Fix your own dang countries before you come to mine, thirdies

Fix your own dang countries before you come to mine, thirdies.

Don't you have any dignity at all?

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Wow why didn't it occur to anyone before lol?
I guess you just solved global poverty user

Maybe don't vote in cartel-backed governments if you want to act so snide, thirdie.

i don't get why y'all don't just work hard and go to church every day in your own country like we did here. Where are the patriotis? thats what makes this country the best in human history.

Why work in a hot desert when Merket will feed you milk from her titty.

You did fuck all to make your country rich, what makes you think you deserve it more than anybody else? And what's with the slurs?

I bet you don't have any problem with other whites coming in. You're just a closeted racist.

what are you

People don't vote in cartel-backed governments, the governments vote in themselves

A proud future Australian. I'll marry a nice Sino-Australian citizen girl and make many new-Australian children.

Its a bit too hard when pretty much all the institutions are corrupt.

Don't get me wrong, I agree that we have to try and fix our nations before going to other countries and seek shelter there, but just stating "just don't vote for corrupt politicians lol xD" is not a valid answer.

Pretty sure his racism is not in the closet, my Arab friend.

I wouldn't want to make rash accusations off-hand. Marginalizing disenfranchised people leads to radicalization. Racist and xenophobic groups feed off well intentioned but trigger happy activists using the R-word and the S-word on everybody with even the slightest doubt in mankind's shared future together.

brown hands are writing these posts

naw, I'm just waitin for a mate

No shit, you just noticed we have flags? One of these days I'll lose my patience with you wh*Toids




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aren't you second world?

What of it? They look plenty brown to me, white dog.

>Fix your own dang countries before you come to mine, thirdies.

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Is this considered white in America?