female edition xx
nonce sister fucker
man on the right mogs man on the left
had about 10 wanks to this ones instagram
Just because a tiny bit of the budget went towards helping a black man find social housing doesn't mean taxes are bad mate
The great country you live in is all thanks to effective use of tax revenue
>Oi Boggy! It's coming home, innit?
>4 new /brit/s made in the last couple minutes
No Taxes No Toil
don't like that forehead
This is peak performance
actually shes a brocon
>The great country you live in is all thanks to effective use of tax revenue
Mate, you're bent if you're focusing on her forehead.
ive seen this guy irl several times he's called tango and is at every sheffield wednesday game with his shirt off shouting. he's a club legend
love a big 4head, me
so i can give her good cummies all the live long day.
what age should someone let their kid drink energy drinks?
surely the caffeine isn't good for them
trying LSD for the first time tonight. Have experience with 2c-b
is 150ug a good dose?
3dpd qts
never, and the caffeine's the least of it
be a good father, pl0x
yeah don't get this
Denmark is great because of the oil
decent dose
bear in mind acid doesnt have the stimmy effects of 2c-b
wish I had a portuguese gf
but he looks so happy
was review brah born with suit on?
he looks very anglo, i know that
he could easily pass for one of you bongs
were going on a janny hunt
were going on a janny hunt
were gonna catch a big one
were gonna catch a big one
Why don't you just work hard, pack up and go to America, then? Isn't that what you believe? That you are in charge of your own destiny and that you can accomplish anything with hard work? That you don't need anyone and can do it all on your own? Therefore just work hard, and fuck off to America. Simple as.
You're either an idiot, or you're being very very disingenuous. Saying thinks like 'Just because a tiny bit of the budget went towards helping a black man find social housing doesn't mean taxes are bad mate'. Nobody ever implied anything close to it. It's a complete strawman and either you know and and are being a cunt in which case there's no point arguing or you don't know and are thick as pigshit in which case, there's not really much point arguing because you'll continue to put words in my mouth.
>dude tits lmao
fuck off virgin manchild freak
>sugar tax
>have to look over 25 to buy energy drinks
nanny state does parents job for them
damn,,wish a more women look like this, so natural
beat my dick raw like 6 times in one day and then meditated for a week
no he got progressively more pimp as he got older
ill put something else in your mouth
You mean he's a ginger, lol. Most anglos aren't ginger. And gingers look the same elsewhere too.
the most effay lads in the country and on the planet
well it's hard to assume what your argument is when all you do is quote my post with a laughing picture mate
no, i don't mean that at all. and he doesn't even have red hair so what could you possibly be talking about?
ooh hes looking sharp there
Her necklace signals so be she is into being chained up.
It's entirely true though. If you get a Ph.d or a highly sought after MSc. it's piss easy to get into America for the low taxes and what not.
So why isn't he doing that?
>implying some kids don't just steal when they horde into shops at lunch time
god imagine how pathetic you'd have to be to wank to birds on adultwork haha
i just wanted to be rude to the people making long posts, i didn't read it
he looks like his mum drank when she was preggo
he finally found a suit that fits
>Research suggests the family of Anne Frank, the world famous Jewish diarist who died in the Holocaust, attempted to immigrate to the United States and later also to Cuba, but their efforts were thwarted by America’s restrictive immigration policy and the outbreak of World War II.
I'm implying the statement you made that implied 'you know your tax money is being spent on something good' is a crock of shit because a huge amount of tax money goes to terrible things like foreign wars, humanitarian foreign 'aid' (which does nothing but line the pockets of dictators) and into an inefficient beurocracy that is in place in every country (especially those contributing to the EU). Nowhere in the world can you pay tax and say 'well at least i know it's going to something good', in most places I'd say ovber 50% of it is going to something bad or being wasted by inefficient idiots who don't really care because the government is footing their bill. You ignore this though, because you scapegoat the entirety of bad or inefficient government spending as 'well yeah just cause you're racist mate doesn't mean we all are go socialism!'. All this is based off the back of your argument that rent is why London is unsafe when crime statistics would beg to disagree, it's because of the non-whites and that is VERY clear.
smelly idiot
I've never seen a 6'5"+ guy that looked athletic
they either look bloated like those icelandic weightlifters or lanky and saggy like NBA dribble apes
Their heads are normally in the clouds.
coping in progress
I like my women how I like my political commentators
Black, Based, and Redpilled.
I am 6'3"
I don't need to cope
>Research suggests the family of Anne Frank, the world famous Jewish diarist who died in the Holocaust, was killed by nazis like Donald J Trump and his army of violent, evil, racist supporters.
Would be funny to jump headfirst into his jaw.
t. 5'7"
Who the fuck is this Danish runt posting literal excerpt from his novella?
Watched when Phelps and Shaq did a mock challenge where Shaq tried to out swim him. Phelps was very uneasy the hole time cause he's not used to getting mogged that badly by anyone. Shaq is just better than him in all regards: much taller and stronger, much more famous, much richer, much more beloved.
i'm 6'5 about to fucking cry about another guy, but this is golf wang do or die
love kpop
hate south americans
simple as
shaq has a small penis tho
what if those thai lads die in the cave while still virgins?
Pump up the volume.
won't be different to how most /brit/ users will die
Don't think that matters when you are at his level. He could literally have a vagina and women wouldn't care one bit.
where's the after pic?
thats peak for them brotha
Still a whale.
he's a recurring character who trolls around for an argument then spends hours passionately advocating for libertarian policies
has anyone else ever tried to appreciate the "nose" of a monster energy drink?
Trump is an opportunist NAZI. He has no strong believes either way, but he is surely being opportunists with a NAZI movement.
Lots of people within the NAZIs in WWII were the same way.
if i breathe in too much fizzy air it makes me hiccup
steve1989 > reviewbrah > townsends > joeyworldtour
this is the tier list
its these threads that make me want to be a white woman for my gf
might cop a double down from KFC later
good for him
big forehead is the sign of a strong white European you dirty mutt
Drinking a Rodenbach Grand Cru lads
is that the thing where it uses more meat instead of a bun?
ate at KFC once, it was almost entirely black and Arab people, and it was greasy and tasteless
waiting til the match before i open my first stella
>beer in a wine glass
*hits the poof alert*
who you rooting for?
According to the Metropolitan Police, moped crime has risen 10x in London since 2013.
Nearly 18,000 incidents of moped crim in London
how expensive is it to install your own beer tap?
not actually sure
i loved the way france beat argentina, so my heart is with them
but i think we'd stand a better chance against uruguay if it came to it, so my head is with them
*blocks your path*
$300 in food safe copper tubing and fittings I reckon
Do the labour yourself unless you're a poof or a woman.
now imagine her pregnant with your child
france and lelgium respectively