Ur country

Ur country
What are your paternal and maternal haplogroups

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idk, but i'm from the old europe part


This is how you know the map is fake and made by a Serb shitter or someone that sympathizes with them. I read a paper on the Vinca sample, only one had I2a and it was from a Corded Ware rapefugee that came from the north. Vinca and Old Europeans were predominately G, H, T, C and E-V13 and J2b2 although minor.

Maternal: H
Paternal: E1b1b

Attached: Haplogroup-E1b1b.jpg (800x581, 118K)

Ydna: R1bL21 from based scottish bull ancestor that traveled to the US in the 1740s
mtdna: i1a1b, farthest back I can trace this is to motherly ancestor in poland around 1850s

living in Canada but from Galicia, Paternal is RP-311 and my maternal is U6a.

XY chromsosme

Attached: 1086 - grw07Ke.png (467x453, 12K)

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That U8 is fucken rare I think. It's most common in Southern Europe.

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Probably most common in the Yurts of Mongolia t.b.h m8

hello wasp man

R1a and H1. But I'm a jew.

i don't know

Afraid it don't work that way, Mordechai

I subscribe to the one drop rule, Ivan, not jewish rules.

Jewish r1a isn't Slavic. It's from Mitanni converts

But do the Levites? That is what matters.

Interesting. My dad is russian though so it's probably slavic.

>my dad is russian
>my mtdna is H (balto-slavic)
>im jewish
Nah bruv you're coming with us to the back of the bus.

Actually Basques.

>U8a: The Basques have the most ancestral phylogeny in Europe for the mitochondrial haplogroup U8a. This is a rare subgroup of U8, placing the Basque origin of this lineage in the Upper Palaeolithic.

Attached: maternal-heat-map-copy.jpg (935x558, 369K)

Is fathers mtdna significant at all?


Based basque sows making the long trek to finland

I have jewish admixture in all the right places. I am a jew. Honestly no idea why anthrotards latched onto haplomemes when they're only useful in an academic setting. No idea what the back of the bus thing is supposed to mean.

>No idea what the back of the bus thing is supposed to mean.
It means that in the new world order, you will belong with the rest of us goyims. You're a "jew" only for as long as the Levites need bean counters and tank drivers. When the battle is won you shall be thrown in with the rest of the cattle.

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