
Heroism edition

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Ready to lose tomorrow Englul?

reading up about stuff for work whilst not at work haha

very Jewish post, this

Use a neutral soap. It honestly isn't going to taste much of anything if she's clean.

I’m exactly in the same situation, been thinking about licking the gfs arse for about a year now but I’m not sure how she would react or if I’d even like it

She gets a bit funny when I touch her there and she’s only let me stick my finger up there properly twice

When's the next Scotland match on mate? Been dying to watch it, seems you haven't started yet though bit odd??

I'm Swedish you paki.

get her into the doggy style position and go in without telling her

I suppose it’s not for everyone, and it sounds like your girl has hygiene problems

I love 69’ing and getting right up to her bumhole

Hope France wins. Still pissed about Japan losing so hope Belgium blunders.

Well yeah that’s been the plan but she might be freaked out i dunno

Seething oatnigger, like the sad little child you are

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Lol this bus driver went down the wrong road towards incoming traffic

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Business idea: get the gf to fart into your mouth, then hold it so you can breathe it into hers. I call it 'sexhaust.


Imagine being your first day of a "proper" job and you fuck it up this badly.

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Business idea: public on site jury for diving during football games, those found guilty are shot


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Based Elon

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Omg gay things I am so very irate, I wasn’t meant to live in this time!!!

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I grew up in a little town south of the Kentucky border... things were simple. You tended the farm, raised the herd... and if anyone gave you shit? Son, you beat the fucker down. You were a man. And under that hot alabama sun you learned the values of christ, america, and manhood- the missisipi trio as my pop called it... may god bless his soul...
And a man like me? Well when we weren’t out hunting or at the bar? We watched sport. None of that pussy european shit- real sport, arizona sport. I’d get back home... hang up my duster, cold beer, my girl cooking some fineeee BBQ... and id watch muscular, toned black men. Sometimes they’d collide into each other, sometimes bounce a ball... but they were always fine specimens. I’d watch those darkies sweat and toil for hours... and I’ll admit my loins stirred more than once... called it the texas rise, heh... and when I watched those guys play, my mind... wandered. I imagined them taking my girl... like animals- hoo boy did that get me goin! I remember, in the 12th ad break of the NFL playoffs powered by mcdonalds I’m loving it, right after the arbys presents: the danger kick! I noticed my missus watching those stallions on screen... stroking that pussy of hers. And I tell you what... without a word I drove her down the city, philidelphia- my home- and she made love to every nigger in sight. I milked my johnson more than ever that night. So when you pussy europeans talk about sport... remember what REAL men play

Not sure what the fuss is about

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Welcome to the Pleasuredome

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please go back to adball you obese drone

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God I’m depressed

why wouldnt you send a link

it's just the train, that's it


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So some Navy SEAL died trying to rescue the thai kids.

Americans are just jealous that nobody gives a shit about their boring ass sports.

Don't even get why they ruined their version of rugby.

that just comes off as so fucking annoying
"i am very smart i know what to do :)"

what a world

The UK doesn't have double decker trains at all, and the London Underground and London Overground don't have traditional train seats, just seats along the sides

He a stereotypical "American engineer", know-it-all attitude even though he knows jack shit outside of his domain of expertise.

>double decker buses
>but not double decker trains
really makes me think

Is software dev a good job?

I mean it seems like it can be pretty stressful, the pay seems decent though

Any devs wanna chime in? Fancy doing software eng at uni as a mature student, any advice?

London Underground is old m8, no space for double decker trains

i've actually had this exact discussion on /brit/ before it's because of the height of UK tunnels that limit their trains height

We have double decker trains, but we only have BENDY buses.

software developer at K here (or as you lot would call it 'KPMG')

ask away, runt

*clips toe nails and flicks them at you*

Watched some dutch competition last night where they run up a pole over a small bit of water to land on sand.
Mental stuff.

only reason soccer is popular is because it's a poverty sport

The underground was built for when London was like 20% of the overall UK population, and the north was a hub of economic activitiy too

Now that london is like 50% of the UK population, it's creaking and showing signs of wear

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education? ease of finding a job? is the job stressful?

Just the usual etc, give us a quick rundown on your average day/coworkers

the reason some population groups are predisposed to criminality, lawlessness, tribal behaviours, and other population groups are predisposed to civility, lawfulness, civilisational behaviours is due to one's descent from hunter-gatherer communities and the others' descent from agricultural communities

this is why multiculturalism seems to work when you bring two or more farmer-descended communities together, but when you try and have farmer-descended groups and hunter-gatherer-descended groups live together, you have chaos


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Ha ha .. Limmy-esque ..

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Why do Jocks type like this

Everything that comes before but is bullshit

What do you actually do. Like the technical details.


they're fucking stupid

>I mean it seems like it can be pretty stressful, the pay seems decent though

depends on the company/team. in my last job i was pretty autonomous so there would literally be days where i would just stay at home, do no work, and get paid $38 an hour for 8 hours to wank off and go on /brit/.

with a more organised team on a more structured team the workload can definitely creep up. these days i typically get in at 8:45 and leave at around 5:15-5:30.

the actual difficulty of the work can range from the level of next to nothing to a pretty difficult uni assignment. you have some 'cards' (a unit of work with an estimated amount of time it'll take you) which can almost be copied/pasted that'll be estimated to take you 2.5 days, and others that will be estimated to take you 0.5 a day but you'll end up working on it for a week.

as far as education goes you can't go wrong with computer engineering, software engineering, or computer science. don't do one of those meme degrees like IT. you'll end up no using the vast majority of stuff you learn but if you can learn that it's safe to say you can figure out and learn what's needed in the workplace.

pays great too. at 22 im a mid level developer on 82k a year which is the lower end here in aus (standard rate is 80k-100k). jobs aren't too hard to get either if you look into the right places (small consultancies are always looking for devs).

backend dev working on an internal node product

thinking about arse

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peng submarine-ER

When you say node, is that jargon for programming module/library/whatever or do you mean nodeJS?

Fucking iPhone why can’t I play webbums yet

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nodejs with express


copped the classic 'what are you doing' from kate

not you, kate. not you.

lmao what's it like being a teenage girl?

Learned that shit when it first came out in 2012. People were saying it was going to take over the world. Lol, people still use PHP here. Never used nor ever will use it in my life.

Gonna go to Aldi, anyone want anything?

The UK has some of the most restrictive loading gauges in the world and the oldest railways
Engineers building bridges and tunnels 200 years ago simply couldn't fathom double decker trains
With High Speed 2, they're going to be building it to European loading gauges so off the shelf trains built to European standards can be built instead of custom built trains for the UK's narrow platforms and tunnels

my book finally arrived

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absolute unit

Probably quite nice actually

sounds like hard work with lots of pressure tbf, do you get stressed?

Get me on those prepackaged salads. The veggie one with apples and cheese.

>With High Speed 2, they're going to be building it
yeah alright

£10ph job stacking shelves please mate


>prepackaged salads.

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taking over the world's a bit strong but it's definitely very relevant/popular. has a good rep as the 'agile' programming platform but is definitely not as ubiquitous, as far as the web goes, as php/java/.net

i personally do but i dont think my coworkers do, at least not the same extent. just depends on the person.

well if they build it it will be European Loading gauge up to Manchester

Don’t think we do that here

Don’t get ahead of yourself mate, £8.85 starting

also if you 'learned' that shit when it first came out in 2012 you definitely need to go learn it again as its changed pretty dramatically. es7 has brought a pretty radical redesign to promises which makes it a lot more syntactically elegant to read code

massaging the ol' 'llocks

>eating anything that doesn't come from an animal

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Trick is to not get too flustered about deadlines. If all your coworkers are missing their's it sort of collectively shelters you from toilberg's wrath.

Problem is when you get one of those dumbass nerds who does not understand the unspoken rule and spends 80 hours a week working to get his bit done in time.

Dumbass thinks he's getting ahead, but in reality he is just ruining for everybody including himself.

What about if it's mixed with stuff from an animal