Be Canadian

>be Canadian
>die because it's warm

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There old people

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We'll see how you handle the cold when you and your other 3 dozen siblings move here next year, Mexichink

Covering your windows with tin foil really helps with the heat

>be Filipino
>die of natural disasters

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It's been hovering in the 30-35 Celsius range for the past two weeks here Pinoy, and no one's dying.

Man I love this weather. 36 Celsius walking in shorts with just a tank top, going at the beach, you have that warm feeling surrounding your entire body.

Cold and snowy winters are also nice but the 20 Celsius """summers""" are gay as fuck srsly fuck the normies and fatties complaining about the weather right now

>that 30yo Canadian boomer who dies when it gets warm

The death toll is already at 34.

Attached: death toll canada.png (1020x696, 1.06M)

t. Malik Abdul

>35°C is only 95°F
>this kills the leaf
HAHAHHAHAAHHAHAAHHAHAHAHA leafs really are the weakest peoples in North America

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nice one, fat satan

Attached: fat woja.gif (633x758, 14K)

I-it's the humidity.

>American calling anyone fat
sorry Pedro but I am a hungry skeleton, try again

Iktf it is usually about 75-90% humidity here and gets up to 110°F in the summers. Ages 5-17 playing (american) football and practicing in that heat is so shitty

Is that 110F the "feels like" temperature with the humidity factored in?

I don't care if you live on Venus, 47C is hot no matter what.

>Be Filipino
>Die because your neighbour didn't like you and just claimed you were a drug dealer

Yeah I guess that was the feels like temp, but it did reach over 100°F a few times no feels like

A fair point. Our winters are harsh but predictable and we handle them well. Our natural disasters happen during the warm season; floods, forest fires, heat waves.

>30C is hot

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you are like baby

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ITT: People who wear sweaters at 10 C

t. people who flee to Florida when it dips below 15c
It should be legal to shoot drivers who have Ontario plates

Retired 65 year olds from ronto don't count


but still 33 people, 33 fucking people in Quebec alone. its nuts.

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>night +26

holy shit, literally hell

Flawda is the best state man. Definitely leaving cali for some gator meat

they were all kwebeckers so it's okay

The British one should be bitching about the weather at every degree.

Wait what they said this on the news? 33 people died.. For fucking real?
t. Québécois who didnt knew

they were mostly old people in hospital who were probably going to die anyways
but i'm saying it's because they're weak quebec subhumans because it fits my hardline anti-quebec narrative so

Nobody wanted to inform the actual Québécois because it was celebratory news for everyone else.

Quality bants thanks guys:DDD
Gonna go neck my inferior French speaker genes and pray for the Queen apparently

>elderly Quebecois
Actual Canadians can take the heat

Come home white man

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>Gonna go neck my inferior French speaker genes and pray for the Queen apparently
based and redpilled

I saw the news.
>95 degrees with high humidity in Montreal.
>Old people die because no air conditioning.
Stupid ass people. "It's only hot 2 weeks a year" yeah well buy some fans. It's been 95+ since early June here. When I get in my car after work it registers 105 easily. Canadians, what a load of poofters.

t. Texas, where yes it does get cold and snow every year.