, I dunno what to say..


I don't think brits understand how hard it is to talk to women here as you can't make jokes around them or banter with them, you're only allowed a narrow window of pop cultural references and shallow compliments of them

do yanks really say a pledge of allegiance before work/school everyday?

he's probably right

I'd love too, send me a ticket.

were you there mate? no, that's right.
be quiet.

anyone watching this bbc documentary on russian teenage models

fuck off leaf

how bad is skin cancer anyway
heard it has like a 95% survival rate if you get it early but i don't remember

>do yanks really say a pledge of allegiance before work/school everyday?

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you asked me for a solution. sending em back is a good solution. sniveling little lefties like you can leave too

Mad how the USSR put a satellite in space and a man in space before the US.

Never realised the space race wasn't defined as "landing on the moon" until America decided it was.

I think we did the pledge when I was in elementary and middle school but for some bizarre reason I can't actually remember doing it at all or one occurrence of it


don't take orders from a wog, sorry.

well it kills a lot of people here but that's because you can get sunburnt in literally less than 10 minutes so it's worse here

Just sad how university policy has wiped so many lives here. As a Dr he would've saved, on average, 10 or so lives. So the university suspending him from lectures has killed 11 people. Disgraceful

>The sweltering weather began last Friday with temperatures hitting 35C (95F) and high humidity.

>The death toll has climbed every day this week, with most of the victims between the ages of 50 to 80.

what's it called?

t. vlad nevinshov

He says it's more natural and the pure muscular body is just modern nigger shit. He's kinda right in that a body like that really is only possible with modern society where you can focus all that attention, time, and resources to your looks. Vargs body is probably the more natural one, though granted he is older and a younger person would look more muscular than him.

brent mused

>Mad how the USSR put a satellite in space and a man in space before the US.

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Alri Ivan

the US got lucky really

Is it noncey or are they old enough to be considered fit?

>you can get sunburnt in literally less than 10 minutes
so do you have to wear suncream all the time or what? i know about the big ozone hole but that sounds mental
recovering from sunburn just now and it's a bit shit.

believe me you dont want left wing “””””””””””””””nationalism””””””””””””””””””””

We do it in the mornings in school. Outside of that nobody gives a shit. We did it out of habit and tradition in school, nobody really gives it any thought or care.

teen model factory reggie yates

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Toilstein has been progressively changing each morning's pledge, soon everyone will be required to recite SWEAT.

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the USSR was an abject failure you dumb child

right, so cool to see you have retreated into fantasy. Are you not blackpilled? if not I hope you're coping well with the crushing fact that whites are becoming a minority in more and more counties and that nonwhites vote overwhelmingly for 'liberal' policies

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why does everyone that's not white look the same

>heard it has like a 95% survival rate if you get it early but i don't remember

That's only a specific kind (basal cell carcinoma, or BCC), which isn't really used for statistics because it's so routine to remove it (it has ~1% chance of metastasising).

Squamus cell carcinomas and melanomas both have very bad survival rates and are pretty horrible ways to die.

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mutt twat attempting to banter

>bash the fa-

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another irish intellectual power hour. mad paddy is playing his keyboard like a piano here tonight.


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Heard that sun cream gives you skin cancer.

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