Has your country ever been ruled by a dictator?

Has your country ever been ruled by a dictator?

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Hitler and Napoleon I guess.

You could say that. After we got a constitutional monarchy and gave a lot of the power to parliament, the king led a coup d'etat and seized power, dissolving parliament, banned the political parties and restored royal absolutism. This lasted for two kings until one lost a war with Russia and got deposed.

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OP is some assravaged Southfag.

Yes. Several times actually.

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I miss him bros

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Lincoln wasn't a dictator. Eat shit, redneck.

We currently have a dictator from germany

>violating the dignity of the King
Throw this guy in jail.

Oh, so you're like Romania?


I say FDR was the closest we had to one.

>destroyed the US Constitution and states rights and started an illegal war on fellow Americans
>his hired thugs burned whole states to the ground

t. cletus upset about the civil war even though his family was too poor to ever own slaves

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t. confedecuck

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Do it again Bomber Sherman

Yes. All governors during the colonial era basically rules as Autocrats.

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>imprisons political opponents, adjourns congress, suspends habeus corpus

He's just as much of a dictator as Hitler was. The fact that he used legal means through the constitution to give himself emergency powers is literally what Hitler did as well.

>start war you can't win
>waahh, why us?

It was tough, but he did what needed to be done and his peace terms to the South were very very generous considering that a lot of people like Ben Butler and Thaddeus Stevens wanted to just burn the place to the ground and salt the earth ala Carthage.


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>>start war


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So who fired the first shot on Ft. Sumter again?

This was a huge mistake by the Confederates to shoot first. They came off as the aggressor and ruined any chance of European support.

Oliver Cromwell

I'm not defending the south or slavery, I'm just stating that Lincoln's manner of governance during the war by utilising emergency powers was textbook dictatorship, the same method hitler used to elevate himself to power.

Honestly if I was a black man, I'd rather be a slave for a rich white family that treated me nicely and as part of the family, rather than a homeless drug addict living on the street or part of a gang.

>They came off as the aggressor
They were always the aggressors. Beyond the matter of who fired the first shot, the very act of seceeding from the union, of violating it's territorial sovereignty, was in itself an aggressive act.

>a lot of people like Ben Butler and Thaddeus Stevens wanted to just burn the place to the ground and salt the earth ala Carthage
this is what should’ve been done tbqh

I remember being 14.

>people's shouldn't have the right to self-determination and freedom

If you're against slavery but are against state's rights to secede, you're a hypocrite

>cunt that bans A-cup porn

>southern economy all slave based
>union wants to be industrialized
>lincoln wants to free blacks
>this would ruin the economy
this is why the south is still a shithole

>fighting for slavery and fighting against slavery is actually the same

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Based Oliver Cromwell

>>lincoln wants to free blacks

yeah, a long time ago...
polish occupation, nevar forget

Northern industrialists wanted to end slavery so they could get millions of cheap black workers for their factories and mills. That's about the nuts and bolts of it.

Ironically, many of the working class in the North opposed ending slavery for that very reason--a flood of blacks would come up from the South, take their jobs, and drive wages down.

lol wut. he advocated free labor. what are you talking about

Kekkonen had nothing to do with nazis and finland was 100% democratic during ww2

Mannerheim was kind of a dictator.

He instigated the war of northern aggression.

Pretty much for all of history since 1795 to 1990 except for 1918-26 period.

Our early governors were all essentially military dictators

Russia has no dictators. never.

>let usurers back into the country


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the fact our glorious leader does hate gays and criminals doesnt make him a dictator

Злoeбyчий дoлбoёб. КГБ pyкoвoдит eгo cынoк, cлышaл ли ты вooбщe oб oппoзиции и eё cyдьбe в Бeлapycи? Eгo вpeмя дaвнo пpoшлo, нo oн yпopнo дepжитcя зa влacть, дaвя любых кoнкypeнтoв cвoeмy peжимy. Mы - eбyчee пoлицeйcкoe гocyдapcтвo.

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>this home doesn’t call 911

What if you have a heart attack?

Better question would be have you guys ever NOT had a dictator? I think Gorbachev was the only one who came close.

Civil war 2 when?


if there is anything close, it probably the republic times (it was pretty shit, but still), also before aristocracy ellected first Romanov, Russia basically was a republic, just saying

Alexander I was pretty liberal until after the Napoleonic Wars when he turned into a bitter old reactionary/extreme Christfag.


He advocated not touching slavery where it already existed.

>"I have no purpose, directly or indirectly, to interfere with the institution of slavery in the States where it exists. I believe I have no lawful right to do so, and I have no inclination to do so."
>"No person held to service or labor in one State, under the laws thereof, escaping into another, shall in consequence of any law or regulation therein be discharged from such service or labor, but shall be delivered up on claim of the party to whom such service or labor may be due."

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Nope, based Franco was the hero we needed but we didn't deserve him. Now Spain is the poor version of Sweden, what a fucking shit. To think that this was the world greatest power at its height and the country of conquistadors...

Even at its height, all the wealth from the colonies was used to line the nobility and the Church's pockets and never invested in industry or any productive economic ventures.

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>Swede sees a holdout of traditional white people

My country is ruled by dictator now.

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The Republican party as a whole wanted it gone though. The writing was on the wall.

I think the only Polish one we had that could be classified as a dictator would be Piłsudski. The rest belonged to foreign occupying powers.

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They wanted to keep it as is and prevent it's westward expansion.


No. Never.

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Not all crops were slave based

Yes, it's ruled by a Russian one now.

Yeah man, some were cotton based fopr instance.

Putin is just a puppet of oil oligarchs anyway. When he dies/retires, they'll just find a new puppet to replace him.

No, mostly cash crops like cotton, tobacco, etc used slaves.

The South suffered chronic food shortages during the ACW due to most farmland being used for cash crops rather than food.


